Meta:General disclaimer

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By accessing this site, you agree to the terms below!

Your License with Bohemia Interactive and Other Users

Content stored on this site contains information that is the protected Intellectual Property of Bohemia Interactive and other users. Your usage of any content stored, distributed, documented, or referenced through this site may only be for your personal, non-commercial entertainment use only. You may integrate content from this site in whole or in part into works you create or derive, as long as your content and any derived or included works remain licensed non-commercial. You may not use any content or information from this site for any commercial purpose without a separately negotiated commercial exploitation license from Bohemia Interactive and any other Intellectual Property holders.

With regard to material that you contribute to this site, you grant to Bohemia Interactive and its designated agents (in exclusion of all other users of the site) a worldwide, nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty free, fully paid up license, in connection with the Bohemia Interactive's engine and games, mods and other products based on it, to:

  1. make, use, copy, modify, create derivative works of such material,
  2. publicly perform or display, import, broadcast, transmit, distribute, license, offer to sell, and sell, rent, lease or lend copies of the material (and derivative works thereof), and
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You grant to all other licensed users (excepting Bohemia Interactive and it is designated agents) of this site a worldwide, nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty free, fully paid up license, in connection with the Bohemia Interactive's engine and games, mods and other products based on it, to:

  1. make, use, copy, modify, create derivative works of such material solely for non-commercial entertainment use only,
  2. publicly perform or display, import, broadcast, transmit, or distribute solely for non-commercial entertainment use only, and
  3. sublicense to third parties the foregoing rights solely for non-commercial entertainment use, including the right to sublicense to further third parties within the limits set by the non-commercial usage terms.

Your license to other users is subject to the terms of the users’ valid license(s) to the Bohemia Interactive's engine and tools (including but not limited to games, mods and other products based on it).

Content Accuracy Liability

While the goal of this Wiki is to provide complete, correct and accurate information, neither Bohemia Interactive nor any other Wiki contributor can be made responsible for any incompleteness, incorrectness and inaccuracy.

Conduct on the Site

See Bohemia Interactive Bohemia Interactive Community:Guidelines for the complete article

Copyright Infringement.

In case of any possible copyright infrigement on this site please contact admins of the site or Bohemia Interactive immediately. We stongly value copyright of others and we ask all members of this community to do the same.

We strongly urge that where possible, the original content developers submit their content rather than third parties, so that the rights and interests of the developers may be more easily honored and respected.

Operation Flashpoint Trade Mark

Operation Flashpoint is the registered trademark of Codemasters Software Company Ltd. Bohemia Interactive, developer of Operation Flashpoint, is not affiliated with, authorized by or related to the Operation Flashpoint trademark owner.