Video Settings – Arma Reforger

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means a heavy impact on performance
means an average impact
means little to no performance impact.
Arma Reforger video settings
Category Setting CPU GPU RAM VRAM Additional Details


Quality Presets
Choose from one of four quality presets. Preset Custom is automatically set once a setting was adjusted manually.


Window mode
Defines how the window is displayed. Also influences the Render Scale / Resolution setting.
Render scale / Resolution
Define the resolution at which the game scene will be rendered. A reduced resolution will drastically improve performance and a very high loss of image quality. It is recommended to use the default monitor resolution (100%).
FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0
Enables AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution
Vertical synchronisation prevents image tearing, to the potential cost of input lag.
FPS limit
Limit your FPS to reduce stuttering and power consumption due to unnecessary high frame rates.
Draw distance
Sets the overall terrain draw distance.
Nearby depth of field
Enable or disable nearby Depth of Field (especially visible when aiming down sights).


Post-process anti aliasing
Choose between None, FXAA low, FXAA high, SMAA low, SMAA high.
Depth of field quality
Choose between None, Simple or Bokeh (more accurate but more expensive).
Ambient occlusion (HBAO)
Ambient occlusion is a rendering method that provides an approximation of how bright light should be at different parts of a visible surface.
Screen space reflections
Defines how many reflections are shown in the scene and their quality.
Contact shadows
Enables space directional occlusion SSDO's contact shadows.


Hardware anti-aliasing
See Multisample anti-aliasing.
Foliage smoothing
Defines if and what foliage is smoothed. Only available if Hardware anti-aliasing is at least set to Low.
Model geometric detail
Sets the overall quality of model geometry.
Object draw distance
Sets the objects' maximum draw distance from the camera, relative to Terrain's draw distance.
Terrain surface detail
Sets the terrain's shader quality.
Texture detail
Sets the overall texture quality.
Texture filtering
Define Texture filtering quality.
Grass quality
Sets the overall grass quality.
Grass draw distance
Sets the rendering distance of grass and other 3D clutters (small rocks, etc).
Shadow quality
Sets the overall shadow quality.
Distant shadows
Rendering distance of shadows.
Render target format
Choose between 32 or 64-bit colour render.
Environment quality
Affects volumetric clouds quality (number of samples, temporal filter settings, noise resolution etc), sky rendering quality (texture resolution, fog, cascade shadow), rain quality.