From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Easily carry out complex fading. Default values will be used if parameters are not defined or set to nil.
- Execution:
- spawn
- Groups:
- Syntax:
- [fadeInOrOut, blackOrWhite, duration, blur, music, ending, success] spawn BIS_fnc_fadeEffect
- Parameters:
- fadeInOrOut: Number - (Optional, default 1) 0 to fade out, 1 to fade in
- fadeColor: String - (Optional, default "BLACK") case-sensitive can be "BLACK" or "WHITE"
- duration: Number - (Optional, default 3) fade duration in seconds
- blur: Number - (Optional, default 0) 0 to not blur, 1 to blur (blur-in for fade-in, blur-out for fade-out)
- music: String - (Optional, default "") only for fade-out music class name defined in CfgMusic
- ending: String - (Optional, default "") "" to not end the mission, else a value compatible with endMission or failMission. Will end mission only for the local player
- success: Number - (Optional, default 1) if ending != "" 1 to end mission with success, 0 to fail mission
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
Additional Information
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