Doxygen is a tool that generates documentation from code comment respecting a certain format. This code documentation is used across Enfusion projects, starting with Arma Reforger.
Project Documentation
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Bohemia Interactive Guidelines
Documentation is important:
- Document what is public (protected methods go second - people should use public methods anyway)
- Document what is important (features, concepts, specifics like variables or constants, etc)
- Document what is dangerous (performance-wise, crash-wise)
Bohemia Interactive recommendations:
- use
/ and/! / /!< /*! * ,/ / and/ / /** * are to be avoided (inline comment is preferred in order to remain able to comment big chunks of code with/ /* * without conflict)/
- do not go too much into details (e.g
/ )/! This method does xxx if provided Y but will not do it if Z is set to true at line 246 and ... - do not over-document code (e.g
/ on string GetName() is of absolutely no value); again, code should be self-explanatory and a comment should explain a design decision (if needed)/! Get the name
See Examples below.
A class documentation explains what the class does. It can add said class to groups (see Doxygen's grouping documentation). Grouping is usually done in a different comment block than class comment.
A method documentation goes below the
Various parameter formats:
Only one return format:
To be used when a signature other than cvoid is used.
This example is taken from SCR_ObstacleDetector:
This comment is fine for multiple reasons:
- the main description states the method's goal and usage condition
- parameters are documented and specifics (when present) are explained
- the return value is described accurately
- error cases are covered
Example | Explanation |
| |
//! Returns true if has obstacle
//! \param[in] worldPos the world position
//! \param[in] exclusionList the exclusion list
//! \return true or false
bool HasObstacle(vector worldPos, array<IEntity> exclusionList = null) |
This one is one of the worst possible cases: no comment is better than a wrong comment. |
See Also
- - the official Doxygen website
- - the official documentation
- - \commands list