Strangepete – User talk

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Ok thanks, I found it in config and added missing vehicle actions to actions list.

oh good, i was just in the middle of replying. do you think the action display conditions should be explained in the article, or simply left at a quick reference to the Actions list?

Request for comment

At Village_Pump_(proposals)#Interlinking_via_.22See_Also.22  -- Fred Gandt (talk/contribs) 15:32, 11 April 2014 (CEST)

Fixed that

Sorry I accidentally overwrote your edit on the config megalist SP. I'll check more carefully next time before doing a mass edit--I still have a large backlog of entries to add to that page (they're coming from spreadsheet of mine, so there's a lot of reformatting for each entry). I restored your work, thanks for the addition.Olds (talk) 00:00, 26 October 2014 (CEST)

Regarding timeToLive behavior: Wow, that's interesting - I assumed it was the same for all projectiles b/c bullets just disappear but if you confirm otherwise, let me know and I'll amend the entry!Olds (talk) 18:37, 27 October 2014 (CET)

My note on cursorTarget

Thanks for your feedback. I made that note with the results from my testing (I was working on a fun 30-minute script when I discovered the behavior). I'm going to stand by it in the meantime, but I will continue testing and edit my note if I have new findings. - DreadedEntity

if you have a specific case in which this happens, you should add that to your note, because otherwise, i've tested multiple objects, vehicles and buildings, and all of them allow cursorTarget to identify the pointed-at-target beyond the bounding of said-object; and only returns the said-object if the result would otherwise be NULL. for a quick test throw this in debug:
_nil = [] spawn {while{true} do {sleep 0.1; hintsilent str cursorTarget}};


Thanks for changing the execution for me, I couldn't find it in the source - DreadedEntity (talk) 21:09, 25 December 2014 (CET)