Hinds – Take On Helicopters

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Lock on target - Bohemia Interactive has launched Take On Helicopters: Hinds - the first official DLC for Take On Helicopters. Bringing in a variety of helicopter gun-and-gameplay, Take On Helicopters: Hinds enlists players to become the pilot of the most iconic helicopter gunship ever: the Hind.

Take On Helicopters: Hinds presents three highly detailed variants of the Hind: the Mil Mi-24P, Mil Mi-24V and Mil Mi-24 SuperHind Mk.III - featuring interactive cockpits, retractable landing gear systems and various weapon loadouts. They are accompanied by brand new singleplayer challenges, which showcase the various roles a Hind can play on the battlefield. Five new Time Trials invite players to master the Hind's distinctive flight dynamics. Last but not least, a new multiplayer death match scenario lets players battle one another as pilots, gunners, or both.

Take On Helicopters: Hinds comes with ENG/GER/CZ/IT/FR/SP localization, features 3 difficulty modes (beginner/trainee/expert) and includes optimized controls for mouse-and-keyboards, gamepads and joysticks.


  • Range of Hind variants - Highly detailed Mi-24 V, Mi-24 P and Super Hind helicopters across a range of over 25 different liveries (covering most nations operating the gunship)
  • Unique Hind attributes - Interactive cockpits, flight model, retractable landing gear and weapon systems
  • Realistic sound effects - Samples recorded from real-life Hind helicopters for an extra level of detail
  • Singleplayer challenges - A set of gameplay challenges showcasing ground attacks and aerial support
  • Time trials - Put the helicopter through its paces in 5 tough timed checkpoint races
  • Multiplayer gameplay - New adversarial scenario available over LAN/Internet; battle it out against other Hind teams
  • Additional Multiplayer Scenarios – Jump into Arma 3’s official Zeus Game Master, Combat Patrol, and Warlords multiplayer modes with additional scenarios for the new Livonia terrain.
  • Pick-up-and-pilot controls - Designed to be played with mouse-and-keyboard, gamepads and joysticks


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