Oxygen Keyboard Shortcuts
From Bohemia Interactive Community
This article describes the keyboard shortcuts found in Oxygen Light.
LMB=Left Mouse Button,
RMB=Right Mouse Button
Selection | |
LMB | Make selection !! !! |
F2 | Select object |
F3 | Select face |
F4 | Select vertice |
Ctrl+(any of the above) | Add to selection |
Ctrl+Shift+(any of the above) | Remove from selection |
Ctrl-A | Select all |
Ctrl-D | Deselect |
O | Object select mode |
T | Select surface mode |
V | Vertice selection mode |
Ctrl-I | Invert selection |
Ctrl-L | Lock selection |
Ctrl-W | Select only one side (front/back toggle) |
Ctrl+LMB/LMB | Select all surfaces assigned with texture (from texture window) |
Ctrl-E | Toggle selection toolbar |
Views (Editor) | |
` | Toggle between preview and editor |
* | (Numpad) Center on selection |
Ctrl-* (Numpad) | Center view on model |
Alt-* (Numpad) | Center all views on selection |
Z | Zoom mode (in 2D views) |
+ | Zoom in |
- | Zoom out |
Alt+LMB | Move camera (in 3D view) |
Ctrl+LMB | Rotate camera (in 3D view) |
F | Show/Hide back oriented faces |
CTRL-H | Hide selection |
Ctrl-Shift-H | Unhide selection |
F9 | Default window layout |
Alt-S | Split window in 4 views |
Views (Preview) | |
LMB | Move object |
RMB | Rotate object |
Numpad: + | Zoom in |
Numpad: - | Zoom out |
C | Move object to left |
X | Move object to right |
E | Move object closer (fast) |
W | Move object closer (slow) |
S | Move object away |
Q | Move object down |
D | Rotate object to left |
A | Rotate object to right |
Numpad: 4 | Rotate object anti-clockwise around Z-axis |
Numpad: 6 | Rotate object clockwise around Z-axis |
Numpad: 2 | Rotate object anti-clockwise around X-axis |
Numpad: 8 | Rotate object clockwise around X-axis |
Numpad: Enter | Toggle far overview |
Numpad: 5 | Reset to original alignment |
Right Windows Key - F | Toggle Information |
Right Windows Key - T | Forward in Time |
Right Windows Key - V | Toggle Dialog Modes |
Right Windows Key - X | Toggle Textures |
Right Windows Key - Y | Backward in Time |
General Editing | |
Ctrl-Z | Undo |
Ctrl-Y | Redo |
Shift-L | Lock selection |
Ctrl-Shift-L | Unlock selection |
X | Lock X axis |
Y | Lock Y axis |
Z | lock Z axis |
Positioning | |
RMB | Move selection |
Ctrl+RMB | Rotate selection |
Ctrl+Shift+RMB | Scale selection |
Space | Center on pin |
C | Center pin on selection |
Shift-C | Toggle Pin Use |
R | move pin |
Shift-D | Weld selected vertices |
Shift-M | Weld selected vertices |
Shift-W | Linear Deform window |
\ | Triangulate: change 4-point surfaces into 2 3-point surfaces |
Creation/Deletion | |
Insert | Create vertex |
Delete | Delete selection |
Ctrl-C | Copy |
Ctrl-X | Cut |
Ctrl-V | Paste |
Shift+RMB | Create & move copy of selection |
F6 | Create face from selected vertices |
F7 | Create box |
F8 | Create cylinder |
D | Remove face |
P | Flatten points: bring up the “flatten” window |
Q | Uncross: cross or uncross selected edges |
Texturing | |
A | Enter texture mode |
B | Apply texture to selection |
Ctrl-B | Get texture from selection |
I | Smooth edges |
U | Sharp edges |
F5 | Recalculate normals |
W | inverse normals |
M | Map window |
G | Gizmo mapping window |
Ctrl-U | Bring up Unwrap dialog |
Properties | |
E | Face properties |
Shift-E | Vertex Properties window |
Shift-O | Coloration window |
Alt-C | Toggle Coordinates window |
Alt-H | Toggle History window |
Alt-L | Toggle LOD window |
Alt-M | Toggle Mass window |
Alt-P | Toggle Named Properties window |
Alt-T | Toggle Texture library window |
Ctrl-1 | Toggle Named Property window |
File Operations | |
Ctrl-N | New |
Ctrl-O | Open file |
Ctrl-S | Save file |
Ctrl-T | Toggle default toolbar |
Non-working shorcuts | |
Ctrl F5 | Refresh |
Ctrl F5 | Front view |
Ctrl F6 | Top view |
Ctrl F7 | Left view |
Ctrl F8 | Projected view |
Alt-L | Toggle 'Named Selection' window (Toggles LOD window instead) |