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TexConvert.cfg is a configuration file for TexView/ImageToPAA which defines parameters to be used for packing PAA files.

Config values


name = "*_co.*";

This is a wildcard pattern which matches the input filename, it is used to detect which config class should be used.


format = "DXT5";

This is the target format of the output PAA file. Possible values are:

  • Default //auto detect
  • ARGB1555
  • ARGB4444
  • ARGB8888
  • AI88
  • DXT1
  • DXT2
  • DXT3
  • DXT4
  • DXT5
  • P8


limitSize = 4096; // Default: 4096

This sets the maximum width/height for the resulting texture. Default value is 4096. Setting it to higher allows TexConvert to create up to 32k resolution paa files (Which Arma can't load).


enableDXT = 1; // Default: 1

Sets whether DXT compression is used. Not sure what the difference between that, and format DXT is.


dynRange = 1; // Default: 1

Enabled dynamic range "compression"


mipmapFilter = "Default"; // Default: "Default"

Sets the filter to be used for down-sizing image into lower mip levels.

  • Default,
  • FadeOut //all components get closer to 0.5/128 the lower the mip level gets
  • NormalizeNormalMap
  • NormalizeNormalMapFade //Fades to surface normal with distance, like FadeOut
  • NormalizeNormalMapAlpha //Same as NormalizeNormalMap
  • AlphaNoise //Replaces alpha channel with perlin noise and flattens the histogram
  • NormalizeNormalMapNoise //NormalizeNormalMap + AlphaNoise
  • AddAlphaNoise //Adds alpha noise. res = (source + perlin) * 0.5 * (source > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0)


errorMetrics= "Eye"; // Default: "Eye"

Configures color error coefficients for DXT compression

  • Eye
  • Distance //intended for XYZ normal map
  • DistanceXY //intended for XY normal map


channelSwizzleA = "A"; // Default: "A"

Defines which input channel, becomes output alpha channel. Expression "1-A" can be used to store inverted channel.


channelSwizzleR = "R"; // Default: "R"

Defines which input channel, becomes output red channel. Expression "1-BR" can be used to store inverted channel.


channelSwizzleG = "G"; // Default: "G"

Defines which input channel, becomes output green channel. Expression "1-G" can be used to store inverted channel.


channelSwizzleB = "B"; // Default: "B"

Defines which input channel, becomes output blue channel. Expression "1-B" can be used to store inverted channel.


virtualSwizzle = 1; // Default: 1

Store information about what swizzling was done inside the result paa as a tag.


autoreduce = 0; // Default: 0

Check if texture is uniform color, and if so automatically only output a 4x4, single-mip paa.


dithering = 0; // Default: 0

Enables Dithering: https://opengameart.org/content/chapter-7-textures-and-dithering Using Floyd Steinberg dithering.