Game Identity – Arma Reforger

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A Game Identity is a game-related identity that is attached to the person playing.


  • Game Identity: a Game Identity is created for each game-platform combination on first network connection (Steam or Xbox) - there can be multiple ones for one player using multiple platforms.
  • Bohemia Interactive Account: a Bohemia Interactive Account is the general Bohemia Interactive account - there can be only one per player.

A Game Identity can be linked to a Bohemia Interactive account.

  • Two Game Identities (from two different platforms) linked to the same Bohemia Interactive count as one and the same person and can therefore not connect to the same server.
  • It is not possible to link the same platform type multiple times to a Bohemia Interactive account (e.g only one PC Game Identity, one Xbox Game Identity).
  • It is not possible for the end user to unlink identities from a Bohemia Interactive account.

Linking example:

Step Event
Play Arma Reforger on Xbox A Game Identity is created on backend's side
Link the Bohemia Interactive account The Bohemia Interactive account is linked to the Game Identity
Play Arma Reforger on PC A Game Identity is created on backend's side, without BI account information
Link the Bohemia Interactive account Bohemia Interactive account identical information is detected and the Game Identities are now related.

As of now, the Arma Reforger Steam Identity takes precedence over the Xbox one for Workshop publishing purpose.


The local player's Game Identity ID can be obtained (on clients only; dedicated servers do not have identities) using cBackendApi.GetLocalIdentityId().

A player's Game Identity's ID can be obtained server-side in script using cBackendApi.GetPlayerIdentityID(int iPlayerId).

Bohemia Interactive Account ID and platformUID (SteamID, XboxUID) are not accessible by script.