Eden Editor: Comment

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A comment is an annotation in the scenario. It is a virtual entity which only exists in the editor and has no effect on the scenario playthrough.

Placing Comments

To place a comment, click the right mouse button on an empty space and select the Place Comment option. This will create the comment and open its attributes editing window, where you can set a title and a tooltip.

3den comment.gif

Editing Comments

A comment can be edited like any other entity. You can drag it around, copy and paste it, move it to layers, delete it, etc. It can also be saved to custom compositions, where it can help explain some aspects of the composition.


Info Development
Name Category Description Property Type
Title Init Text displayed above the comment icon. Name String
Tooltip Init Text displayed as a tooltip when hovering over the comment icon. Description String
Position Init World coordinates in meters. X goes from West to East, Y from South to North and Z is height above terrain. position Position3D
Rotation Init Local rotation in degrees. X is pitch, Y is roll and Z is yaw. rotation Number