Known Issues – Arma Reforger
From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Players can switch groups when respawning
- Jerrycan dropped from hand cannot be refueled
- Players are unable to enter some machine gun turrets
- Vehicles don't take damage reliably on a dedicated server
- Weapon is not placed in hand while vaulting low obstacles
- Some fortifications get deleted on the server after placement
- Controller: Cursor can't be moved on the map with a controller
- Using two controllers at once breaks the mouse inputs in the inventory
- Some items in the inventory can look blurry and have a low poly texture
- Leaving a flipped vehicle can sometimes place a player under the ground
- Doors are always visually closed after reconnection or joining in progress
- Building previews are rarely visible for players without an equipped shovel
- Characters can float stuck in the net after exiting some machine gun turrets
- Dropped items while having full inventory are invisible to clients on a server
- Player statistics on the debriefing screen are reset if reconnecting to a server
- Characters are not colliding with helicopter blades when standing on top of them
- The supply amount does not update in the open inventory when using an arsenal
- Players are sometimes unable to inspect weapons when in third-person view and using ADS
- Players automatically reconnecting back to the servers are not regaining their roles in the group
- It is sometimes impossible to load and unload supplies into the vehicle next to the supply points
- Players can sometimes join the wrong server because of the mouse highlight when confirming joining
- Injuries visuals are removed upon unequipping of gear from the same character slot where injuries are present
- Vehicles are sometimes unable to change gears when the Vehicle driving assistance is set to Full
- Players need to change the Vehicle driving assistance to NONE or PARTIAL, drive a little, and after that switch back to Full assist mode
- Players are unable to remove wounded soldiers from some vehicles:
- Sarka 105 - All seats
- Sarka 1203 - All seats
- UAZ - 469 - Gunner seat
- Mi-8 Armed - Gunner seats
- UH-1 Armed - Gunner seats
Combat Ops
- Players are sometimes not able to destroy Antenna
- Clear Area missions sometimes do not progress properly when playing on the Arland map
- The Officer in Eliminate Task in Saint Pierre can leave the location and get lost in the area around, making it hard to finish the task
Game Master
- Players getting killed by the Game Master are punished for suicide
- AIs are sometimes unable to follow players through a forest or build a base
Server Config
- The crossPlatform server config parameter does not work and the server will not launch with it. Instead, supportedPlatforms with specific platforms must be used.