From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Opens the ORBAT Viewer.
- Execution:
- call
- Groups:
- Strategic
- Syntax:
- [path, display, tags, numTiers, parameters] call BIS_fnc_ORBATOpen
- Parameters:
- path: Config - config path to displayed structure
- display: Display - (Optional, default c[] call BIS_fnc_displayMission) parent display
- tags: Array of Strings - (Optional, default c[]) list of tags. Searching will stop on groups which do not contain at least one of the tags
- numTiers: Number - (Optional, default -1 (all)) Number of tiers displayed
- parameters: Array of Arrays - (Optional, default c[]) sub-arrays in format [config, code] where: config: Config - group class code: Code - action performed upon clicking on group icon
- Return Value:
- Display
- Example 1:
- Copy[configFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "BIS" >> "O_Brigade", findDisplay 46, [], 4, ["ConfigClass_1", { systemChat "ConfigClass_1" }]] call BIS_fnc_ORBATOpen;
Additional Information
- See also:
- ORBAT Viewer BIS_fnc_ORBATAddGroupOverlay BIS_fnc_ORBATAnimate BIS_fnc_ORBATConfigPreview BIS_fnc_ORBATGetGroupParams BIS_fnc_ORBATRemoveGroupOverlay BIS_fnc_ORBATSetGroupFade BIS_fnc_ORBATSetGroupParams BIS_fnc_ORBATTooltip
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