Pi123263/Sandbox – User
From Bohemia Interactive Community
This article covers Arma series / military-related words as well as common lingo.
The Sides avaible in the Arma series, Factions are assigned to a side. It is not possible for a mod to add a new side.
Default Relation (To BLUFOR) | Name | Meaning | Description / Notes |
Friendly | BLUFOR | Blue Forces | Friendlies, in Arma means Western forces (e.g. US, NATO) |
Enemy | OPFOR | Opposing Forces | Enemies, in Arma means Eastern forces (e.g. Soviet, CSAT) |
Friendly | Independent | Independent (Forces) | In Arma means third-world forces, local forces and / or guerillas (e.g. FIA, CDF, AAF). Sometimes called “INDFOR”, “GREENFOR” unofficially |
Neutral | CIVPOP | Civilian Population | Any non-military forces, also includes Animals in Arma. |
Factions that have been part of the Arma series. Factions contain the actual playable units and vehicles. Mods can add new Factions and contents for them.
Type | Name | Meaning | Description / Notes | Scope |
Abbreviation | RACS | Royal Army Corps of Sahrani | Armed Assault INDFOR | Armed Assault |
Abbreviation | SLA | Sahrani Liberation Army | Armed Assault OPFOR | Armed Assault |
Abbreviation | NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | NATO | IRL |
Abbreviation | CSAT | Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty | Arma 3 NATO counterpart mainly composed of Iran and China | Arma 3 |
Abbreviation | AAF | Altis Armed Forces | Altis military | Arma 3 |
Slang | Greenbacks | AAF soldiers | NATO soldiers' derogatory slang | Arma 3 |
Abbreviation | LDF | Livonian Defense Force | Livonia military | Arma 3 |
Abbreviation | FIA | Freedom and Independence Army | Local Insurgents in Arma 3 | Arma |
Slang | Chedaki | ChDKZ | See ChDKZ | Arma 2 |
Abbreviation | ChDKZ | Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star | Черноруссии движения к красной звездой (Chernorussii Dvizheniya k Krasnoy Zvezdoy) in Russian |
Arma 2 |
Foreign Word | Bundeswehr | German Army | The german national army | IRL |
Foreign Word | Luftwaffe | German Airforce | The german national airforce | IRL |
Abbreviation | CSLA | Czechoslovak People's Army | In Czech, Československá lidová armáda, in Slovak, Československá ľudová armáda. AKA ČSLA, also may referred to Arma 3 Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain. |
Abbreviation | IDAP | International Development & Aid Project | Fictional NGO, ICRC counterpart for Arma 3 | Arma 3 |
Unique Term | ION, Inc, | Private Military Company | A fictional PMC in Armaverse | Arma |
Foreign Word | Gendarmerie | French MP | Also designates Horizon Islands' MP in Arma 3 | IRL |
Vehicle Types / Names
Types of vehicles that are avaible in the Arma series.
Type | Name | Meaning | Description / Notes |
Ground Vehicle | MRAP | Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle | Vehicles that are built to survive ambushes using mines |
Ground Vehicle | MBT | Main Battle Tank | The 'all-rounder' tank, made to be able to fight both other tanks, but also infantry and other targets. |
Ground Vehicle | IFV | Infantry Fighting Vehicle | Vehicle that is built to carry infantry into battle, and then stays to fight alongside the infantry. Usually equipped with a powerfull gun, like an autocannon. |
Ground Vehicle | APC | Armored Personnel Carrier | Vehicle that is built to carry infantry into battle, then usually leaves the battle again. Usually only lightly armed, and not suited to stay and fight. |
Air Vehicle | Fixed Wings | Planes | Any vehicle that use fixed wings to generate lift, also applies for drones. |
Air Vehicle | Rotary Wings | Helicopters | Any vehicle that uses rotating wings to generate lift, also applies for drones. |
Air Vehicle | UAV | Unmanned Air Vehicle | AKA Drone |
Air Vehicle | UCAV | Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle | AKA Combat Drone |
Ground Vehicle | UGV | Unmanned Ground Vehicle | AKA Drone |
Ground Vehicle | ATV | All Terrain Vehicle | Any vehicle suitable for most, or all, types of terrain |
Weapon System | CIWS | Close In Weapon System | Weapon system to destroy enemy aircraft / missiles, mainly usesd to defend fleets of ships or installations like FOB's. |
Weapon System | VLS | Vertical Launch System | Weapon system to launch missiles vertically from fleets |
Ammo Types
Names of the different types of ammunition, which are avaible for vehicles in the Arma series.
Name | Meaning | Description / Notes | Used By |
HE | High Explosive | Type of shells made to generate an explosion and generate fragmentation to cause damage over a large radius | Ground Vehicles |
AP / APERS | Anti Personnel | Ground Vehicles | |
AP | Armor-Piercing | Type of shells made to penetrate armored targets | Ground Vehicles |
APDS | Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot | Type of shells made to penetrate armor - "classical" Sabot ammunition | Ground Vehicles |
APFSDS | Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot | Type of shells made to penetrate armor - thinner and longer than APDS Sabot, more "dart"-like | Ground Vehicles |
GBU | Guided Bomb Unit | Any kind of guided explosive dropped from an aircraft, contains different types like LGBs | Air Vehicles |
LGB | Laser Guided Bomb | Explosive dropped from an aircraft, which can be guided using a laser. | Air Vehicles |
Names of the different maps that have been avaible in the Arma series.
Name | Description / Notes | Game |
Altis | Republic of Altis and Stratis, located in Mediterranean Sea | Arma 3 |
Horizon Islands | Tanoa is the part of this country, located in Southern Pacific | Arma 3 |
Livonia | Located in Suwałki gap IRL, part of NATO | Arma 3 |
Chernarus | Located in the coast of fictional sea Green Sea, former Russian Empire and a part of Soviet Union | Arma 2 |
Takistan | Located in the coast of fictional sea Green Sea | Arma 2 |
South Zagoria | AKA Chernarus (Terrain) | Arma 2 |
Nadbór | AKA Livonia (Terrain) | Arma 3 |
Games / Engines / Game Features / DLC
Different terms related to
- the games themselves
- the engines used by the games
- different features of the games or
- DLC avaible for the games
Type | Name | Meaning | Description / Notes | Scope |
Abbreviation | RV | Real Virtuality | Game engine for Arma series, the latest version (v4) being used in Arma 3 | BI |
Abbreviation | OFP:CWC | Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis | Or simply OFP, AKA OPF. Former name for Arma: Cold War Assault and trademarked by Codemasters | Operation Flashpoint |
Abbreviation | Arma: CWA A:CWA |
Arma: Cold War Assault | New name for OFP: CWC since 2011, renamed after copyright issue | Operation Flashpoint |
Abbreviation | OFP:R | Operation Flashpoint: Resistance | Operation Flashpoint: Resistance | |
Abbreviation | OFP:RH | Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer | Codemasters-made Soviet perspective campaign. Not included in Arma: CWA nowadays | Operation Flashpoint |
Alias | Arma | Arma (Game series name) | Arma - means War, or Weapon in Latin. See The Name Tale blogpost. | Arma |
Abbreviation | ArmA | Arma: Armed Assault | Not to be confused with Arma, which designates the game series and / or games | Armed Assault |
Abbreviation | A1 | Arma 1 (Armed Assault, see ArmA) | Armed Assault | |
Abbreviation | ArmA:QG | ArmA: Queen's Gambit | Armed Assault | |
Abbreviation | A2 | Arma 2 | Arma 2 | |
Abbreviation | A2OA | Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead | Or simply OA | Arma 2 |
Abbreviation | Arma 2 OA | Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead | Or simply OA | Arma 2 |
Abbreviation | A3 | Arma 3 | Arma 3 | |
Alias | 3DEN | Eden Editor | New editor introduced with the Eden Update | Arma 3 |
Abbreviation | GM | Global Mobilization | Arma 3 Creator DLC: Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany | Arma 3 |
Abbreviation | CDLC | Creator DLC | AKA Third-Party DLC | Arma 3 |
Alias | Futura | Arma 3's working title | Future in Latin. Also appears as pbo names' suffix _f | Arma |
Alias | Orange | Arma 3 Laws of War's working title | Named after Amsterdam Studio and Dutch "orange culture" | Arma |
Abbreviation | LoW | Laws of War | Arma 3 Laws of War DLC | Arma 3 |
Military Lingo
Different abbreviations and other lingo used commonly in the game series.
Type | Name | Meaning | Description / Notes | Scope | |
Abbreviation | PID | Positive Identification | Ensure target's identity confirmation (whether hostile or objective) | IRL | |
Abbreviation | PAC | Package | military personnel | IRL | |
Abbreviation | CASEVAC | Casualty Evacuation | Evacuation of casualties from combat. \n Not the same as MedEvac! CasEvac = Transport using the fastest possible transport | IRL | |
Abbreviation | MEDEVAC | Medical Evacuation | Evacuation of casualties from combat. \n Not the same as CasEvac! MedEvac = Transport using dedicated medical vehicles, and with the casualties being treated during the transport | IRL | |
Abbreviation | HVT | High Value Target | An important target | IRL | |
Abbreviation | IED | Improvised Explosive Device | unconventional, usually hidden explosive charge | IRL | |
Abbreviation | SITREP | Situation Report | A report about the current situation, including info like contact with the enemy, amount of casualties, amount of ammunition left, etc. Contents can vary depending on situation and unit. | IRL | |
Abbreviation | ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival | Normally means time (hours:minutes) of arrival - used to mean time enroute (travel time). See ETE | IRL | |
Abbreviation | ETE | Estimated Time Enroute | Means time left before arrival. ETA is used instead. | IRL | |
Abbreviation | LZ | Landing Zone | An area where a helicopter or similar can land | IRL | |
Abbreviation | CAS | Close Air Support | Air strike to support ground forces by fixed / rotory wings | IRL | |
Abbreviation | CAP | Combat Air Patrol | Sentry airspace by fighter jets to protect airspace | IRL | |
Abbreviation | ERA | Explosive Reactive Armor | Type of armor; protects the vehicle by exploding itself when hit by a shell | IRL | |
Military term | Soft skin | Less-protected / armored vehicles | Lightly armored vehicles, like civillian or the majority of transport vehicles | IRL | |
Military term | Fast mover | Fighter jets | See Fixed Wing | IRL | |
Military term | Blue on Blue | Friendly fire | An occurence of two units that are friendly to each other shooting at each other. | IRL | |
Abbreviation | FF | Friendly Fire | See Blue on Blue | IRL | |
Abbreviation | IFF | Identification Friend or Foe | Radar based identification system for aircraft | IRL | |
Military Term | Alpha Victor | Armored Vehicle | In phonetic code | Arma 3 | |
Abbreviation | AA | Anti-Air | Weapons used to destroy aircraft, like guns (See AAA) or missiles | IRL | |
Abbreviation | AAA | Anti-Air Artillery | Guns that are designed to shoot at aircraft, like the russian ZU-23 | IRL | |
Military Term | Fox Two | Fired an Infra-red Air to Air missile | IRL | ||
Military Term | Fox Three | Fired an Active radar-guided Air to Air missile | IRL | ||
Military Term | VTOL | Vertical Take Off and Landing | see S / VTOL | IRL | |
Military Term | S / VTOL | Short and / or Vertical Take Off and Landing | IRL | ||
Military Term | STOVL | Short Take Off and Vertical Landing | IRL | ||
Abbreviation | SVBIED | Suicide Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device | AKA Suicide Car Bomb | IRL | |
Abbreviation | FAK | First Aid Kit | A kit of medical supplies, which every soldier gets issued. | IRL | |
Abbreviation | QRF | Quick Reaction Force | A force that is on stand-by to quickly react to any reports. Commonly seen in missions in which a HVT has to be killed or captured. | IRL | |
Abbreviation | RV | Rendezvous (point) | A set point where units will meet up | IRL | |
Military Term | AAR | After Action Review | Reviewing past actions to understand potential mistakes and ways of improvement | IRL | |
Abbreviation | ASAP | As Soon As Possible | Quickly, in emergency | IRL | |
Military Term | klick | Kilometer | e.g "enemy, one klick, North", "half a klick East” | IRL | |
Military Term | Mike | Minute | e.g "I will be there in 10 mikes" | IRL | |
Abbreviation | AR | Automatic Rifleman | A rifleman equipped with a Light Machinegun, or a normal rifle with added ammunition. | IRL | |
Abbreviation | AT | Anti Tank | Weapons used to fight against tanks, like mainly Light or Heavy AT-Launchers, as well as others like Field guns. | IRL | |
Abbreviation | IR | Infra-Red | IRL | ||
Abbreviation | UXO | Un Exploded Ordnance | Bombs / shells that didn't explode properly and still have a risk of detonation. Call an expert when you find one. In Arma 3, UXOs are seen often in the Ground Zero of a Cluster bomb | IRL | |
Abbreviation | UXB | Un Exploded Bomb | See UXO | IRL | |
Abbreviation | IHL | International Humanitarian Law | Rules that needed to respect even in a war, AKA Jus in bello | IRL | |
Abbreviation | JTAC | Joint Terminal Attack Controller | Forward operator who guides an CAS and other fighter / attacker jets operation | IRL | |
Military Term | Strafing | Attacking ground enemies by aircraft-mounted guns | IRL | ||
Abbreviation | MP | Military Police | A part of a military, which takes over the responsibility of normal policing duties, like protecting military installations. | IRL | |
Abbreviation | IRL | In Real Life | The outer layer pf our simulation | IRL | |
Abbreviation | SP | Single Player | Playing alone without any players | IRL | |
Abbreviation | MP | MultiPlayer | Playing together with other players | IRL | |
Abbreviation | HALO | High Altitude Low Opening | AKA HALO jump, stealthy paradrop insertion used by special operators | IRL | |
Military Term | Paradrop | Parachute drop | Jumping from height, like from an aircraft, and landing using a parachute | IRL | |
Abbreviation | SpecOp | Special Operators Special Operations |
Specially trained units or Special Operations, which have / require special skills and training that not every soldier has. | IRL | |
Abbreviation | COIN | Counter Insurgency | Fighting against a guerilla enemy | IRL | |
Abbreviation | EW | Electronic Warfare | Using weapons like EMPs (See EMP) to disturb the enemies electronic tools, like radios or GPS etc. | IRL | |
Abbreviation | EMP | Electromagnetic Pulse | A pulse that disables most of the electric devices in an area | IRL | |
Military Term | Callsign | Anonymized name to be used in radio calls | Names that are easier to remember than an official unit designation like Alpha 1-1, and will be used in both radio and other communications. | IRL | |
Unique Term | Armaverse | The Universe of the Arma | Arma | ||
Abbreviation | PMC | Private Military Company Private Military Contractors |
Mercenaries that can be hired to fight. | IRL | |
Abbreviation | FOB | Forward Operation Base | An outpost that has been set up to be used for things like defending an area or launching operations. | IRL | |
Abbreviation | CBRN | Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear | Formely known as NBC - can designate a threat or an adapted equipment | IRL | |
Abbreviation | NBC | Nuclear Biological Chemical | Old acronym, see CBRN | IRL | |
Abbreviation | SOCOM USSOCOM |
United States Special Operations Command | Unified Combatant Command of all US special units of the US Army, US Air Force, US Navy and US Marine Corps | IRL |