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This article covers Arma series / military-related words as well as common lingo.

See ArmA: Selection Translations for Arma-related internal Czech words.


The Sides avaible in the Arma series, Factions are assigned to a side. It is not possible for a mod to add a new side.

Default Relation (To BLUFOR) Name Meaning Description / Notes
Friendly BLUFOR Blue Forces Friendlies, in Arma means Western forces (e.g. US, NATO)
Enemy OPFOR Opposing Forces Enemies, in Arma means Eastern forces (e.g. Soviet, CSAT)
Friendly Independent Independent (Forces) In Arma means third-world forces, local forces and / or guerillas (e.g. FIA, CDF, AAF). Sometimes called “INDFOR”, “GREENFOR” unofficially
Neutral CIVPOP Civilian Population Any non-military forces, also includes Animals in Arma.


Factions that have been part of the Arma series. Factions contain the actual playable units and vehicles. Mods can add new Factions and contents for them.

Type Name Meaning Description / Notes Scope
Abbreviation RACS Royal Army Corps of Sahrani Armed Assault INDFOR Armed Assault
Abbreviation SLA Sahrani Liberation Army Armed Assault OPFOR Armed Assault
Abbreviation NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO IRL
Abbreviation CSAT Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty Arma 3 NATO counterpart mainly composed of Iran and China Arma 3
Abbreviation AAF Altis Armed Forces Altis military Arma 3
Slang Greenbacks AAF soldiers NATO soldiers' derogatory slang Arma 3
Abbreviation LDF Livonian Defense Force Livonia military Arma 3
Abbreviation FIA Freedom and Independence Army Local Insurgents in Arma 3 Arma
Slang Chedaki ChDKZ See ChDKZ Arma 2
Abbreviation ChDKZ Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star Черноруссии движения к красной звездой
(Chernorussii Dvizheniya k Krasnoy Zvezdoy) in Russian
Arma 2
Foreign Word Bundeswehr German Army The german national army IRL
Foreign Word Luftwaffe German Airforce The german national airforce IRL
Abbreviation CSLA Czechoslovak People's Army In Czech, Československá lidová armáda, in Slovak, Československá ľudová armáda.
AKA ČSLA, also may referred to Arma 3 Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain.
Abbreviation IDAP International Development & Aid Project Fictional NGO, ICRC counterpart for Arma 3 Arma 3
Unique Term ION, Inc, Private Military Company A fictional PMC in Armaverse Arma
Foreign Word Gendarmerie French MP Also designates Horizon Islands' MP in Arma 3 IRL

Vehicle Types / Names

Types of vehicles that are avaible in the Arma series.

Type Name Meaning Description / Notes
Ground Vehicle MRAP Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle Vehicles that are built to survive ambushes using mines
Ground Vehicle MBT Main Battle Tank The 'all-rounder' tank, made to be able to fight both other tanks, but also infantry and other targets.
Ground Vehicle IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle Vehicle that is built to carry infantry into battle, and then stays to fight alongside the infantry. Usually equipped with a powerfull gun, like an autocannon.
Ground Vehicle APC Armored Personnel Carrier Vehicle that is built to carry infantry into battle, then usually leaves the battle again. Usually only lightly armed, and not suited to stay and fight.
Air Vehicle Fixed Wings Planes Any vehicle that use fixed wings to generate lift, also applies for drones.
Air Vehicle Rotary Wings Helicopters Any vehicle that uses rotating wings to generate lift, also applies for drones.
Air Vehicle UAV Unmanned Air Vehicle AKA Drone
Air Vehicle UCAV Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle AKA Combat Drone
Ground Vehicle UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle AKA Drone
Ground Vehicle ATV All Terrain Vehicle Any vehicle suitable for most, or all, types of terrain
Weapon System CIWS Close In Weapon System Weapon system to destroy enemy aircraft / missiles, mainly usesd to defend fleets of ships or installations like FOB's.
Weapon System VLS Vertical Launch System Weapon system to launch missiles vertically from fleets

Ammo Types

Names of the different types of ammunition, which are avaible for vehicles in the Arma series.

Name Meaning Description / Notes Used By
HE High Explosive Type of shells made to generate an explosion and generate fragmentation to cause damage over a large radius Ground Vehicles
AP / APERS Anti Personnel Ground Vehicles
AP Armor-Piercing Type of shells made to penetrate armored targets Ground Vehicles
APDS Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot Type of shells made to penetrate armor - "classical" Sabot ammunition Ground Vehicles
APFSDS Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot Type of shells made to penetrate armor - thinner and longer than APDS Sabot, more "dart"-like Ground Vehicles
GBU Guided Bomb Unit Any kind of guided explosive dropped from an aircraft, contains different types like LGBs Air Vehicles
LGB Laser Guided Bomb Explosive dropped from an aircraft, which can be guided using a laser. Air Vehicles


Names of the different maps that have been avaible in the Arma series.

Name Description / Notes Game
Altis Republic of Altis and Stratis, located in Mediterranean Sea Arma 3
Horizon Islands Tanoa is the part of this country, located in Southern Pacific Arma 3
Livonia Located in Suwałki gap IRL, part of NATO Arma 3
Chernarus Located in the coast of fictional sea Green Sea, former Russian Empire and a part of Soviet Union Arma 2
Takistan Located in the coast of fictional sea Green Sea Arma 2
South Zagoria AKA Chernarus (Terrain) Arma 2
Nadbór AKA Livonia (Terrain) Arma 3

Games / Engines / Game Features / DLC

Different terms related to

  • the games themselves
  • the engines used by the games
  • different features of the games or
  • DLC avaible for the games
Type Name Meaning Description / Notes Scope
Abbreviation RV Real Virtuality Game engine for Arma series, the latest version (v4) being used in Arma 3 BI
Abbreviation OFP:CWC Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Or simply OFP, AKA OPF. Former name for Arma: Cold War Assault and trademarked by Codemasters Operation Flashpoint
Abbreviation Arma: CWA
Arma: Cold War Assault New name for OFP: CWC since 2011, renamed after copyright issue Operation Flashpoint
Abbreviation OFP:R Operation Flashpoint: Resistance Operation Flashpoint: Resistance
Abbreviation OFP:RH Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer Codemasters-made Soviet perspective campaign. Not included in Arma: CWA nowadays Operation Flashpoint
Alias Arma Arma (Game series name) Arma - means War, or Weapon in Latin. See The Name Tale blogpost. Arma
Abbreviation ArmA Arma: Armed Assault Not to be confused with Arma, which designates the game series and / or games Armed Assault
Abbreviation A1 Arma 1 (Armed Assault, see ArmA) Armed Assault
Abbreviation ArmA:QG ArmA: Queen's Gambit Armed Assault
Abbreviation A2 Arma 2 Arma 2
Abbreviation A2OA Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Or simply OA Arma 2
Abbreviation Arma 2 OA Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Or simply OA Arma 2
Abbreviation A3 Arma 3 Arma 3
Alias 3DEN Eden Editor New editor introduced with the Eden Update Arma 3
Abbreviation GM Global Mobilization Arma 3 Creator DLC: Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany Arma 3
Abbreviation CDLC Creator DLC AKA Third-Party DLC Arma 3
Alias Futura Arma 3's working title Future in Latin. Also appears as pbo names' suffix _f Arma
Alias Orange Arma 3 Laws of War's working title Named after Amsterdam Studio and Dutch "orange culture" Arma
Abbreviation LoW Laws of War Arma 3 Laws of War DLC Arma 3

Military Lingo

Different abbreviations and other lingo used commonly in the game series.

Type Name Meaning Description / Notes Scope
Abbreviation PID Positive Identification Ensure target's identity confirmation (whether hostile or objective) IRL
Abbreviation PAC Package military personnel IRL
Abbreviation CASEVAC Casualty Evacuation Evacuation of casualties from combat. \n Not the same as MedEvac! CasEvac = Transport using the fastest possible transport IRL
Abbreviation MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation Evacuation of casualties from combat. \n Not the same as CasEvac! MedEvac = Transport using dedicated medical vehicles, and with the casualties being treated during the transport IRL
Abbreviation HVT High Value Target An important target IRL
Abbreviation IED Improvised Explosive Device unconventional, usually hidden explosive charge IRL
Abbreviation SITREP Situation Report A report about the current situation, including info like contact with the enemy, amount of casualties, amount of ammunition left, etc. Contents can vary depending on situation and unit. IRL
Abbreviation ETA Estimated Time of Arrival Normally means time (hours:minutes) of arrival - used to mean time enroute (travel time). See ETE IRL
Abbreviation ETE Estimated Time Enroute Means time left before arrival. ETA is used instead. IRL
Abbreviation LZ Landing Zone An area where a helicopter or similar can land IRL
Abbreviation CAS Close Air Support Air strike to support ground forces by fixed / rotory wings IRL
Abbreviation CAP Combat Air Patrol Sentry airspace by fighter jets to protect airspace IRL
Abbreviation ERA Explosive Reactive Armor Type of armor; protects the vehicle by exploding itself when hit by a shell IRL
Military term Soft skin Less-protected / armored vehicles Lightly armored vehicles, like civillian or the majority of transport vehicles IRL
Military term Fast mover Fighter jets See Fixed Wing IRL
Military term Blue on Blue Friendly fire An occurence of two units that are friendly to each other shooting at each other. IRL
Abbreviation FF Friendly Fire See Blue on Blue IRL
Abbreviation IFF Identification Friend or Foe Radar based identification system for aircraft IRL
Military Term Alpha Victor Armored Vehicle In phonetic code Arma 3
Abbreviation AA Anti-Air Weapons used to destroy aircraft, like guns (See AAA) or missiles IRL
Abbreviation AAA Anti-Air Artillery Guns that are designed to shoot at aircraft, like the russian ZU-23 IRL
Military Term Fox Two Fired an Infra-red Air to Air missile IRL
Military Term Fox Three Fired an Active radar-guided Air to Air missile IRL
Military Term VTOL Vertical Take Off and Landing see S / VTOL IRL
Military Term S / VTOL Short and / or Vertical Take Off and Landing IRL
Military Term STOVL Short Take Off and Vertical Landing IRL
Abbreviation SVBIED Suicide Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device AKA Suicide Car Bomb IRL
Abbreviation FAK First Aid Kit A kit of medical supplies, which every soldier gets issued. IRL
Abbreviation QRF Quick Reaction Force A force that is on stand-by to quickly react to any reports. Commonly seen in missions in which a HVT has to be killed or captured. IRL
Abbreviation RV Rendezvous (point) A set point where units will meet up IRL
Military Term AAR After Action Review Reviewing past actions to understand potential mistakes and ways of improvement IRL
Abbreviation ASAP As Soon As Possible Quickly, in emergency IRL
Military Term klick Kilometer e.g "enemy, one klick, North", "half a klick East” IRL
Military Term Mike Minute e.g "I will be there in 10 mikes" IRL
Abbreviation AR Automatic Rifleman A rifleman equipped with a Light Machinegun, or a normal rifle with added ammunition. IRL
Abbreviation AT Anti Tank Weapons used to fight against tanks, like mainly Light or Heavy AT-Launchers, as well as others like Field guns. IRL
Abbreviation IR Infra-Red IRL
Abbreviation UXO Un Exploded Ordnance Bombs / shells that didn't explode properly and still have a risk of detonation. Call an expert when you find one. In Arma 3, UXOs are seen often in the Ground Zero of a Cluster bomb IRL
Abbreviation UXB Un Exploded Bomb See UXO IRL
Abbreviation IHL International Humanitarian Law Rules that needed to respect even in a war, AKA Jus in bello IRL
Abbreviation JTAC Joint Terminal Attack Controller Forward operator who guides an CAS and other fighter / attacker jets operation IRL
Military Term Strafing Attacking ground enemies by aircraft-mounted guns IRL
Abbreviation MP Military Police A part of a military, which takes over the responsibility of normal policing duties, like protecting military installations. IRL
Abbreviation IRL In Real Life The outer layer pf our simulation IRL
Abbreviation SP Single Player Playing alone without any players IRL
Abbreviation MP MultiPlayer Playing together with other players IRL
Abbreviation HALO High Altitude Low Opening AKA HALO jump, stealthy paradrop insertion used by special operators IRL
Military Term Paradrop Parachute drop Jumping from height, like from an aircraft, and landing using a parachute IRL
Abbreviation SpecOp Special Operators
Special Operations
Specially trained units or Special Operations, which have / require special skills and training that not every soldier has. IRL
Abbreviation COIN Counter Insurgency Fighting against a guerilla enemy IRL
Abbreviation EW Electronic Warfare Using weapons like EMPs (See EMP) to disturb the enemies electronic tools, like radios or GPS etc. IRL
Abbreviation EMP Electromagnetic Pulse A pulse that disables most of the electric devices in an area IRL
Military Term Callsign Anonymized name to be used in radio calls Names that are easier to remember than an official unit designation like Alpha 1-1, and will be used in both radio and other communications. IRL
Unique Term Armaverse The Universe of the Arma Arma
Abbreviation PMC Private Military Company
Private Military Contractors
Mercenaries that can be hired to fight. IRL
Abbreviation FOB Forward Operation Base An outpost that has been set up to be used for things like defending an area or launching operations. IRL
Abbreviation CBRN Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Formely known as NBC - can designate a threat or an adapted equipment IRL
Abbreviation NBC Nuclear Biological Chemical Old acronym, see CBRN IRL
Abbreviation SOCOM
United States Special Operations Command Unified Combatant Command of all US special units of the US Army, US Air Force, US Navy and US Marine Corps IRL