Global Mobilization Boltcutter
Global Mobilization introduces Bolt Cutters. These work straight out of the box and do not need any special enabling.
With these Bolt Cutters you are able to:
- Cut holes into fences
- Cut down barbed wire
- Cut the power of indiviual lights (editor placed ones, only)
- Sabotage a utility box to turn off multiple lights in a radius (works with map placed and editor placed items)
The Bolt Cutters are easy to integrate into your mods.
User Action
To tag any of your objects with the "Prepare Bolt Cutter" user action, you'll want to add a user action for that:
class UserActions
class gm_useBoltcutters
displayNameDefault = "<img image='\gm\gm_weapons\gm_items\data\ui\holdaction_boltcutter_ca.paa' size='2.5' />";
priority = 10;
radius = 2.5;
position = "";
showWindow = 0;
hideOnUse = 1;
onlyForPlayer = 1;
shortcut = "";
condition = "alive this and !(this getVariable ['gm_noBoltCutting', false]) and ('gm_boltcutter' in items player)";
statement = "[this] call gm_boltcutter_fnc_addAction;";
Alternatively you can do this same interaction via addAction to any object you like:
Config Parameters
The exact behaviour of the bolt-cutting event is controlled by specific config parameters inside the object that has your user action activated (For example the fence being cut).
- Type
- String
- Description
- This parameter controls what happens to the environment after using the cutters:
Type | Description |
"powerbox" | All surrounding lights within 300m will be disabled |
"light" | This indivudal object's lights will be disabled |
"code" | Executes the given code on the client where the boltcutter was used |
"" | Destroys the object |
gm_boltcutAction = powerbox;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Specifies a CfgVehicles object that is spawned in place for the old one
gm_replaceObject = "myDestroyedFenceObject";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Specifies a the animation source that is animated to phase 1 using animateSource
gm_fenceCutAnimationSource = "hide_fence_hole_source";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Specifies string containing code that will be executed once the bolt cut action is finished.
gm_boltcut_code = "player sidechat 'I am breaking in!'";
A scripted eventhandler and object variables are also available to further control the bolt cutters.
The Scripted Eventhandler cgm_boltCutterUsed is available. It will trigger every time a user applies the bolt cutters.
c[missionNamespace, "gm_boltCutterUsed", { player sidechat "I am breaking in!" }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;
Two arguments are processed by this eventhandler.[_object, _actionType]
Type | Description |
OBJECT | the object that was interacted with |
STRING | The action type of this interaction (see gm_boltcutAction for action types) |
If you wish to disable the bolt cutters on a specific object, you can simply set the cgm_noBoltCutting variable to true on that object:
cMyPowerBox setVariable ["gm_noBoltCutting", true];
Overwrites the config-specified gm_boltcutAction
cMyPowerBox setVariable ["gm_boltcutAction", "code"];
See Global_Mobilization_Boltcutter#gm_boltcutAction for possible values.
Overwrites the config-specified gm_fenceCutAnimationSource
cMyPowerBox setVariable ["gm_fenceCutAnimationSource", "door_1"];
Overwrites the config-specified gm_replaceObject
cMyPowerBox setVariable ["gm_replaceObject", "land_gm_euro_toy_dinosaur_01"];
Overwrites the config-specified gm_boltcut_code
segment that will be executed when a bolt cutter is used.
cMyPowerBox setVariable ["gm_boltcut_code", "player sidechat 'I am breaking in!'"];