nil – Talk

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I did some testing. I think this command should be spelled "nill". "nil" does nothing, while "nill" deletes the variable. This spelling mistake has been around since the OFP scripting reference. --Maddmatt 15:43, 29 September 2007 (CEST)

Are you sure? This works fine:
AVAR="A" ; AVAR=Nil ; Hint Format ["Var %1 IsNil %2",AVAR,IsNil "AVAR"];
UNN 20:54, 29 September 2007 (CEST)
nil is correct. There is nothing like nill. (Because of the way Void values are handled nill may appear to be working, because it is handled as undefined variable) --Suma 22:45, 29 September 2007 (CEST)

Ok thanks for the replies. I just had some weird results earlier. Will try it again.--Maddmatt 23:07, 29 September 2007 (CEST)

To avoid further confusion I suggest we use the word moot instead. --Doolittle 06:17, 2 October 2007 (CEST)

Return value

Not sure what's the 'correct' return value: Nothing or Void
I think Anything is definitively wrong, so I changed it back to Void.--Master85 (talk) 17:39, 21 April 2014 (CEST)

Posted on April 08, 2016 - 21:35 (UTC)
'Pierre MGI
To illustrate Mikero's comment: Destroying a variable doesn't mean the engine "reset" the "container" of the value. For example, just test:
0 = [] spawn { 
  while {true} do {
    sleep 0.5; 
    if (isNil "my_var") then {my_var = player addAction ["useless action", {}]};
    player removeAction  my_var;
    hintSilent format ["%1", my_var];
    my_var = nil;

Container my_var is still incremented, even if value my_var is voided.