Generic Sentences
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Execute following code in game to play the sentence. If more text variants are present in a class, one of them is selected randomly.
[<sentenceClass>] call BIS_fnc_genericSentence;
- AmbienceFlightRemarks
- "I'm always amazed by the views from up here."
- AmbienceFlightEmergencyLanding
- "Where would you land now in case of engine failure?"
- AmbienceFlightApproach
- "Are we nearing our destination?"
- "I think we're getting close..."
- "Hey, that's where we're headed!"
- AmbienceCockpitBatteriesOn
- "Switching batteries on"
- AmbienceCockpitBatteriesOff
- "Switching batteries off"
- AmbienceCockpitStarterOn1
- "Holding starter for engine one"
- AmbienceCockpitStarterOn2
- "Holding starter for engine two"
- AmbienceCockpitStarterOn3
- "Holding starter for engine three"
- AmbienceCockpitStarterOff1
- "Releasing starter for engine one"
- AmbienceCockpitStarterOff2
- "Releasing starter for engine two"
- AmbienceCockpitStarterOff3
- "Releasing starter for engine three"
- AmbienceCockpitAPUOn
- "Starting APU"
- AmbienceCockpitAPUOff
- "Shutting down APU"
- AmbienceCockpitThrottleIdle1
- "Throttle to idle for engine one"
- AmbienceCockpitThrottleIdle2
- "Throttle to idle for engine two"
- AmbienceCockpitThrottleIdle3
- "Throttle to idle for engine three"
- AmbienceCockpitWarmupStart
- "Initiating warmup"
- AmbienceCockpitThrottleFull1
- "Throttle to full for engine one"
- AmbienceCockpitThrottleFull2
- "Throttle to full for engine two"
- AmbienceCockpitThrottleFull3
- "Throttle to full for engine three"
- AmbienceCockpitThrottleOff1
- "Throttle to closed for engine one"
- AmbienceCockpitThrottleOff2
- "Throttle to closed for engine two"
- AmbienceCockpitThrottleOff3
- "Throttle to closed for engine three"
- AmbienceCockpitCooldownStart
- "Initiating cool down"
- AmbienceCockpitEnginesOn
- "Ready for lift off!"
- AmbienceCockpitEnginesOff
- "Engines are off!"
- AmbienceCockpitRotorBrakeOn
- "Holding rotor brake"
- AmbienceCockpitRotorBrakeOff
- "Releasing rotor brake"
- AmbienceCockpitCollisionLightsOn
- "Switching collision lights on"
- AmbienceCockpitCollisionLightsOff
- "Switching collision lights off"
- AmbienceCockpitLandingLightsOn
- "Switching landing lights on"
- AmbienceCockpitLandingLightsOff
- "Switching landing lights off"
- AmbienceCockpitSearchlightOn
- "Switching searchlight on"
- AmbienceCockpitSearchlightOff
- "Switching searchlight off"
- AmbienceHeliportGreeting
- "How you doing?"
- "Yup, just another day..."
- "Hey, man!"
- AmbienceHeliportFarewell
- "Catch you later?"
- "See you around..."
- "Later, man!"
- AmbienceHeliportWeatherBad
- "You seen those clouds?"
- "Looks like there's a front moving in..."
- "Oh, you'll never guess - more rain!"
- AmbienceHeliportWeatherGood
- "Everyone loves a sunny day, huh?"
- "It's not a bad day, actually..."
- "Weather's not too bad at all!"
- AmbienceGeneralSeattle
- "I know, five bucks for coffee and burnt milk, right?"
- "Seriously, I don't know why I still get a season ticket..."
- "Honestly, this economy is getting worse by the day!"
- AmbienceGeneralChoppers
- "Hey, did you see that YouTube clip with the rough ship landing?"
- "Honestly though, I think NOTAR is just a gimmick..."
- "Don't forget to check for a birds' nest in your tail pipe!"
- AmbienceInstructiveMove
- "Hey, what you waiting for?"
- "We're waiting..."
- "C'mon, get over here!"
- ATCRestrictedEnter
- "You are now entering a restricted area - follow the restricted flight protocols."
- ATCRestrictedExit
- "You are now exiting the restricted area."
- ATCProhibitedEnter
- "You are entering prohibited airspace. Leave this area immediately."
- FeedbackFlightNegativeDamage
- "You're causing damage!"
- "Careful, we're damaged!"
- "You're damaging the chopper!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeAngle
- "C'mon, can you get me a better angle?"
- "Try to give me a better view..."
- "I can't see anything from here!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeLanding
- "Not exactly the smoothest of landings, huh?"
- "Really, that was a bit of a rough landing..."
- "Whoa, now, easy on the landing!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeHandlingMaverick
- "Can you be a little more controlled?"
- "You're a little all over the place..."
- "Whoa, easy now!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeHandlingScream
- "Aah!"
- "Hey!"
- "Whoa!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeHandlingTimid
- "This is what you call handling a chopper?"
- "C'mon, show me what the chopper can really do..."
- "You're flying like you're afraid of the thing!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeSpeedTooSlow
- "Are you deliberately flying slowly, or..?"
- "You could try flying a little faster..."
- "C'mon, move it!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeSpeedTooFast
- "Uh, you're going at quite a pace, you know?"
- "Whoa there, maybe try a little more control..."
- "Hey, slow down a little!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeHeightTooHigh
- "Uh, don't you think you're a little high?"
- "Try getting lower..."
- "You're too high now!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeHeightTooLow
- "Maybe you could gain some altitude?"
- "You're getting a little low now..."
- "I think you're too low!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeProximityTooClose
- "Uh, try backing off a little?"
- "You're a little too close..."
- "You're getting awful close now!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeProximityTooFar
- "Can you not get in closer?"
- "You're a little far away..."
- "C'mon, get a little closer!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeHoverSteady
- "Can you get into a stable hover?"
- "Steady now, steady..."
- "Hold her steady!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeDirectionsLeft
- "Can you get a little more left?"
- "Just a little more left..."
- "More to the left!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeDirectionsRight
- "Can you move to the right?"
- "A bit more right..."
- "Move more right!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeDirectionsForward
- "Can you move a little more forward?"
- "Bit more forward..."
- "Move forwards!"
- FeedbackFlightNegativeDirectionsBackward
- "Maybe move a little aft?"
- "Little more aft..."
- "You need to move more to the aft!"
- FeedbackFlightPositiveSpeed
- "Perfect. Can you maintain this speed?"
- "Great - ideal airspeed..."
- "Nice speed, keep it up!"
- FeedbackFlightPositiveAngle
- "Good angle, can you keep her steady?"
- "Ok, the angle is perfect..."
- "I've got a great view from here!"
- FeedbackFlightPositiveHeight
- "Good altitude, can you keep it steady?"
- "Just right - hold here, at this level..."
- "Ok, ideal flight-height!"
- FeedbackFlightPositiveHandling
- "Hey, you really know how to handle the chopper, huh?"
- "Oh, nice - smooth ride..."
- "Great handling!"
- FeedbackFlightPositiveLanding
- "You've been practising your landings, huh?"
- "Great job, hardly a bump..."
- "Smooth Landing!"
- FeedbackFlightPositiveProximity
- "Can you try to keep this distance?"
- "Good proximity; maintain it..."
- "Ideal distance!"
- FeedbackGeneralGood
- "You're pretty skilled, huh?"
- "Hey, that was not bad at all..."
- "Great work!"
- FeedbackGeneralBad
- "Is that the best you can do?"
- "Well, that was not the best..."
- "Honestly, not great!"
- FeedbackGeneralYes
- "Sure"
- "Ok"
- "Yes"
- FeedbackGeneralNo
- "Nope"
- "No"
- "No way"
- FeedbackGeneralCan
- "I'm on it"
- "Roger that"
- "Will do"
- FeedbackGeneralCannot
- "Negative"
- "Cannot comply"
- "Can't do that"
- FeedbackStatusInjured
- "Wounded!"
- "Injured!"
- "WIA!"
- FeedbackStatusKilled
- "Man down!"
- "Lost a man!"
- "KIA!"
- FeedbackWaypointsSlingLoadAttach
- "External load attached"
- FeedbackWaypointsSlingLoadDetach
- "External load detached"
- FeedbackWaypointsSlingLoadDrop
- "Dropped external load"
- FeedbackWaypointsWinchStart
- "Winching started"
- FeedbackWaypointsWinchEnd
- "Winching completed"
- FeedbackWaypointsFastRopeDeploy
- "Deploy ropes"
- FeedbackWaypointsFastRopeDeployed
- "Ropes deployed"
- FeedbackWaypointsFastRopeOut
- "Ropers out"
- FeedbackWaypointsFastRopeDown
- "Ropers down, all clear"