CfgFatigue – Arma 3 Talk

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Value Meaning Theory

  • FrequencyMax = 1; TBD
  • FrequencyMin = 0.2; TBD
  • MaxDuty = 10; TBD
  • MinValue1 = 0.2; The minimum fatigue value that speed starts to get effected?
  • MinValue2 = 0.8; The minimum fatigue value that speed stops getting effected, speed is slowed down linearly between these 2 values?
  • NormalRunSpeed = 7.2; Above this speed, player starts to get penalized with fatigue? Below it has no effect on fatigue?
  • TotalLoadCoef = 5; A multiplier that changes how much loadout mass effects fatigue gain?

Needs further testing --Benargee (talk) 12:37, 8 December 2014 (CET)