reveal – Talk

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Actual knowledge level transferred

Arma2 1.05: it doesn't seem to set the knowsAbout level to "the highest level any unit of the revealing side has about the revealed unit"; it always seems to set it to 1 unless the target's knowsAbout level is already higher. Testing use a script that loops through all units a soldier knows about, and revealing those he knows more about than the pilot of an aircraft, I got the following:

Unit O 1-1-L:1 myka: 1.5 (knowledge of the "spotter" unit)
 -> blufor_helo1 ka is 0 (current knowledge of the pilot)
 ---> revealed, now 1    (new knowledge of the pilot after reveal)

When it looped again 3 seconds later:

Unit O 1-1-L:1 myka: 1.5
 -> blufor_helo1 ka is 1
 ---> revealed, now 1

Similar results with a car which the "revealer" had perfect knowledge of, and the pilot had some knowledge of:

Unit escape_vehicle_1 myka: 4  (knowledge of the "spotter" unit)
 -> blufor_helo1 ka is 2.23896 (current knowledge of the pilot)
 ---> revealed, now 2.23896    (new knowledge of the pilot after reveal)


Unit escape_vehicle_1 myka: 4  (knowledge of the "spotter" unit)
 -> blufor_helo1 ka is 2.23896 (current knowledge of the pilot)
 ---> revealed, now 2.23896    (new knowledge of the pilot after reveal)

And yes, the "spotter" is on the same side as the pilot (also same faction, both USMC).

--nomdeplume 18:45, 1 January 2010 (CET)