Scripting Commands – Arma 2 Category
From Bohemia Interactive Community
(Redirected from Category:Scripting Commands Arma2)
This category has only the following subcategory.
- Arma 2: New Scripting Commands (377 P)
Pages in category "Arma 2: Scripting Commands"
The following 1,172 pages are in this category, out of 1,172 total.
- ! a
- +
- -
- a != b
- a % b
- a && b
- a * b
- a / b
- a : b
- a = b
- a == b
- a greater b
- a greater= b
- a less b
- a less= b
- a or b
- a ^ b
- abs
- accTime
- acos
- action
- actionKeys
- actionKeysImages
- actionKeysNames
- activateAddons
- activateKey
- addAction
- addEditorObject
- addEventHandler
- addGroupIcon
- addLiveStats
- addMagazine
- addMagazineCargo
- addMagazinePool
- addMenu
- addMenuItem
- addPublicVariableEventHandler
- addRating
- addResources
- addScore
- addSwitchableUnit
- addTeamMember
- addVehicle
- addWaypoint
- addWeapon
- addWeaponCargo
- addWeaponPool
- agent
- agents
- airportSide
- AISFinishHeal
- alive
- allGroups
- allow3DMode
- allowDamage
- allowDammage
- allowFileOperations
- allowFleeing
- allowGetIn
- allUnits
- ammo
- and
- animate
- animationPhase
- animationState
- armoryPoints
- asin
- assert
- assignAsCargo
- assignAsCommander
- assignAsDriver
- assignAsGunner
- assignedCargo
- assignedCommander
- assignedDriver
- assignedGunner
- assignedTarget
- assignedVehicle
- assignedVehicleRole
- assignTeam
- assignToAirport
- atan
- atan2
- atg
- attachedObject
- attachObject
- attachTo
- attackEnabled
- behaviour
- benchmark
- boundingBox
- boundingCenter
- breakOut
- breakTo
- buildingExit
- buildingPos
- buttonAction
- buttonSetAction
- cadetMode
- call
- camCommand
- camCommit
- camCommitPrepared
- camCommitted
- camConstuctionSetParams
- camCreate
- camDestroy
- cameraEffect
- cameraEffectEnableHUD
- cameraInterest
- cameraOn
- cameraView
- campaignConfigFile
- camPreload
- camPreloaded
- camPrepareBank
- camPrepareDir
- camPrepareDive
- camPrepareFocus
- camPrepareFov
- camPrepareFovRange
- camPreparePos
- camPrepareRelPos
- camPrepareTarget
- camSetBank
- camSetDir
- camSetDive
- camSetFocus
- camSetFov
- camSetFovRange
- camSetPos
- camSetRelPos
- camSetTarget
- camTarget
- camUseNVG
- canFire
- canMove
- canStand
- canUnloadInCombat
- captive
- captiveNum
- case
- catch
- ceil
- cheatsEnabled
- checkAIFeature
- civilian
- clearGroupIcons
- clearMagazineCargo
- clearMagazinePool
- clearOverlay
- clearRadio
- clearVehicleInit
- clearWeaponCargo
- clearWeaponPool
- closeDialog
- closeDisplay
- closeOverlay
- collapseObjectTree
- combatMode
- commandChat
- commander
- commandFire
- commandFollow
- commandFSM
- commandGetOut
- commandingMenu
- commandMove
- commandRadio
- commandStop
- commandTarget
- commandWatch
- comment
- commitOverlay
- compile
- completedFSM
- composeText
- config greater greater name
- configFile
- configName
- controlNull
- copyFromClipboard
- copyToClipboard
- copyWaypoints
- cos
- count
- countEnemy
- countFriendly
- countSide
- countType
- countUnknown
- createAgent
- createCenter
- createDialog
- createDiaryLink
- createDiaryRecord
- createDiarySubject
- createDisplay
- createGearDialog
- createGroup
- createGuardedPoint
- createLocation
- createMarker
- createMarkerLocal
- createMenu
- createMine
- createMissionDisplay
- createSimpleTask
- createSoundSource
- createTarget
- createTask
- createTeam
- createTrigger
- createUnit
- createVehicle
- createVehicleLocal
- crew
- ctrlActivate
- ctrlAddEventHandler
- ctrlAutoScrollDelay
- ctrlAutoScrollRewind
- ctrlAutoScrollSpeed
- ctrlCommit
- ctrlCommitted
- ctrlEnable
- ctrlEnabled
- ctrlFade
- ctrlMapAnimAdd
- ctrlMapAnimClear
- ctrlMapAnimCommit
- ctrlMapAnimDone
- ctrlMapCursor
- ctrlMapMouseOver
- ctrlMapScale
- ctrlMapScreenToWorld
- ctrlMapWorldToScreen
- ctrlParent
- ctrlPosition
- ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers
- ctrlRemoveEventHandler
- ctrlScale
- ctrlSetActiveColor
- ctrlSetAutoScrollDelay
- ctrlSetAutoScrollRewind
- ctrlSetAutoScrollSpeed
- ctrlSetBackgroundColor
- ctrlSetEventHandler
- ctrlSetFade
- ctrlSetFocus
- ctrlSetFont
- ctrlSetFontH1
- ctrlSetFontH1B
- ctrlSetFontH2
- ctrlSetFontH2B
- ctrlSetFontH3
- ctrlSetFontH3B
- ctrlSetFontH4
- ctrlSetFontH4B
- ctrlSetFontH5
- ctrlSetFontH5B
- ctrlSetFontH6
- ctrlSetFontH6B
- ctrlSetFontHeight
- ctrlSetFontHeightH1
- ctrlSetFontHeightH2
- ctrlSetFontHeightH3
- ctrlSetFontHeightH4
- ctrlSetFontHeightH5
- ctrlSetFontHeightH6
- ctrlSetFontP
- ctrlSetFontPB
- ctrlSetForegroundColor
- ctrlSetPosition
- ctrlSetScale
- ctrlSetStructuredText
- ctrlSetText
- ctrlSetTextColor
- ctrlSetTextColorSecondary
- ctrlSetTextSecondary
- ctrlSetTooltip
- ctrlSetTooltipColorBox
- ctrlSetTooltipColorShade
- ctrlSetTooltipColorText
- ctrlShow
- ctrlShown
- ctrlText
- ctrlTextSecondary
- ctrlType
- ctrlVisible
- currentCommand
- currentMagazine
- currentTask
- currentTasks
- currentWaypoint
- currentWeapon
- cursorTarget
- cutFadeOut
- cutObj
- cutRsc
- cutText
- damage
- date
- dateToNumber
- dayTime
- debugFSM
- debugLog
- default
- deg
- deleteCenter
- deleteCollection
- deleteEditorObject
- deleteGroup
- deleteIdentity
- deleteLocation
- deleteMarker
- deleteMarkerLocal
- deleteResources
- deleteStatus
- deleteTarget
- deleteTeam
- deleteVehicle
- deleteWaypoint
- detach
- diag fps
- diag fpsMin
- diag frameNo
- diag log
- diag tickTime
- dialog
- diarySubjectExists
- difficultyEnabled
- direction
- directSay
- disableAI
- disableConversation
- disableSerialization
- disableUserInput
- displayAddEventHandler
- displayCtrl
- displayNull
- displayRemoveAllEventHandlers
- displayRemoveEventHandler
- displaySetEventHandler
- dissolveTeam
- distance
- distributionRegion
- do
- doFire
- doFollow
- doFSM
- doGetOut
- doMove
- doStop
- doTarget
- doWatch
- drawArrow
- drawEllipse
- drawIcon
- drawLine
- drawLink
- drawLocation
- drawRectangle
- driver
- drop
- east
- echo
- editObject
- editorSetEventHandler
- effectiveCommander
- else
- emptyPositions
- enableAI
- enableAIFeature
- enableAttack
- enableEndDialog
- enableEnvironment
- enableRadio
- enableReload
- enableSaving
- enableSentences
- enableSimulation
- enableTeamSwitch
- endLoadingScreen
- endMission
- engineOn
- estimatedEndServerTime
- estimatedTimeLeft
- evalObjectArgument
- exec
- execEditorScript
- execFSM
- execVM
- exit
- exitWith
- exp
- expectedDestination
- exportLandscapeXYZ
- faction
- fadeMusic
- fadeRadio
- fadeSound
- failMission
- false
- fillWeaponsFromPool
- find
- findCover
- findDisplay
- findEditorObject
- findEmptyPosition
- findEmptyPositionReady
- findNearestEnemy
- finishMissionInit
- finite
- fire
- flag
- flagOwner
- fleeing
- floor
- flyInHeight
- fog
- fogForecast
- for
- forceEnd
- forceMap
- forceSpeed
- forEach
- forEachMember
- forEachMemberAgent
- forEachMemberTeam
- format
- formation
- formationDirection
- formationLeader
- formationMembers
- formationPosition
- formationTask
- formatText
- formLeader
- from
- fromEditor
- fuel
- getArray
- getDammage
- getDir
- getEditorCamera
- getEditorMode
- getEditorObjectScope
- getFriend
- getFSMVariable
- getGroupIcon
- getGroupIconParams
- getGroupIcons
- getHideFrom
- getMarkerColor
- getMarkerPos
- getMarkerSize
- getMarkerType
- getNumber
- getObjectArgument
- getObjectChildren
- getObjectProxy
- getPlayerUID
- getPos
- getPosASL
- getPosATL
- getSpeed
- getText
- getVariable
- getWPPos
- glanceAt
- globalChat
- globalRadio
- goto
- group
- groupChat
- groupIconSelectable
- groupIconsVisible
- groupRadio
- groupSelectedUnits
- groupSelectUnit
- grpNull
- gunner
- halt
- handsHit
- hasWeapon
- hcAllGroups
- hcGroupParams
- hcLeader
- hcRemoveAllGroups
- hcRemoveGroup
- hcSelected
- hcSelectGroup
- hcSetGroup
- hcShowBar
- hcShownBar
- hideBehindScripted
- hideBody
- hideObject
- hierarchyObjectsCount
- hint
- hintC
- hintCadet
- hintSilent
- htmlLoad
- if
- image
- importAllGroups
- importance
- in
- inflame
- inflamed
- inGameUISetEventHandler
- inheritsFrom
- initAmbientLife
- inputAction
- insertEditorObject
- intersect
- isAgent
- isArray
- isClass
- isDedicated
- isEngineOn
- isFlatEmpty
- isFormationLeader
- isHidden
- isKeyActive
- isKindOf
- isMarkedForCollection
- isMultiplayer
- isNil
- isNull
- isNumber
- isOnRoad
- isPlayer
- isRealTime
- isServer
- isShowing3DIcons
- isText
- items
- join
- joinAs
- joinAsSilent
- joinSilent
- kbAddDatabase
- kbAddDatabaseTargets
- kbAddTopic
- kbHasTopic
- kbReact
- kbRemoveTopic
- kbTell
- kbWasSaid
- keyImage
- keyName
- knowsAbout
- land
- landAt
- landResult
- lbAdd
- lbClear
- lbColor
- lbColorRight
- lbCurSel
- lbData
- lbDelete
- lbIsSelected
- lbPicture
- lbPictureRight
- lbSelection
- lbSetColor
- lbSetColorRight
- lbSetCurSel
- lbSetData
- lbSetPicture
- lbSetPictureRight
- lbSetSelected
- lbSetText
- lbSetTextRight
- lbSetValue
- lbSize
- lbSort
- lbSortByValue
- lbText
- lbTextRight
- lbValue
- leader
- leaveVehicle
- lifeState
- lightAttachObject
- lightDetachObject
- lightIsOn
- limitSpeed
- lineBreak
- list
- listObjects
- ln
- lnbAddArray
- lnbAddColumn
- lnbAddRow
- lnbClear
- lnbColor
- lnbCurSelRow
- lnbData
- lnbDeleteColumn
- lnbDeleteRow
- lnbGetColumnsPosition
- lnbPicture
- lnbSetColor
- lnbSetColumnsPos
- lnbSetCurSelRow
- lnbSetData
- lnbSetPicture
- lnbSetText
- lnbSetValue
- lnbSize
- lnbText
- lnbValue
- loadFile
- loadGame
- loadIdentity
- loadOverlay
- loadStatus
- local
- localize
- locationNull
- locationPosition
- lock
- lockCargo
- lockDriver
- locked
- lockedCargo
- lockedDriver
- lockedTurret
- lockTurret
- lockWP
- log
- lookAt
- lookAtPos
- magazines
- mapAnimAdd
- mapAnimClear
- mapAnimCommit
- mapAnimDone
- mapCenterOnCamera
- mapGridPosition
- markerAlpha
- markerBrush
- markerColor
- markerDir
- markerPos
- markerShape
- markerSize
- markerText
- markerType
- max
- members
- min
- missionConfigFile
- missionName
- missionNamespace
- missionStart
- mod
- modelToWorld
- morale
- move
- moveInCargo
- moveInCommander
- moveInDriver
- moveInGunner
- moveInTurret
- moveObjectToEnd
- moveOut
- moveTarget
- moveTime
- moveTo
- moveToCompleted
- moveToFailed
- musicVolume
- name
- nearEntities
- nearestBuilding
- nearestLocation
- nearestLocations
- nearestLocationWithDubbing
- nearestObject
- nearestObjects
- nearObjects
- nearObjectsReady
- nearRoads
- nearTargets
- needReload
- newOverlay
- nextMenuItemIndex
- nextWeatherChange
- nil
- nMenuItems
- not
- numberToDate
- objNull
- objStatus
- onBriefingGear
- onBriefingGroup
- onBriefingNotes
- onBriefingPlan
- onBriefingTeamSwitch
- onCommandModeChanged
- onDoubleClick
- onGroupIconClick
- onGroupIconOverEnter
- onGroupIconOverLeave
- onHCGroupSelectionChanged
- onMapSingleClick
- onPlayerConnected
- onPlayerDisconnected
- onPreloadFinished
- onPreloadStarted
- onShowNewObject
- onTeamSwitch
- openDSInterface
- openMap
- or
- orderGetIn
- overcast
- overcastForecast
- owner
- parseNumber
- parseText
- parsingNamespace
- pi
- pickWeaponPool
- playableUnits
- playAction
- playActionNow
- player
- playerRespawnTime
- playerSide
- playersNumber
- playGesture
- playMission
- playMove
- playMoveNow
- playMusic
- playScriptedMission
- playSound
- position
- positionCameraToWorld
- posScreenToWorld
- posWorldToScreen
- ppEffectAdjust
- ppEffectCommit
- ppEffectCommitted
- ppEffectCreate
- ppEffectDestroy
- ppEffectEnable
- precision
- preloadCamera
- preloadObject
- preloadSound
- preloadTitleObj
- preloadTitleRsc
- preprocessFile
- preprocessFileLineNumbers
- primaryWeapon
- priority
- private
- processDiaryLink
- processInitCommands
- progressLoadingScreen
- progressPosition
- progressSetPosition
- publicVariable
- putWeaponPool
- queryMagazinePool
- queryWeaponPool
- rad
- radioVolume
- rain
- random
- rank
- rankId
- rating
- rectangular
- registeredTasks
- registerTask
- reload
- reloadEnabled
- remoteControl
- removeAction
- removeAllEventHandlers
- removeAllItems
- removeAllWeapons
- removeDrawIcon
- removeDrawLinks
- removeEventHandler
- removeGroupIcon
- removeMagazine
- removeMagazines
- removeMenuItem
- removeSimpleTask
- removeSwitchableUnit
- removeTeamMember
- removeWeapon
- requiredVersion
- resistance
- resize
- resources
- respawnVehicle
- restartEditorCamera
- reveal
- reversedMouseY
- roadsConnectedTo
- round
- runInitScript
- safeZoneH
- safeZoneW
- safeZoneWAbs
- safeZoneX
- safeZoneXAbs
- safeZoneY
- saveGame
- saveIdentity
- saveOverlay
- saveStatus
- saveVar
- savingEnabled
- say
- say2D
- say3D
- scopeName
- score
- screenToWorld
- scriptDone
- scriptName
- scudState
- secondaryWeapon
- select
- selectBestPlaces
- selectDiarySubject
- selectedEditorObjects
- selectEditorObject
- selectionPosition
- selectLeader
- selectNoPlayer
- selectPlayer
- selectWeapon
- sendSimpleCommand
- sendTask
- sendTaskResult
- serverCommand
- serverCommandAvailable
- serverTime
- set
- setAccTime
- setAirportSide
- setAmmoCargo
- setAperture
- setArmoryPoints
- setAttributes
- setBehaviour
- setCameraEffect
- setCameraInterest
- setCaptive
- setCombatMode
- setCurrentTask
- setCurrentWaypoint
- setDamage
- setDammage
- setDate
- setDestination
- setDir
- setDirection
- setDrawIcon
- setDropInterval
- setEditorMode
- setEditorObjectScope
- setEffectCondition
- setFace
- setFaceAnimation
- setFlagOwner
- setFlagSide
- setFlagTexture
- setFog
- setFormation
- setFormationTask
- setFormDir
- setFriend
- setFromEditor
- setFSMVariable
- setFuel
- setFuelCargo
- setGroupIcon
- setGroupIconParams
- setGroupIconsSelectable
- setGroupIconsVisible
- setGroupId
- setHideBehind
- setHit
- setIdentity
- setImportance
- setLeader
- setLightAmbient
- setLightBrightness
- setLightColor
- setMarkerAlpha
- setMarkerAlphaLocal
- setMarkerBrush
- setMarkerBrushLocal
- setMarkerColor
- setMarkerColorLocal
- setMarkerDir
- setMarkerDirLocal
- setMarkerPos
- setMarkerPosLocal
- setMarkerShape
- setMarkerShapeLocal
- setMarkerSize
- setMarkerSizeLocal
- setMarkerText
- setMarkerTextLocal
- setMarkerType
- setMarkerTypeLocal
- setMimic
- setMousePosition
- setMusicEffect
- setName
- setObjectArguments
- setObjectProxy
- setObjectTexture
- setOvercast
- setParticleCircle
- setParticleParams
- setParticleRandom
- setPlayable
- setPos
- setPosASL
- setPosASL2
- setPosATL
- setPosition
- setRadioMsg
- setRain
- setRank
- setRectangular
- setRepairCargo
- setSide
- setSimpleTaskDescription
- setSimpleTaskDestination
- setSize
- setSkill
- setSoundEffect
- setSpeedMode
- setTargetAge
- setTaskResult
- setTaskState
- setTerrainGrid
- setText
- setTitleEffect
- setTriggerActivation
- setTriggerArea
- setTriggerStatements
- setTriggerText
- setTriggerTimeout
- setTriggerType
- setType
- setUnconscious
- setUnitAbility
- setUnitPos
- setUnitPosWeak
- setUnitRank
- setVariable
- setVectorDir
- setVectorDirAndUp
- setVectorUp
- setVehicleAmmo
- setVehicleArmor
- setVehicleId
- setVehicleInit
- setVehicleLock
- setVehiclePosition
- setVehicleVarName
- setVelocity
- setViewDistance
- setVisibleIfTreeCollapsed
- setWaypointBehaviour
- setWaypointCombatMode
- setWaypointCompletionRadius
- setWaypointDescription
- setWaypointFormation
- setWaypointHousePosition
- setWaypointPosition
- setWaypointScript
- setWaypointSpeed
- setWaypointStatements
- setWaypointTimeout
- setWaypointType
- setWind
- setWPPos
- show3DIcons
- showCinemaBorder
- showCommandingMenu
- showCompass
- showGPS
- showHUD
- showLegend
- showMap
- shownCompass
- showNewEditorObject
- shownGPS
- shownMap
- shownPad
- shownRadio
- shownWarrant
- shownWatch
- showPad
- showRadio
- showSubtitles
- showWarrant
- showWatch
- showWaypoint
- side
- sideChat
- sideEnemy
- sideFriendly
- sideLogic
- sideRadio
- sideUnknown
- simpleTasks
- simulationEnabled
- sin
- size
- sizeOf
- skill
- skipTime
- sleep
- sliderPosition
- sliderRange
- sliderSetPosition
- sliderSetRange
- sliderSetSpeed
- sliderSpeed
- someAmmo
- soundVolume
- spawn
- speed
- speedMode
- sqrt
- startLoadingScreen
- step
- stop
- stopped
- str
- supportInfo
- suppressFor
- surfaceIsWater
- surfaceType
- switch
- switchableUnits
- switchAction
- switchCamera
- switchGesture
- switchLight
- switchMove
- synchronizedObjects
- synchronizeObjectsAdd
- synchronizeObjectsRemove
- synchronizeTrigger
- synchronizeWaypoint
- tan
- targetsAggregate
- targetsQuery
- taskChildren
- taskCompleted
- taskDescription
- taskDestination
- taskHint
- taskNull
- taskParent
- taskResult
- taskState
- teamMember
- teamMemberNull
- teamName
- teams
- teamSwitch
- teamSwitchEnabled
- teamType
- terminate
- text
- textLog
- textLogFormat
- tg
- then
- throw
- time
- titleCut
- titleFadeOut
- titleObj
- titleRsc
- titleText
- to
- toArray
- toLower
- toString
- toUpper
- triggerActivated
- triggerActivation
- triggerArea
- triggerAttachedVehicle
- triggerAttachObject
- triggerAttachVehicle
- triggerStatements
- triggerText
- triggerTimeout
- triggerType
- true
- try
- turretUnit
- type
- typeName
- typeOf
- uiNamespace
- uiSleep
- unassignTeam
- unassignVehicle
- unitPos
- unitReady
- units
- unitsBelowHeight
- unlockAchievement
- unregisterTask
- updateDrawIcon
- updateMenuItem
- updateObjectTree
- useAudioTimeForMoves
- vectorDir
- vectorUp
- vehicle
- vehicleChat
- vehicleRadio
- vehicles
- vehicleVarName
- velocity
- verifySignature
- viewDistance
- visibleMap
- waitUntil
- waypointAttachedObject
- waypointAttachedVehicle
- waypointAttachObject
- waypointAttachVehicle
- waypointBehaviour
- waypointCombatMode
- waypointCompletionRadius
- waypointDescription
- waypointFormation
- waypointHousePosition
- waypointPosition
- waypoints
- waypointScript
- waypointShow
- waypointSpeed
- waypointStatements
- waypointTimeout
- waypointType
- weaponDirection
- weapons
- west
- WFSideText
- while
- wind
- with
- worldName
- worldToModel
- worldToScreen