Actions List – Operation Flashpoint Talk

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"Put" is not an action, it is actually a muzzle type.

There are some additional possible/probable actions found together with the known ones inside the flashpoint executable:

"none" "ladderOnDown" "ladderOnUp" "load magazine" "use magazine" "use weapon" "user" "user type"

--Ceeeb 09:15, 12 January 2007 (CET)

Feel free to correct, update, and add any relevant information. hoz

Why was Put removed? Although it doesn't use the action command it is nevertheless an action as evidenced by the effect it has when used in OFP:

unitname fire ["put","pipebomb"]

Planck 02:35, 14 January 2007 (CET)

Because it is not an action. In my opinion it is better to understand the way the engine works rather than the way we might like it to work, and placing satchels is done by firing the weapon "put". I guess it is normally initiated using the action menu, so maybe it should stay? I was going to add a note in the "fire" command. --Ceeeb 02:57, 14 January 2007 (CET)


the several actions (such as repair) mention that the unit teleports instantly to the vehicle (eg) and does it's thing. Is this correct when using scripts? because it sure as hell doesn't work that way as a player command.

ook? 02:48, 31 July 2007 (CEST)