Nogova – Talk

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I have a question : Can I give the historical or natural sights of the island (especially the ones that could be useful to mission makers) their own separate section ? Right now, the towns and villages section is a bit clunky with the descriptions - and I think it would be better if that section focused more on the infrastructure of the settlements and their standing among the island's populated places. The sights that I'd like to cover in the new section would be the castle of Trosky, that ruined abbey (or whatever it is) to the southeast of the castle, the various churches, random ruins and megalithic architecture, the Lipany town hall and the mansion at Mírov. Existing descriptions would just be moved to the new section.

--ZemplinTemplar 15:20, 16 May 2012 (CEST)ZemplinTemplar (16th May 2012 15:14 CET)

Someone is evidently making this up as s/he goes along...

"Nogovo, a devastated former socialist outpost of the Soviet Union, turned fledgling democracy, makes a life for its citizens based on the export of raw materials and tourism. But the fascination of a new-found freedom is slowly dimming, corruption proliferates, criminality festers and some people start calling for the good old days.

Nogovo is located a short distance from the Malden Islands, and its gorgeous natural beauty spots are juxtaposed with built-up areas which still haven’t recovered from years of socialist ideology and life-style." from

I may well be wrong, but if memory serves it has never yet been made clear as to the relationship between Nogova and the Malden islands in terms of compass direction. Nor has there been much evidence given for claiming that "public dissent along with lessening interest in the strategic importance of the island [led] to it being abandoned". Pile of shite.

On the one hand the Biki serves as an advert for Bohemia Interactive's software, and so the sort of effusive splurging going on in this article as it currently stands is to be both expected and encouraged. It's only good PR, after all.

On the other hand, it's also a repository of knowledge about BI software - factual knowledge - and could do with a significant culling of the extraneous bumf making it read like a fucking holiday brochure.