From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Returns Array with params for given user action id (similar to addAction param array).
- Groups:
- Interaction
- Syntax:
- entity actionParams id
- Parameters:
- entity: Object - entity with added user actions
- id: Number - id of existing user action (returned by addAction or actionIDs)
- Return Value:
- Array in format [title, script, arguments, priority, showWindow, hideOnUse, shortcut, condition, radius, unconscious, textWindowBackground, textWindowForeground, selection, memoryPoint]:
- title: String - action title text
- script: String - script file or script expression assigned to the action
- arguments: Anything or nil - arguments passed to the action
- priority: Number - action priority on the action menu
- showWindow: Boolean - whether the action is shown in the center of the screen too
- hideOnUse: Boolean - whether the action menu should close after selecting the action
- shortcut: String - action bindings to some existing engine action if any
- condition: String - expression returning true or nil for action to appear on the action menu
- radius: Number - max distance to entity at which action becomes available. -1 means it is engine default (~15m)
- unconscious: Boolean - whether the action is available to unconscious person
- textWindowBackground: String - same as textWindowBackground in setUserActionText
- textWindowForeground: String - same as textWindowForeground in setUserActionText
- selection: String - named selection in Geometry LOD to which the action is attached
- memoryPoint: String - memory point on the object to which the action is attached
If entity is objNull, the following array is returned:
(returned Nothing until Arma 3 v1.94)
- Example 1:
Additional Information
- See also:
- actionIDs addAction setUserActionText inGameUISetEventHandler showHUD inputAction removeAction removeAllActions action
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