World Editor: Power Line Generator – Arma Reforger

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A Power Line Generator is a generator creating a power line (cables and poles) along a shape.


  • A Shape (polyline, spline) defining the power line's path (see Vector Tool).
  • A power line generator entity as a direct child to this shape.


Road Generator Prefabs can be found in Data\Prefabs\WEGenerators\Powerline.


Pole Setup

There are four pole types:

  • Start Pole - the pole type that starts it all
  • Default Pole - the standard pole that will run the distance between Start Pole and End Pole
  • End Pole - the pole that ends the power line
  • Junction Pole - the pole that connects to another powerline


Defines the expected distance between poles.

Default Pole

Defines the default pole's entity.

Start Pole

Defines the start pole's entity.

End Pole

Defines the end pole's entity.

Default Junction Pole

Defines the junction pole's entity.

Rotate 180 Degree Yaw Start Pole

Rotates the start pole 180° to "face" the other poles.

Rotate 180 Degree Yaw End Pole

Rotates the end pole 180° to "face" the other poles.


Defines the minimum distance from the polyline for other objects to be generated ("empty space" around poles line).


Random Pitch Angle

Defines the angle randomization (in 0..180° range) of pitch - "rolling towards the back".

Random Pitch On Both Sides

Makes the Random Pitch Angle go both sides (forward and back), effectively doubling the range (-180..+180°)

Random Roll Angle

Defines the angle randomization (in 0..180° range) of roll - "rolling towards the right".

Random Roll On Both Sides

Makes the Random Roll Angle go both sides (left and right), effectively doubling the range (-180..+180°)

Apply Pitch And Roll Default

Applies the Pitch and Roll settings to the default pole.

Apply Pitch And Roll Start

Applies the Pitch and Roll settings to the start pole.

Apply Pitch And Roll End

Applies the Pitch and Roll settings to the end pole.

Power Lines

Powerline Material

Defines the power line cable material to be used between poles.


Draw Debug Shapes

Used to display debug shapes on generation.



Defines the line's color.