CrashDome/Sandbox – User talk

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Hi Crashdome. Maybe also the Header definitions could be usefull. It looks like all the possible States are listed, with a fair few numbers attached, which are still to be determined. Then I guess is listed all the possible transitions between listed states. Then begins the FMS class. BIS FSMEditor tool would definitly help :p - Whisper 10:53, 1 December 2006 (CET)

I still think they are not for use by the engine, but you could very well be right. The only reaason I do not think they are for use by the engine is that the floating point values would be more appropriate as properties defined within each state itself (if they were required). I think they are like coordinates for where to fit the state on the editing tool. I admit I have only looked over them once, but if they are truly required - for what reason I would not know... I am deeply shocked they(BIS) would seperate all those values from the class itself. That would be a programming moment of idiocy IMO. --CrashDome 16:14, 1 December 2006 (CET)