POLPOX/Sandbox/tldrModTut – User

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Dunno, very rough idea so far Idea is to cover some very basic do's and don'ts

Yeah I really don't know what my idea is. Hence very sandbox.


Related Terms

Term Meaning Aliases
Mod A Mod is a package of PBOs which can be loaded into the game, may change anything in game that Engine can handle. Addon
Mod List Mod List is a preset to load a set of Mods in once via Arma 3 Launcher. Usually distributed in HTML file. Preset
PBO PBO is a file type that can be recognized/loaded into the game, and used by almost all Real Virtuality games, including Arma 3.
Modpack A Modpack is a Mod that has multiple Mods contents into one. The main subject of this section.

Pros and Cons of a Modpack

Pros Cons
  • May reduce amount of Mods.
  • If the packing is done without a permission, it is very easy violation of some licenses and Steam Workshop EULA.
  • May cause an outdated issue unless you update the Modpack which you never need to if you load the actual Mods in the first place.
  • May cause an unintentional Mod overwrite/conflict. (e.g. if the Modpack contains ACE yet you load actual ACE, will make a conflict and could result an unexpected issue.)


Don't do it.


Related Terms

Term Meaning Aliases
SQF The language that is used to do a script works in Arma 3. Status Quo Function. N/A
SQS The language that was used in older Arma series, it still is useable in Arma 3 but obsolete and should not be used if you know what you do. N/A

Dos and Don'ts

Don't Do Best
Preference Use a word writer software to write a script. Windows's Notepad. Use a text editor software to write a script. Notepad++. Use a word coding software to write a script. Visual Studio Code.
Example if (_this) then {
player setDamage 1;
hint "omae ha mou shindeiru";
} else {
hint "it's alive!"
if (_this) then
	player setDamage 1;
	hint "omae ha mou shindeiru";
	hint "it's alive!"
if (_this) then { player setDamage 1; hint "omae ha mou shindeiru"; } else { hint "it's alive!" };
Why At least a monospace font and it tells which line/which length you're editing. Having syntax highlight makes your life easier.