exec – Talk
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Argument Comment
"On client side, arguments are passed ONLY in game.--Faguss 21:20, 5 February 2009 (CET)"
- I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Could you elaborate this a bit? Thanks. --Kronzky 16:37, 6 February 2009 (CET)
I am sorry. I was wrong.
Could you delete it from OFPEC, please? --Faguss 20:09, 7 February 2009 (CET)
SQS only?
If this is correct it really needs to be specified on the page...
moved from comments
VBS2 VTK: To execute a script with no arguments that will run during the start of a mission, add this to the
initialization line of one of your objects:
[ ] exec "script_name.sqs"
I had some trouble getting this to work at first; the key is to have a space between the brackets.
IMPORTANT: not reccomended for use with .sqf scripts! line breaks will cause problems if you do - use execVM for those