Buldozer Configurator
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Basic information
- Author:
- Bohemia Interactive
- Compatibility:
- Arma 3 Tools
- Download:
- Part of Arma 3 Tools package on Steam
- Description:
- This is a small UI tool that generates the configuration file of Buldozer and defines the settings in Terrain Builder and Object Builder.
- Notes:
- If Object Builder or Terrain Builder are running, Buldozer Configuration may not be able to set the parameters within the software settings.
- Line call:
- BuldozerConfigurator.exe
- Options:
- * /noUI Applies the default parameters and closes itself in case of success, otherwise, the error will be displayed.
Additional information
Error list
- #BCFG001: P Drive is absent
- #BCFG002: Object Builder or Terrain Builder is not installed
- #BCFG003: Buldozer installation is not present
- #BCFG004: Buldozer Configurator was not able to detect the installation directory of Arma 3 Tools