Str – User talk

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Related to your new article: BIS_fnc_crows
You posted in the Syntax that the function can have up to 3 parameters ([position,areaSize,number] call BIS_fnc_crows).
In the example are 4 parameters (bis_crows = [BIS_scientist,20,8,20] call bis_fnc_crows;)
What is the truth ???
--HeliJunkie 11:55, 29 November 2010 (CET)

Thanks for noticing, I forgot the last argument. Added now.
++Str 11:59, 29 November 2010 (CET)

Thanks very much for creating the Germany 85 mod page! Hellfish6

Thanks for text formatting of the ArmA Action List, but why did you change the Category to OFP? --raedor 18:10, 10 October 2006 (CEST)

Oh, sorry. I've copied text from OFP actions list and added new ArmA actions , but I forget to change category. ++Str 18:13, 10 October 2006 (CEST)
Ah, k, no problem then ;) --raedor 18:14, 10 October 2006 (CEST)

One more thing: it is quite sure that the actions which did not stand in the initial list and which have been working in OFP, don't work in ArmA... --raedor 18:17, 10 October 2006 (CEST)

I noticed only PUT action is missing. I thought it is some mistake, but if not, it can be removed. ++Str 18:27, 10 October 2006 (CEST)
Hehe, put is the only action where I "know" for sure that it doesn't work. --raedor 18:31, 10 October 2006 (CEST)
I think PUT uses fire instead of Action.... unitname fire ["put","pipebomb"]
Planck 01:36, 7 November 2006 (CET)

str, could you please delete the following ukf files please? I've uploaded a new jpg of the logo, and the gif, and the older version are no longer required. Thank you very much. Messiah 01:26, 31 October 2006 (CET)

Noticed in recent changes that you deleted them today. Thanks! Messiah 18:25, 31 October 2006 (CET)

OFPEC Cutscene Competition

Congratulations, very nice cutscene; well done with the effects! :) --raedor 23:27, 6 November 2006 (CET)

Help with tomahawk mod

hi woudl lie to ask u if u would consider joing me on recoding my [Tomahawk_Mod Tomahawk mod] if so contact me if not contact me ArmAtec

I'm sorry, but I have full hands of work with preparing to leaving exam. I'm not going to work on any ArmA project before May. ++Str 21:25, 8 February 2007 (CET)

is there any chance u could look at one part of it for me as i feel i could do the rest but im stuck on one part but i would need to send u the whole mod for u to see it and i guess it would not take some one of your tallent to long to sort the problem ArmAtec


Hi Str,

I was just made aware of the great page you created on the Czech Wiki, on SQS to SQF conversion.

Do you think you could translate that page for this site? Or, if you don't have time, would it be ok for someone else to transfer it?

Thanks! --Kronzky 02:18, 1 March 2007 (CET)

I started translating, but now I found these pages - Control Structures and SQF - where is all already described. ++Str 15:08, 1 March 2007 (CET)
Yeah, but those pages aren't really the same. The nice thing about your SQS/SQF page was that it explicitly described the differences between those two languages, and what to look out for when converting a script. I think it still has it would still be useful to have, even with those other pages around. --Kronzky 16:00, 1 March 2007 (CET)

Official forum?

And wheres that? Movement 18:51, 18 August 2007 (CEST) ++Str 19:54, 18 August 2007 (CEST)


I need some info about sendUDPMessage since I'm don't know if the port must be a string or number. Cya tom_48_97 18:36, 15 December 2010 (CET)

Recreation of =

Hi. I noticed you are a far more active contributor than most of the wiki sysops, so am asking you instead. I hope that's okay.

I'd like to recreate = for use in other templates and their construction, but since it was previously deleted, renamed and deleted again, I didn't want to just march on in and do it without official go ahead.

I also note that {{!}} was created but categorised in a category that doesn't (yet) exist, and again I don't want to tread on toes or talk endlessly about simple administration tasks with every other user. Would you consider it appropriate to change its category or create the category it's assigned to?

I'm new to ArmA and this community, but am an experienced developer in several languages including mediawiki editing and markup (including template construction and troubleshooting), and would like to get stuck in, but don't want to upset anyone or (as I said) get into long winded discussions about every little thing (been there - done that - burned the t-shirt).

I'm not asking for a free pass to do whatever I like, but a "sure thing! knock yourself out!" would be nice :-) Fred Gandt (talk) 14:52, 6 March 2014 (CET)

P.S. I've noticed a great deal of content that thinks it's part of Wikipedia (template documentation and the like). I'm assuming (although it's a minefield so I haven't actually tracked the root(s) of the issue(s) yet, that content is being copy pasted with the expectation that it will simply work here if it works there.

It might be a simpler task for admin with backend access to track down the offending files and fix or delete them. For example documentation/end_box, and there are pages in Wikipedia specific categories that don't exist. It's a bit of a mess actually. I have found a bundle of Templates that aren't categorized at all, so there's no easy way to find them, but don't know if perhaps that's how BI wants them?

Some guidance would be helpful. I don't fancy trying to fix it all, only to be told off for trying, and having all my efforts reverted ;-) Fred Gandt (talk) 15:51, 6 March 2014 (CET)

(Finally) fixed TKOM-era mess :^) - Lou Montana (talk) 16:44, 26 December 2020 (CET)

Request for comment

At Village_Pump_(proposals)#Interlinking_via_.22See_Also.22  -- Fred Gandt (talk/contribs) 15:33, 11 April 2014 (CEST)

Initialization Order

I saw that you had reverted my edit to the initialization order section of the functions page so I thought I'd give you my evidence. You can verify that postInit functions run before those specific event scripts by simply using diag_log or even systemChat. It's also the reason that the second AI spawning example on the Arma 3 Headless Client page works correctly (which you can also test and verify). - User:SilentSpike 02:00, 26 November 2014

The order is correct, check Functions_F\initFunctions.sqf if you don't believe me. Note the difference between what is called (runs immediately) and what is executed (runs in scheduled environment and may be delayed when there are many scripting operations running). ---Str (talk) 11:00, 26 November 2014 (CET)
Ah, thanks for the tip. I wasn't aware that file existed. So if I understand this: the event scripts are being ran later than postInit functions due to the scheduled environment when they're actually being executed before it? - User:SilentSpike 13:34, 26 November 2014