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Paraiso, capital of South Sahrani


Sahrani (also knowns as Sara) is the Island from which William Porter is posting in his Blog (archive).

Geographical Information

Information gathered from William Porter's blog and other sources indicates that:

  • The map is 400km2 in size in total including underwater areas.
  • The map is larger than any of the previous Islands, including Nogova, it is about the same size as all four official islands (Everon, Malden, Kolgujev and Nogova) in Operation Flashpoint combined.
  • The Island has tropical/Mediterranean-like vegetation in Southern part and European style in Northern part.
  • The "real world" coordinates of Sahrani are: 39° 57' 0" N / 40° 1' 12" W, placing it in the North Atlantic Ocean.


Fictional Google Earth picture of Sahrani
High-resolution picture of Sahrani
Picture of Sahrani posted by William
Sahrani topographic map, sampled by TomNedry
Downloadable maps


There are four airfields at Sahrani:

  • Paraiso-International
    • Runway: 09/27, 1400m, Concrete
  • Rahmadi-Airfield
    • Runway: 18/36, ?m, Grass
  • Pita-Airfield
    • Runway: 14/32, 1100m, Grass
  • Antigua-Airfield
    • Runway: 18/36, ?m, Dirt

Additional information