Eden Editor: Terminology

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A list of commonly used terms related to the Eden Editor documentation.

Term Description See Also
Artificial Intelligence - Object controlled by the computer. Similar to character, but not limited to humans (e.g., can include animals). Object
Area Marker
Special kind of marker, which is not represented by an icon, but the elliptic or rectangular area. Marker
Area Scaling
Action of changing size of an entity area. Eden Editor: Area Scaling
Content available for placing. Once placed, it becomes an entity.
Asset Sub-type
Minor categorization of the asset browser. Available sub-types are based on currently selected asset type (e.g., for objects, sub-types are sides like BLUFOR, OFPOR, etc.)
Asset Type
Major categorization of the asset browser. Formerly known as editing mode in the 2D editor. Modes are objects, compositions, triggers, waypoints, systems and markers.
Asset Browser
A list of all assets available for placing. Categorized by asset type and asset sub-type.
Individual setting of an entity (e.g., object attributes are position, name, fuel, etc.) Attributes
Text-based introduction to the scenario. It is shown before Scenario phase starts, but only after intro ends. Can be disabled completely. Scenario Phases
A person, e.g., soldier, civilian, etc. It's a type of object. Object
Collection of objects. When the objects are characters, the composition is also known as group. Composition
Action of connecting one or more entities to another entity, using specific connection type. Connecting
Context Menu
Menu opened by clicking Right Mouse Button on an entity. Will show only options related to selected entities. Context Menu
An editable element. Can be object, group, trigger, waypoint, system or marker. All entities are represented by an icon in the view and by an entry in the entity list. Before placing, an entity is an asset available in the asset browser.
Entity List
A list of all entities currently in the scenario. Entity List
Group entity type. A group consists of characters and has one leader, who's able to issue orders to others. Group
Action of connecting one AI character to another Character or a group. Connecting
Opening phase of the scenario, performed before the scenario itself (including briefing) starts. It's available only in singleplayer and player cannot control it. Scenario Phases
Dummy system which doesn't have any existing functionality on its own, but can be used together with other systems. System
2D view where environment and entities are visible. 3D part of the view is the scene.
Eden Editor: Marker entity type. Marker is symbol or an area drawn only in the map. Marker
Menu Bar
Menus structure which lists almost all available actions and tools with their keyboard shortcuts. Menu Bar
See Scenario. Mission is an older name that was used until Arma 2, but may still appear in some cases.
Advanced system which executes pre-defined functionality (e.g., sector module, save game module, etc.) It can be often configured using custom attributes. System
Object entity type. It's basic entity type, usually with a model, textures and some sort of simulation (e.g., car, house, etc.) It's further divided to characters, vehicles and props. Object
Closing phase of the scenario, performed after the scenario ends. It has Win and Lose versions, only one of them is selected based on outcome of the scenario. It's available only in singleplayer and player cannot control it. Scenario Phases
Scenario section, launched sequentially in order Intro > Scenario > Outro (either Win or Lose version). Scenario Phases
Action of adding one or more entities to the scenario from the asset browser
Character controlled by the user once the scenario starts. Object
Playing a scenario from the editor to see how it performs.
Static decoration, e.g., house, chair, etc. It's a type of object. Object
Action of changing entity angle around X, Y or Z axis. Transforming
Most commonly the name of the whole project, where all entities or scenario attributes are saved. The final scenario can be exported to PBO and shared, or published to Steam Workshop.

Alternatively, Scenario can refer to a phase where all interactive gameplay happens.

Scenario Phases
3D view where environment and entities are visible. 2D part of the view is the map.
Status Bar
Non-interactive bar providing user with various debugging information. Status Bar
See Syncing. Connecting
Action of connecting one or more entities to another entity using general connection type. Connecting
System entity type. System is a virtual object with specific purpose, and can be a logic or a module. System
A bar with icons for quick access to the most commonly used actions and tools. They can also be found in the menu bar. Toolbar
Transformation Widget
Interactive helper model for precise transformation, rotation and area scaling. Transformation Widget
Action of direct manipulation of entities in the view, can be translating, rotating, area scaling or connecting
Action of changing X, Y or Z coordinates of an entity. Transforming
Trigger entity type. A trigger is an event called once a specific set of conditions is met. It can have a volume and check for presence of objects in it. Trigger
An older name for characters and vehicles, i.e., objects player or AI can control. Should not be used anymore to avoid confusion with Multiplayer Units.
A vehicle, e.g., car, helicopter, etc. It's a type of object. Object
Representation of scenario environment, can be 3D scene or 2D map
Waypoint entity type. Waypoint belongs to a group, and tells it to perform some operation. When the group has multiple waypoints, it will go through them in a pre-defined order. Waypoint
See Transformation Widget. Transformation Widget
Working environment, contains the view and all main user interface elements - menu bar, toolbar, entity list, asset browser and status bar.