Central Economy mission files modding – DayZ

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Introduced in the Game Update 1.08, these changes were implemented to make any additions or adjustments to the vanilla mission files easier to manage. Server owners can easily define custom files, which will either append or override existing vanilla files without the need of modifying majority of the files. Mod owners can distribute their own xml files, which can be included by the server owners.


Any file to append or override is defined within cfgeconomycore.xml (more details available here) in the mission folder. Here, you can define an element called ce.

  <!-- existing contents of economy core xml -->
  <ce folder="foldername">
    <file name="my_changes_to_types.xml" type="types" />

folder attribute defines the name of the folder, where custom xml files are stored.

type attribute defines the type of given xml, can be one of the following:

  • types - interprets file as types.xml
  • spawnabletypes - interprets file as cfgspawnabletypes.xml
  • globals - interprets file as globals.xml
  • economy - interprets file as economy.xml
  • events - interprets file as events.xml
  • messages - interprets file as messages.xml

There can be multiple files defined under ce element as well as multiple ce elements. This can be used, for example, when one folder handles overrides of vanilla values and other folders append files from chosen mods.

File specifics

spawnabletypes (cfgspawnabletypes.xml)

  • Formatting must be the same as original, not all attributes need to be defined for an existing type.
  • Defining default damage does not affect the original types, only the new or redefined ones.
  • Defining a flag (unique or hoarder) will reset the original's flags and apply only new ones.
  • Defining any attachments or cargo will override all original attachments or cargo.

types (types.xml)

  • Formatting must be the same as original, but it is not required to define all attributes if you are only overriding an existing type.
  • If an attribute has multiple elements (such as flags), all of them must be explicitly defined.
  • Defining any usage, tag or value name will override all original usages, tags or values.

events (events.xml)

  • Formatting must be the same as original, but it is not required to define all attributes if you are only overriding an existing type.
  • If an attribute has multiple elements (such as flags), all of them must be explicitly defined.
  • The children of the original event will always remain, but can be modified. Adding children is also allowed.

globals (globals.xml)

  • Formatting must be the same as original, all attributes of a global need to be defined.
  • Types of existing variables should never be modified.

messages (messages.xml)

  • Messages will always be appended to the original xml file, there is no way to override existing messages.

economy (economy.xml)

  • All flags must always be defined for a single element.