ArmAtec/Sandbox – User

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About Me

alt text

xx This person can barely communicate in any language other then bad language.

Age: 24

Preferred game mode: Serious CTI

Likes: Realism

Dislikes: Tking

Website: Armatechsquad

Sex: Male and yes please

Location: England

Payed for arma: December 06

Armed Assault Unofficial Tools by Me

Armatech ArmA Dedicated Server Manager


This is a tool for all your dedicated server needs

Website: :Armatech ArmA Dedicated Server Manager

ArmAtechSquad_Dedicated_Server_Tool wiki page Server Watch And Direct play Launcher 1 0 0 10.gif

This tool is a custom made MP Launcher for

Website: Server Watch

Handy Hints

JIP problems add this to the init.sq(s/f) @!isNull player


Create Discoball effect _Uposaa = discoheli _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal getpos _Uposaa; _light lightAttachObject [_Uposaa, [0,0,0]] #redo _light setLightBrightness random 1.0; _light setLightAmbient[random 1.0, random 1.0, random 1.0]; _light setLightColor[random 1.0, random 1.0, random 1.0]; ~0.01 goto"redo"


Create Smoke effects (Drop commands) _craft =_this select 0; _VelAng = [ private ["_vel","_x","_y","_z","_Hvel","_Ang"]; _vel = Velocity (_this select 0); _x = _vel select 0; _y = _vel select 1; _z = _vel select 2; _Hvel = sqrt(_x^2 + _y^2); If (_Hvel == 0) then {

 If (_z > 0) then {_Ang = 90};
 If (_z < 0) then {_Ang = -90};
 If (_z == 0) then {_Ang = 0};

}; If (_Hvel != 0) then {_Ang = Atan (_z/_Hvel)}; _Ang

]; ;\ca\data\ParticleEffects\BLOOD\BLOOD ;\ca\data\ParticleEffects\CLOUDLETSAND\CLOUDLETSAND ;\ca\data\ParticleEffects\CLOUDLETWATER\CLOUDLETWATER ;\ca\data\ParticleEffects\FireAndSmokeAnim\SmokeAnim ;\ca\data\ParticleEffects\FireAndSmokeAnim\FireAnim ;\ca\data\ParticleEffects\PSTONE\PSTONE ;\ca\data\ParticleEffects\RocketSmoke\RocketSmoke ;\ca\data\ParticleEffects\SPARKSEFFECT\SPARKSEFFECT ;\ca\data\ParticleEffects\WATEREFFECTS\WATEREFFECTS #top _dir = getDir _craft _pos2 = getPosasl _craft _pitch = [_craft] call _VelAng _yoff = -3 + cos _pitch _zoff = -3 + sin _pitch _ang = 30 _v = 2 _hvel = _v * Cos _ang _xvel = 0 _yvel = _hvel _zvel = _hvel * Tan _ang _shape = ["\ca\data\ParticleEffects\FireAndSmokeAnim\FireAnim",8,5,8]; _animationame = ""; _type = "billboard"; _timerperiod = .5; _lifetime = 1; _pos = [((_pos2 select 1)+(_yoff * sin _dir)) ,((_pos2 select 1)+(_yoff * cos _dir)), ((_pos2 select 2) + _zoff)] hint format ["%1",_pos] _movevel = [_xvel , _yvel, _zvel] _rotationvel = 1; _weight = 1; _volume = .5; _rubbing = 0; _size = [0.5,6,10]; _col_anim_ranp = [[0.2,0.17,0.124,0.4],[0.5,0.46,0.31,0.1],[1,1,1,0]]; _randirintensity = [0.2]; _ontimer = 1.2; _beforedestroy = 0.25; _uknown1 = "" _uknown2 = "" _uknown3 = "" drop [_shape, _animationame, _type, _timerperiod, _lifetime, _pos,_movevel,_rotationvel,_weight,_volume,_rubbing,_size, _col_anim_ranp, _randirintensity, _ontimer, _beforedestroy, _uknown1, _uknown2, _uknown3]; ?(WIZ_TOMtest) :exit ~0.01 goto "top"
