Scripting: Config Object – Arma Reforger

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Config Base Container Class

A BaseContainerProps attribute tells the Workbench this class serves as a blueprint for the Config Editor.


The usage of a BaseContainerProps class decoration is required for the class to be visible and editable in the Config Editor - see Examples below.

The minimum required attribute usage is

[BaseContainerProps(configRoot: true)]

for the base object Config to be visible in the Config creation process.

A class inheriting a decorated one must be decorated as well in order to be usable.

It accepts the following parameters:

BaseContainerProps( string category = "", string description = "", string color = "255 0 0 255", bool visible = true, bool insertable = true, bool configRoot = false, string icon = "", NamingConvention namingConvention = NamingConvention.NC_MUST_HAVE_GUID)

A class name display is defined as follow:

  • if the class uses a name instead of a GUID (see NC_MUST_HAVE_NAME), the name is displayed - otherwise, the classname is
  • the class can use a custom name with the usage of an additional decorator such as cBaseContainerCustomTitle or one of its children
Parameters Description
Parameter Type Description
category string The class's category - only useful in World Editor plugins definition.
description string The class's description - only useful in World Editor plugins definition.
color string The class's colour in RGBA format (Red Green Blue Alpha) in a 0..255 range - only useful in World Editor plugins definition.
visible bool The class's visibility - only useful in World Editor plugins definition.
insertable bool
configRoot bool Define if the class is selectable when creating a new Config.
icon string The class's icon - only useful in World Editor plugins definition.
namingConvention enum See the NamingConvention enum.

Possible values:

  • NC_CAN_HAVE_NAME: Internal use.
  • NC_MUST_HAVE_NAME: Force providing a name on object creation (whether a class or an array of them) instead of having an automatically generated GUID. The displayed object name is then the entered name.
  • NC_MUST_HAVE_GUID: The default value - the Workbench generates a GUID for this config entry. The displayed object name is then the classname.


The usage of an Attribute member variable decoration is required for the value to be visible and editable in the Config Editor - see Examples below.

The minimum required Attribute usage is c[Attribute()].

A variable's display name is deduced as follows:

m_iMyVariable is split by removing m_ (conventional name prefix for a member variable), i (optional, additional prefix for variable type - see Values - Types) and splitting the remaining part using the capital letters: here My Variable.

It accepts the following parameters:

Attribute( string defvalue = "", string uiwidget = "auto", string desc = "", string params = "", ParamEnumArray enums = null, string category = "", int precision = 3)

Parameters Description
Parameter Type Description
defvalue string The default value. It is always a string, even in the case of a boolean ("0", "1", not "false"/"true"), a number ("5678", "12.34") or a vector ("0 0 0").
  • There is no way to set the default value of an object
  • There is no way to set the default value of an array, only of its new item.
uiwidget string The Widget type to be used. It can be forced to whatever wanted. Note that not all widgets fit all variable types. See the UIWidgets class.
In the case of an array, the value will define the UI for the items, not the array itself.
Value Description Compatible With
bool float int string vector
Attribute Type Default UI Widget
bool Checkbox
int SpinBox
float EditBox (numerical version)
string EditBox (text version)
vector Coords
array Array Widget and item type Widget
Color ColorPicker
ResourceName ResourceNamePicker
Checked Checked Checked Checked Checked
Hidden Does not display the field. N/A
None Identical to Hidden. N/A
ColorPicker A colour modification UI. Clicking the colour rectangle will display the colour picker, allowing to set values in many ways. cColor
ResourceNamePicker Allows referring to a resource of any kind. cResourceName
ResourcePickerThumbnail Allows previewing images and textures - to be combined with edds and/or imageset params Attribute parameter. cResourceName
FileNamePicker Internal use. N/A
ResourceAssignArray Internal use. N/A
Date Range 01/01/2000 00:00 → 31/12/2063 23:59 UTC Time (e.g 01/01/2000 01:00 in Western Europe) Unchecked Unchecked Checked Unchecked Unchecked
Graph Internal use. N/A
Font Internal use. N/A
FileEditBox Internal use. N/A
SpinBox A numerical, editable up-down field. Unchecked Checked Checked Unchecked Unchecked
ComboBox A combo box that opens and allows to pick one value among a selection. Unchecked Checked Checked Checked Unchecked
EditComboBox Unchecked Checked Checked Checked Unchecked
SearchComboBox Unchecked Checked Checked Checked Unchecked
LocaleEditBox Internal use. N/A
EditBox Unchecked Checked Checked Checked Unchecked
Checkbox Checked for true, unchecked for false. Checked Unchecked Unchecked Unchecked Unchecked
Slider A click and drag allows to set the value on the slider; a click on the slider itself allows to type in the wanted value. Unchecked Checked Checked Unchecked Unchecked
Flags Offers checkboxes for each enums provided. Power of two values are recommended, e.g:

enums: { ParamEnum("First flag", "1"), ParamEnum("Second flag", "2"), ParamEnum("Third flag", "4"), ParamEnum("Fourth flag", "8"), // etc }

Unchecked Unchecked Checked Unchecked Unchecked
Button Internal use. N/A
Script Internal use. N/A
EditBoxWithButton Internal use. N/A
LODFactorsEdit Internal use. N/A
Object Clicking the "set class" button creates an instance allowing to set its values (if any). All objects
Coords Clicking an axis letter and dragging left or right changes the value. Unchecked Unchecked Unchecked Unchecked Checked
Range Internal only. N/A
Callback Pick a callback method.
A callback method must be decorated with c[CallbackMethod()] and have the following signature: cvoid MethodName(Managed eventParams).
TopLevelObject Internal use. N/A
GraphDialog A graph modification UI. Double-clicking on the graph creates a new point, click/dragging on a point moves it (no further than its surrounding ones on the X-axis), clicking on a point focuses it, and pressing Del removes that point. cCurve
BoundingVolume Internal use. N/A
desc string The variable's description; this provides a tooltip when hovering the variable name and does not replace it.
params string

Used to define UI-specific settings, e.g a numerical range.

  • Array: "MaxSize=10" to limit the amount of possible elements
  • Number: "minValue maxValue step" (e.g "0 100 5" for a 0..100 range with steps of 5)
  • Curve: "rangeX rangeY offsetX offsetY" (e.g "50.0 80.0 10.0 20.0" for curve axes to go X:10..60 (10 + 50) and Y:20..100 (20 + 80))
  • Vector: "minValue maxValue step purpose=purposeType space=spaceType anglesVar=anglesVariableName coordsVar=coordsVariableName" (e.g "0 100 5" for a 0..100 range with steps of 5) for each vector value.
    purpose and space are optional; using them makes step optional and allows to set the vector value in World Editor using the transformation gizmo.
    • purpose possible values:
      • coords - the vector property represents coordinates
      • angles - the vector property represents rotations
    • space possible values:
      • entity - the vector represents a value in the entity's local space (relative coordinates)
      • world - the vector is an absolute world position
      • custom - any custom space defined by the entity
    • anglesVar/coordsVar is the direct variable name, e.g m_vAngles/m_vRelativePos
    • examples:
      • inf inf purpose=coords space=entity
      • -90 +90 5 purpose=angles space=world
  • ResourcePicker: "extension1 extension2 class=classname inheritedClasses=false"
    • extension1 extension2 file extensions, e.g "dds edds imageset png" for an Image Resource Picker
    • class is the Entity or config class type from which the selection must inherit, e.g "et class=AIWaypoint" for AIWaypoint entities
    • inheritedClasses set to false to only have a selection from the exact class defined with class, e.g "conf class=TAG_MyClass inheritedClasses=false" for .conf files of TAG_MyClass class and only this class
  • Note that setting a step for an integer does not prevent the user to type in the value manually.
  • It is possible to use inf (for "infinity") to specify a non-restricted range - e.g "inf inf 0".
enums cParamsEnumArray An array of ParamEnum. Used to define ComboBox's items. It can be defined as follows:

{ ParamEnum("Text 1", "Value 1", "Description"), ParamEnum("Text 2", "Value 2") }

The description is optional and is to fill a combobox's entry tooltip. As many as needed ParamEnum entries can exist.

category string The variable's category - only useful in World Editor plugins to categorise properties.
precision int The wanted floating point precision. Restricts a floating point field to a certain amount of decimals.