server.armaprofile – Talk

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Does the viewDistance= setting in the Dedicated server profile *LOCK* all players into the same viewdistance regardless of their client profile, or their client side scripts?

If it is LOCKED how do you tell the server leave viewDistance UNLOCKED? My first guess is comment the line out so the scripts can be used to change the view distance on the fly?

--ViperMaul 02:00, 13 April 2008 (CEST)

The profile ViewDistance setting should be ignored in MP, which applies also to the dedicated server. The only way to change VD in MP is using scripting commands. --Suma 14:41, 14 April 2008 (CEST)

AFAIK the setting here only comes into play if a mission has no VD setting. Clientside settings are of course ignored in MP. If both mission and server have no VD setting, it defaults to 1200. --PROPER Q 09:06, 13 April 2008 (CEST)

Thanks for your response. Now once the VD is set on a Dedicated server, can this be changed for each individual client via script in game? (For example, GetIn EH to change VD for Aircraft to say 2000 and GetOut EH to change it back to 1200). This is hard to test for which is the reason I ask. Thanks in advance. --ViperMaul 06:40, 14 April 2008 (CEST)

setViewDistance script command is local. This means you can have different settings for each client. The server entity VD is applied to all AI that are not under player control (in player groups?).

Now mission side setting has priority over ArmAProfile setting. Hope that helps. --PROPER Q 08:10, 14 April 2008 (CEST)

This page would be better renamed to ArmA: Profile or similar IMHO.
While there are more values in the client side one, this could be integrated into this page.
Right now there is no such for the client. --Kju 08:32, 7 July 2010 (CEST)