SOBR – User

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SOBR is true OFP fan from Germany. He started playing the game from Jun 2001 and at the end of 2002 he joined the AFS Ahlener Flashpoint Soldiers but canceled his service there after a few month due to personal problems.

He then gained experience and professionalism on public servers until he came across the 451st SniperTeam gaming server where he met some Irish dudes. Since 5th Oct. 2003 he is a proud member of the gaming clan 1st.Irish Rangers.

Throughout these 3 - 3,5 years he got perfectly used to the clanlife and the members became close friends. He gained the rank of Battalion Quartermaster Sergeant [BQMS] of the Irish Defence Forces, which is an NCO.

He participated with his clan in the FCM league and made the 5th place. He is furthermore the Recruitment Officer of the [1st-I-R] which has members from all over Europe.

To learn more about his clan, please visit this 1st.Irish Rangers

One month before the official release of ArmA in Germany, SOBR started a business to distribute Armed Assault. The original idea was to deliver ArmA to people in countries that had no publisher, namely every country except of Germany, Austria and Czech Rep. He succseeded and achieved that the ArmA community of today has grown by ~ 300 happy players.

BUYARMA.COM delivered ArmA to over 25 countries of this world and still is active and receiving orders. This contribution went to the community only. The BUYARMA.COM forums were flooded with positive feedback.

After this great goal he achieved he now is trying to tweak ArmA for realism. He made a extensive text on all Armour in ArmA. List of Armour values. Recently he joined the USTP team, which is dedicated to founding a basis of realism for future addons for Armed Assault. The "United System of Technical Parameters" is a fairly young group by members of the community who consider ArmA's true value realism and are looking for people who:

- Wish to help us in our project and become dedicated
- Are able to work with configs of units in ArmA
- Or have extensive and a profound knowledge about the military