Script Editor: Fill From Template Plugin – Arma Reforger

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Fill from Template

Script Editor plugin

Ctrl + T

A plugin to help create a script skeleton based on templates

File: SCR_ScriptTemplatePlugin.c

Fill from Template is a plugin that allows adding content to a file (empty or not) based on the selected template. This is useful to gain time by automatically preparing a class to be e.g a Workbench plugin and respect standards (e.g ending with "Component" for a component).


  • Class Type - can be one of:
    • None - a normal class
    • Entity - a World Editor entity
    • Component - a scripted component
    • WidgetComponent - a widget component
    • ScriptInvoker - a script invoker
    • ScriptedUserAction - a user action script
    • UIMenu - a UI menu script
    • ConfigRoot - a config
    • WorkbenchPlugin - a Workbench plugin (any editor)
    • WorldEditorTool - a World Editor tool
This type is defined by the SCR_EScriptTemplateType enum.
  • Class Name - if left empty, it will use the file name
  • Parent Name - if left empty, the class does not inherit from anything unless the template mentions an inheritance
See the Template config (ScriptTemplateConfig.conf, an array of SCR_ScriptTemplateConfigEntry) to know more about Template configuration.

See Also