Notification Creation – Arma Reforger
This page explains how to create and declare a new notification for it to be used anywhere.
Enum Declaration
Open the ENotification enum and add a new entry to the list. Make sure that it has a unique int assigned to it! Also please add a description to it so people know what the notification is about and what variables it needs.
Config Modding
Notifications are configured in Notifications.conf. This config holds all the notifications and is added to the PlayerController.
Add a Notification
Press the + button to add a new notification to the config.
Below is a list of most of the notification classes (some may be missing and classes for specific notifications will not be included). Use this table to choose the correct Class and add it to the list. Outside of Game Master you would most likely need one of the following:
Class | Description | Parameters | Format | Code Example |
SCR_NotificationDisplayData | A simple notification targeting nothing and displaying text | None | N/A | |
SCR_NotificationEditableEntity | A notification that can hold the data of an EditableEntity |
SCR_NotificationEditableEntityEditableEntityTarget | A notification that can hold the data of two EditableEntities |
SCR_NotificationEditableEntityTargetPlayer | A notification that can hold the data of an EditableEntity and target Player |
SCR_NotificationPlayer | A notification that can hold the data of a Player |
SCR_NotificationPlayerAndFaction | A notification that can hold the data of a Player and its faction |
SCR_NotificationPlayerTargetEditableEntity | A notification that can hold the data of an Player and target EditableEntity |
SCR_NotificationPlayerTargetPlayer | A notification that includes a Player and target Player |
SCR_NotificationNumber | A notification that includes a number (int). |
SCR_NotificationsComponent.SendToEveryone(ENotification, number);
// up to
SCR_NotificationsComponent.SendToEveryone(ENotification, number1, number2, number3, number4, number5); |
SCR_NotificationPlayerAndNumber | A notification that includes the player name and a number (int). |
SCR_NotificationsComponent.SendToEveryone(ENotification, PlayerID, number);
// up to
SCR_NotificationsComponent.SendToEveryone(ENotification, PlayerID, number1, number2, number3, number4); |
Set the Key
Now scroll to the newly created notification and set the Notification Key to the enum created earlier. Each notification needs to have its own unique key as it is used to get the Notification information from a database.
Fill the Info Class
Next up click the button to create the Info class. There are currently three classes from which to choose.
Class | Description |
SCR_UINotificationInfo | The default notification |
SCR_ColoredTextNotificationUIInfo | Similar to the default notification but the text can be colored |
SCR_SplitNotificationUIInfo | A split notification. It has text left and right of the icon. Think of a "player kills player" notification, e.g: "PlayerKillerName" [Icon] "PlayerKilledName".
This one has some additional logic to it explained in Notification Color. |
The Name variable is the actual notification that you want to display. What format you can use depends on the class chosen earlier.
For example:
- SCR_NotificationDisplayData - only takes plain text
- SCR_NotificationPlayer - displays %1 as player name
- SCR_NotificationPlayerTargetPlayer - displays %1 as player name and %2 as target player name
Variable | Description |
Notification text color | Works the same as the notification colour. Takes a ENotificationColor and instead of colouring the widgets it will color the text. |
Variable | Description |
Name | Unlike the default notification the Name in the UI info is the left side of the split message. The center is the icon and right is the right message. It still works similar to the normal message and can take params. |
Split Notification Right Message | The right side of the split notification message. It still works similar to the normal message and can take params. |
Left notification Text color | Works very similar to Notification text color in the ColoredTextNotificationUIInfo as it will color the text but only the left part. If using any faction colored it will use Param1 to check faction color instead of using param2 (target). Only relevant for targeted notifications. |
Right notification Text color | Works very similar to Notification text color in the ColloredTextNotificationUIInfo as it will color the text but only the right part. If using any faction colored it will use param2 (target) to check the color. Only relevant for targeted notifications. |
Replace Left Color With Right Color If Factions Are Ally | A mouthful but as descriptive as they get. If any of the FACTION specific ENotificationColor enums are used it AND there are two entity targets (player or other entity) then it will check. Is param1 entity an ally of param2 entity. If they are allied then the color of param1 becomes the same as param2. This is to show for example teamkills. |
Notification Colour
Notifications colours are listed in an enum found in ENotificationColor. The enum is a key used to get the information data. In general the colors are straightforward though the FACTION_RELATED_FRIENDLY_IS_NEGATIVE and FACTION_RELATED_FRIENDLY_IS_POSITIVE have some additional logic attached to them - see below.
Enum Value | Description |
NEUTRAL | A neutral-coloured notification |
WARNING | A warning-coloured notification |
POSITIVE | A positive-coloured notification |
NEGATIVE | A negative-coloured notification |
GM | A Game Master-colored notification which all players can see |
GM_ONLY | A Game Master-only coloured notification which all Game Masters can see (and only them) |
FACTION_FRIENDLY_IS_NEGATIVE | If using Notification class that has a player or EditableEntity then it will check is the Entity faction (or if there are two entities then the target entity) is friendly to the player that receives the notification.
If friendly the notification will get the NEGATIVE color else it will get POSITIVE. If either the player that receives the notification or the entity that is checked has no faction then it will display NEUTRAL. Think of "player died".
FACTION_FRIENDLY_IS_POSITIVE | If using Notification class that has a player or EditableEntity then it will check is the Entity faction (or if there are two entities then the target entity) is friendly to the player that receives the notification.
If friendly the notification will get the POSITIVE color else it will get NEGATIVE. If either the player that receives the notification or the entity that is checked has no faction then it will display NEUTRAL. Think of new player joined the same faction as the player that receives the notification.
FACTION_ENEMY_IS_NEGATIVE_ONLY | Similar to FACTION_FRIENDLY_IS_NEGATIVE but will set color to NEUTRAL if faction is not friendly |
FACTION_FRIENDLY_IS_POSITIVE_ONLY | Similar to FACTION_FRIENDLY_IS_POSITIVE but will set color to NEUTRAL if faction is not friendly |
Editor Set Position Data
This is an editor only setting and will essentially allow the Game Master to move to the notification's target. This is really only relative if the notification has a position attached to it or an entity (Player or EditableEntity). In most cases it is fine to keep it on default: AUTO_SET_AND_UPDATE_POSITION. The table below explains what each means.
Enum | Description |
AUTO_SET_AND_UPDATE_POSITION | If the notification has a target then the position is set and updated; if the target moves, so does the location attached to the notification.
If the Game Master clicks on the notification the camera will go to the current location of the target. |
AUTO_SET_POSITION_ONCE | The position of the notification is only set once when the notification is created and will never update.
This is used for notifications such as "Player died". The Game Master does not care about the current location of that player but would want to see where the player died. |
NEVER_AUTO_SET_POSITION | Never set the notification position. This is used for positionless events, e.g if a player joins or leaves - the position is irrelevant and does not need to be set. |
Send Notification
The only thing left is sending out the notification now that the notification data is created.
To do this call one of the following SCR_NotificationsComponent methods:
Method | Server Only | Description | Parameters | Example |
cSCR_NotificationsComponent.SendToEveryone(); | ![]() |
Sends to notification to every player |
cSCR_NotificationsComponent.SendToPlayer(); | ![]() |
Send the notification to specific players |
cSCR_NotificationsComponent.SendLocal(); | ![]() |
Sends the notification locally |
cSCR_NotificationsComponent.SendToGameMasters(); | ![]() |
Sends the notification only to all game masters |
cSCR_NotificationsComponent.SendToGameMastersAndPlayer() | ![]() |
Sends the notification to all game masters as well as the given player ID regardless if it is GM or not |
SCR_NotificationsComponent.SendToGameMastersAndPlayer(PlayerID, ENotification, NotificationParameters); |
cSCR_NotificationsComponent.SendLocalGameMaster(); | ![]() |
A combination of cSendLocal() and cSendToGameMasters(). Sends the notification local but player will only receive it has GM rights |
cSCR_NotificationsComponent.SendLocalNonGameMaster(); | ![]() |
Similar to cSendLocalGameMaster() but the player will only receive the notification if they are NOT game master |
cSCR_NotificationsComponent.SendToGroup(); | ![]() |
Sends a notification to all players in a given group |
Create a New SCR_Notification
It is possible to create a new notification class by creating a class that inherits from SCR_NotificationDisplayData. This class already has a lot of function most of which you do not have to worry. Below in the table you find three of the most used. In general however you can simply inherit from SCR_NotificationPlayer, SCR_NotificationPlayerTargetPlayer or SCR_NotificationPlayerAndFaction and override the cGetText() method.
Method | Description |
cGetText() | This returns the string that is actually displayed and sets the correct formatting such as getting the player name and adding it.
Simple example of SCR_NotificationPlayerTargetPlayer: This sets %1 to the name of the player with playerID and %2 to the name of the player with playerTargetID. |
cSetFactionRelatedColor() | If the FACTION_RELATED_FRIENDLY_IS_NEGATIVE or FACTION_RELATED_FRIENDLY_IS_POSITIVE colors are used then the notification needs to know what they need to check against the notification receiving player faction.
int playerID;
data.SetFactionRelatedColor(GetFactionRelatedColorPlayer(playerID, m_info.GetNotificationColor())); ColoredTextNotifications and SplitNotifications have additional logics for these where they can set the faction color of texts. Check SCR_NotificationPlayerTargetPlayer for an example. |
cSetPosition() | Editor only, to help out the editor team make sure that the entity position is set or inherit for example from either SCR_NotificationPlayer or SCR_NotificationPlayerTargetPlayer which sets the position of the player if the first (or second) parameter is a playerID.
Here is the example found in SCR_NotificationPlayer: |
Select Notifications.conf in the Resource Browser and open the Localisation Parser plugin by pressing Ctrl + Alt + L (or click on it in Resource Manager's Plugins dropdown menu).
This opens a window where the Config Path field should aim at Editor.conf.
Clicking Logs simulates the localisation process and logs results and warnings in the Log Console (press F1 to display it if hidden).
Clicking Localize' will edit the translation, taking the values originally set in the field to the EN-US translation field with a new localisation key (e.g PREFIX-Notification_ENUM_NAME).