Script Editor: Basic Code Formatter Plugin – Arma Reforger
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Basic Code Formatter |
Script Editor plugin |
A plugin to help formatting code and following conventions and good practices |
Basic Code Formatter is a plugin that helps formatting code to Bohemia Interactive standards as well as warns for bad practice.
It features:
- General space formatting
- Line end trimming
- Indentation fix from spaces to tabs
- Method separator fix
- Auto line end at the end of the file
- Scripting prefix check
- Batch processing (all addon scripts at once)
- The option to only formats modified lines (if using SVN/Git)
- Bad practice warnings
- A demo mode to practice in read-only.
It is triggered by Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + K; depending on the selected options, it will either process the current file or the selected addon's files.
It can:
- trim line ends (trailing spaces and tabs)
- fix indentation (turn four spaces into a tab, remove extra spaces)
- auto-format method separators - all it takes is c//--- three dashes
- do general formatting:
- remove semicolons ; after a class-closing bracket
- if( / while( / foreach(, etc
- double spaces, double semicolons, capital NULL, etc
- add a final line return to the file
It warns about:
- wrong syntax (e.g new ref)
- improvable syntax (e.g array<string> strings = new array<string>(); can be reduced to array<string> strings = {};)
- multiple empty lines
- usage of the auto and autoptr keywords
- divisions that could be multiplications (e.g value
/ 2 is value * 0.5), as multiplications are usually cheaper in term of CPU - unbracketed loops (if, for, foreach, while)
- if one-liners - always put the "then" part on a new line
- badly named variables and constants (e.g string m_iValue where the prefix for string is s - see Values - String)
- ScriptInvoker direct usage (see ScriptInvoker Usage)
- a forgotten Print() call (a Print/PrintFormat without log level is considered a temporary debug one)
- non-tag-prefixed classes/enums (e.g EMyEnum vs TAG_EMyEnum)
- some spelling mistakes in comments (e.g "solider", "overriden", "dammage"...)
Before | After |
class abc:Managed // must warn for non-prefixed class + must space around ':'
[Attribute()]; // must remove the semicolon
protected ScriptInvokerVoid Event_OnSomething;
protected static string m_sValue;
// must fix the separator (below)
protected void Method()
{ // must replace 5 spaces by one tab
if(true ) return; // must reformat the if and warn about one-liner
// must warn about two empty lines (below)
// must remove trailing empty space (below)
// must remove the final semicolon below
// must add a line return (below)
class abc : Managed // must warn for non-prefixed class + must space around ':'
[Attribute()] // must remove the semicolon
protected ScriptInvokerVoid Event_OnSomething;
protected static string m_sValue;
// must fix the separator (below)
protected void Method()
{ // must replace 5 spaces by one tab
if (true) return; // must reformat the if and warn about one-liner
// must warn about two empty lines (below)
// must remove trailing empty space (below)
// must remove the final semicolon below
// must add a line return (below)
Changelog | |
SCRIPT : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SCRIPT : SCR_BasicCodeFormatterPluginExample.c - 7 lines changed, 1× line trimming, 1× indent fix(es) at line(s) 11, 5 formattings, 1 end spaces trimming, 1 4-spaces indent -> tabs replaced, 1 space(s) in indentation removed, 1 method separators fixed, added final newline (read: 3 ms, format: 83 ms, diff: 81 ms - total: 167 ms) SCRIPT : Checking all 20 lines (100% of the file) SCRIPT : 1× multiple consecutive empty lines found at line(s) 14 - leave only one SCRIPT : 2× badly-named variables found at line(s) 5-6 - use proper prefixes: m_s for ResourceName/string, m_v for vectors, NO m_p, CASED_CONSTS, etc SCRIPT : 1× non-prefixed class/enum found at line(s) 1 - classes and enums should be prefixed; see the settings to setup accepted prefixes (current SCR_) |