Operation Flashpoint: Missions – Category talk

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User Missions

I would expect users to post their own missions here at some point.
What should our policy be regarding those posts? (My tendency would be to treat them like we do addons, and leave those listing jobs to the sites that exist already.) --Kronzky 06:06, 5 August 2006 (CEST)

Depends on whom the wiki is intended for. If it's intended for the gaming community there should be a listing of specific missions. If the wiki is intended for the developing part of the OFP community, there shouldn't be a need for this. So the question is; how special do you consider yourself to be? Mahlkav 21:49, 5 August 2006 (CEST)

A few mods have included links to thier missions, what we are trying to avoid is an unmaintainable list of missions and addons. We'll leave that task to the dedicated sites for those tasks. hoz 21:54, 5 August 2006 (CEST)