CWR2 - Italian Armed Forces

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CWR2 - Italian Armed Forces
cwr2 ita logo.png


2D Marseille77
Pedagne Mod
3D Marseille77
Pedagne Mod
Pedro Caparros
Script W0lle
Code W0lle
Missions W0lle
External Pedagne Mod
Dimitri Harkov
Pedro Caparros
Released Yes
Release date August 2015
Version 1.7 - December 2019
Italian VCC-1 APC
Italian VCC-1 APC
Link Download


The CWR2 Addon Italian Armed Forces was released in August 2015. It contains Italian soldiers and equipment around the year 1985.


The Italian Army (Italian: Esercito Italiano) is the land-based component of the Italian Armed Forces of the Italian Republic. The army's history dates back to the unification of Italy in the 1850s and 1860s. The army fought in colonial engagements in China, Libya, Northern Italy against the Austro-Hungarian Empire during World War I, Abyssinia before World War II and in World War II in Albania, Greece, North Africa, Russia and Italy itself. During the Cold War, the army prepared itself to defend against a Warsaw Pact invasion from the east. Since the end of the Cold War, the army has seen extensive peacekeeping service and combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. Its best-known combat vehicles are the Dardo infantry fighting vehicle, the Centauro tank destroyer and the Ariete tank and among its aircraft the Mangusta attack helicopter, recently deployed in UN missions. The headquarters of the Army General Staff are located in Rome, at the back of the Presidential Palace. The army is an all-volunteer force of active-duty personnel.

The kingdom was replaced by a Republic in June 1946 and the Royal Army changed its name to become the Italian Army (Esercito Italiano). Initially the army fielded five infantry divisions, created from the five combat groups of the Italian Co-belligerent Army, and equipped with British materiel.

As the status of the city of Free Territory of Trieste was disputed by the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia the Italian army moved the Folgore to Treviso and the Mantova to Gorizia in 1947. At the same time the army began the process of raising an additional seven divisions, and five Alpini brigades.

The most significant reorganization of the Italian Army took place in 1975, when the regimental level was abolished and battalions came under direct command of newly formed multi-arms brigades. At the same time the reduction of the military service from 15 to 12 months for the army and air force and from 24 to 18 months for the navy, forced the army to reduce its forces by nearly 45,000 troops.

In 1986 when the remaining four divisional headquarters were dissolved and all brigades in Northern Italy came under direct command of the Army's three Army Corps, while the brigades in Central and Southern Italy came under operational control of the local administrative Military Regions. With the disappearance of the divisions the army renamed some of the divisional brigades and granted all of them new coat of arms to reflect their new independence.

At the end of the Cold War in 1989 the Italian Army consisted of 26 Combat Brigades: four Armored Brigades, ten Mechanized Infantry Brigades, five Motorized Infantry Brigades, five Alpine Brigades, one Rocket Artillery Brigade and one Airborne Brigade.


Cold War Rearmed² is required for this Expansion, this is not a standalone addon. ARMA 2: Combined Operations (ARMA 2 + Operation Arrowhead) v1.62 is required to use the Cold War Rearmed² Modification.

Content (1.02)


  • Machine Gunner
  • Marksman
  • Medic
  • Rifleman
  • Rifleman (Backpack)
  • Rifleman (M84)
  • Rifleman (MP-38)
  • Team Leader
  • AA Specialist
  • Asst. AT Specialist
  • Asst. Machine Gunner
  • AT Specialist
  • Automatic Rifleman
  • Engineer
  • Grenadier
  • Machine Gunner
  • Paratroopers
  • Bersagleri


  • VM90
  • Fiat 6614
  • Leopard 1A2
  • VCC-1
  • VCC-2
  • AB212
  • AB205


  • BM 59
  • MP-38
  • PM-12 MP


  • Ammo crates
  • Backpacks


  • CimaleX: Project Lead
  • Pedagne Mod: Models, Textures
  • Marseille77: Models, Textures
  • W0lle: Documentation, config, scripts
  • Pedro Caparros/Dimitri Harkov: G.91
