setAccTime – Talk

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setAccTime max value

I've run a test to find the highest value of setAccTime and here are the results:
Acc: 1 Time: 10.5317 Faster: true Acc: 2 Time: 5.03223 Faster: true Acc: 3 Time: 3.33398 Faster: true Acc: 4 Time: 2.50293 Faster: true Acc: 5 Time: 2.01318 Faster: true Acc: 6 Time: 1.68262 Faster: true Acc: 7 Time: 1.68408 Faster: false Acc: 8 Time: 1.66504 Faster: true Acc: 9 Time: 1.66602 Faster: false

As it seems setting the acceleration higher than 6 won't do anything. But this also means that the current information is not right as it states that the maximum value is 4. Thoughts?

Code used: _prevTime = 1e+6; for "_i" from 1 to 64 do { setAccTime _i; systemChat str _i; _s = diag_tickTime; sleep 10; _time = (diag_tickTime - _s); diag_log format ["Acc: %3 Time: %1 Faster: %2",_time,_time < _prevTime,_i]; _prevTime = _time; };

--7erra (talk) 01:30, 11 May 2019 (CEST)

Eight times is the limited AFAIK --.kju (talk) 18:23, 11 May 2019 (CEST)