Maximum width supported seems to be 370 pixels as a wider image will be cut off. Height should be calculated with the aspect ratio of the image. height = 370; ratio = 16/9; height = width / ratio;
Since Arma 3 v2.10:
<imgsrc="picture.paa"width="128"height="64"title="this is an image"/>
Before Arma 3 v2.00, isNull did not work with the diary record type and diaryRecordNull did not exist.
In order to verify a null record, it is possible to create a variable and compare against it:
When adding multiple diary records, be aware that they appear in reverse order. ie the first one you add will appear last and the last one you add will be first.
<log>, as ccreateDiaryLink, requires declaring both subject and ID of the record belonging to said subject. Otherwise generated text will not be clickable or might open a non-existing record (behaviour similar to clicking on map when viewing Diary).