RV/doc – Template

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(Add sXsince/pXsince)
(Add new locality/server categories)
Line 58: Line 58:
* <tt>Category:''game1'': Introduced in v''version'''1'''''</tt> (e.g [[:Category:Introduced with {{arma3}} version 1.00|Category:'''{{arma3}}''': Introduced in v'''1.00''']])
* <tt>Category:''game1'': Introduced in v''version'''1'''''</tt> (e.g [[:Category:Introduced with {{arma3}} version 1.00|Category:'''{{arma3}}''': Introduced in v'''1.00''']])
* <tt>''game'''1''''': New Scripting Commands</tt> category (e.g [[:Category:{{arma2}}: New Scripting Commands|Category:'''{{arma2}}''': New Scripting Commands]])
* <tt>''game'''1''''': New Scripting Commands</tt> category (e.g [[:Category:{{arma2}}: New Scripting Commands|Category:'''{{arma2}}''': New Scripting Commands]])
<!-- * <tt>[[:Category:Introduced with Arma 3 Development Branch]]</tt> if ''game1'' is <tt>arma3dev</tt> not yet -->
* branches:
** <tt>[[:Category:Arma 3: Scripting Commands: Development Branch]]</tt> if ''branch'' is dev
** <tt>[[:Category:Arma 3: Scripting Commands: Diagnostic Branch]]</tt> if ''branch'' is diag
** <tt>[[:Category:Arma 3: Scripting Commands: Profiling Branch]]</tt> if ''branch'' is prof
* effect locality:
** <tt>[[:Category:Scripting Commands: Local Effect]]</tt> if ''eff'' is local
** <tt>[[:Category:Scripting Commands: Global Effect]]</tt> if ''eff'' is global
* <tt>[[:Category:Scripting Commands: Server Execution]]</tt> if ''serverExec'' is defined
* <tt>[[:Category:Functions]]</tt>
* <tt>[[:Category:Functions]]</tt>
Line 64: Line 71:
* <tt>Category:''game'''1''''': Introduced in v''version'''1'''''</tt> (e.g [[:Category:Introduced with {{arma3}} version 1.00|Category:'''{{arma3}}''': Introduced in v'''1.00''']])
* <tt>Category:''game'''1''''': Introduced in v''version'''1'''''</tt> (e.g [[:Category:Introduced with {{arma3}} version 1.00|Category:'''{{arma3}}''': Introduced in v'''1.00''']])
* <tt>''game'''1''''': New Functions</tt> category (e.g [[:Category: {{arma2}}: New Functions|Category: '''{{arma2}}''': New Functions]])
* <tt>''game'''1''''': New Functions</tt> category (e.g [[:Category: {{arma2}}: New Functions|Category: '''{{arma2}}''': New Functions]])
<!--* <tt>[[:Category:Introduced with Arma 3 Development Branch]]</tt> if ''game1'' is <tt>arma3dev</tt> not yet, and most probably won't -->
* branches:
** <tt>[[:Category:Arma 3: Functions: Development Branch]]</tt> if ''branch'' is dev
** <tt>[[:Category:Arma 3: Functions: Diagnostic Branch]]</tt> if ''branch'' is diag
** <tt>[[:Category:Arma 3: Functions: Profiling Branch]]</tt> if ''branch'' is prof
* effect locality:
** <tt>[[:Category:Functions: Local Effect]]</tt> if ''eff'' is local
** <tt>[[:Category:Functions: Global Effect]]</tt> if ''eff'' is global
* <tt>[[:Category:Functions: Server Execution]]</tt> if ''serverExec'' is defined

Revision as of 21:44, 5 November 2021

Real Virtuality Commands/Functions documentation template, used by these pages.

Do NOT edit this template before heavy testing, as it is widely used! (on at least 4,750 pages, including 2,673 commands and 2,077 functions)


{{RV|type=|other parameters, see below}}

  • meta information:
    • type: (named argument, case-insensitive) "command" or "function"
    • displayTitle: (Optional, default {{PAGENAMEE}} - encoded page name, i.e with underscores) use to force page's displayTitle (e.g diag_log (Arma 2)) - automatically deals with diag_ and buldozer_ pages already
    • sortKey: (Optional, default commandName or functionName without BIS/BIN_fnc_ prefix) use to force category's sort key
  • primary parameters:
    • game1: short game name - same as Name template input format. Can be: ofp, ofpe, arma1, arma2, arma2oa, tkoh, arma3
    • version1: (Optional, default empty - unknown) number in GVI template format: <Major>.<Minor>. e.g 1.46, 1.75, 1.86 etc.
    • arg: (Optional, default empty) local or global - if provided, will display the LALocal or GAGlobal icon depending on arguments' locality
    • eff: (Optional, default empty) local or global - if provided, will display the LELocal or GEGlobal icon depending on effect's locality
    • serverExec: (Optional, default empty) if provided, will display the SEServer icon informing the command must be run on the server
    • descr: (Optional, default Description needed) the command description
    • exec: (Optional, Function only, default call) use spawn for functions to be spawned
    • gr1..gr5: (Optional, default Command Group: Uncategorised) Command groups. Case sensitive
    • s1: (Optional, default Syntax needed) command syntax with named parameters, without <code> tags nor ending ; semicolon. e.g unit1 setDammage 1
    • p1..p20: (Optional, default empty) command parameters with description
    • r1: (default Return value needed) syntax's return value
    • x1..x10: (default Example needed) command examples (to be put between <code></code> tags where needed)
    • seealso: (default See also needed) list of related links in wiki format, separated by comma or space. e.g [[setDir]] [[setPos]]
  • secondary parameters:
    • branch: (Optional, default empty) takes free string such as development (dev), diagnostic (diag) or profiling (prof). If provided, will mark the page as Development, Diagnostic or Profiling branch only
    • alias: (Optional, default empty) if provided, will show Alias link(s) under the description
    • mp: (Optional, default empty) if provided, will show a Multiplayer note under the description
    • pr: (Optional, default empty) if provided, will show a Problems note under the description
    • game2..7: (Optional, default empty) same as game1
    • version2..7: (Optional, default empty) same as version1, for the corresponding game#
    • s2..s6: (Optional, default empty) Alternative syntaxes 1 to 5 (see s1)
    • s2since..s6since: (Optional, default empty) game version that introduced the syntax; format gameId gameVersion, e.g arma3 1.50
    • p21..p120: (Optional, default empty) Alternative syntaxes' parameters (20 each: p21..40, p41..60, p61..80, p81..100, p101..120)
    • p21since..p120since: (Optional, default empty) game version that introduced the parameter; format gameId gameVersion, e.g arma3 1.50
    • r2..r6: (Optional, default empty) Alternative syntaxes' return value (see r1)

Automatic categories

Maintenance/RV :

Command Function


Code Result
{{RV}} -no type provided-

{{RV|type=abc}} -wrong type ("abc") provided-


|game1= ofp
|version1= 1.00

|game2= ofpe
|version2= 1.00

|game3= arma1
|version3= 1.00

|game4= arma2
|version4= 1.00

|game5= arma2oa
|version5= 1.50

|game6= tkoh
|version6= 1.00

|game7= arma3
|version7= 0.50

|branch= development diagnostic profiling

|arg= local

|eff= global

|gr1= Object Manipulation

|descr= Sets object heading.
Angles are measured in degrees clockwise from north,
and regular range goes from 0 to 360 (0° {{=}} N, 90° {{=}} E, 180° {{=}} S, 270° {{=}} W).
Negative angles represent a counter-clockwise angle.

|alias= [[someCommand]]

|pr= Command will not work with roman numbers e.g. VI.

|mp= See notes below for more details on [[setDir]] behaviour.

|s1= object [[setDir]] heading

|p1= object: [[Object]]

|p2= heading: [[Number]] (Optional, default {{ic|0}}) - direction
|p2since= arma2 1.00

|r1= [[Nothing]]

|x1 = <code>unit1 [[setDir]] 45; {{cc|will set unit1 to face North-East}}</code>

|x2 = <code>unit1 [[setDir]] -675; {{cc|will also set unit1 to face North-East ({{=}} 45-360-360)}}</code>

|x3 = <code>unit1 [[setDir]] 30;
unit1 [[setFormDir]] 30; {{cc|needed for AI to keep the given direction}}</code>

|seealso= [[getDir]], [[direction]], [[setFormDir]], [[setVectorDir]], [[setVectorDirAndUp]]
Hover & click on the images for description
Only available in Development/Diagnostic/Profiling branch(es) until its release with Arma 3 patch v1.00.


Sets object heading. Angles are measured in degrees clockwise from north, and regular range goes from 0 to 360 (0° = N, 90° = E, 180° = S, 270° = W). Negative angles represent a counter-clockwise angle.
See notes below for more details on setDir behaviour.
Command will not work with roman numbers e.g. VI.
Object Manipulation


object setDir heading
object: Object
since Logo A2.png1.00
heading: Number (Optional, default 0) - direction
Return Value:


Example 1:
unit1 setDir 45; // will set unit1 to face North-East
Example 2:
unit1 setDir -675; // will also set unit1 to face North-East (= 45-360-360)
Example 3:
unit1 setDir 30; unit1 setFormDir 30; // needed for AI to keep the given direction

Additional Information

See also:


Report bugs on the Feedback Tracker and/or discuss them on the Arma Discord or on the Forums.
Only post proven facts here! Add Note


|game1= arma2
|version1= 1.00

|game2= tkoh
|version2= 1.00

|game3= arma3
|version3= 0.50

|arg= local

|eff= local

|gr1= Diagnostic

|descr= Shows Function Library viewer, which contains list of all available functions, both official and unofficial.

|alias= someFunction

Image:Fnc_help.jpg|Arma 2
File:Take On Helicopters Functions Viewer.jpg|Take On Helicopters

|s1= [parentDisplay] [[call]] [[BIS_fnc_help]]

|p1= parentDisplay: [[Display]] - (Optional, default [[displayNull]])

|r1= [[Nothing]]

|x1= <code>[] [[call]] [[BIS_fnc_help]];</code>

|seealso= [[Arma 2: Functions Library]]
[[Arma 3: Functions Library]]
[[Take On Helicopters: Functions Library]]
Hover & click on the images for description


Shows Function Library viewer, which contains list of all available functions, both official and unofficial.


[parentDisplay] call BIS_fnc_help
parentDisplay: Display - (Optional, default displayNull)
Return Value:


Example 1:
[] call BIS_fnc_help;

Additional Information

See also:
Arma 2: Functions Library Arma 3: Functions Library Take On Helicopters: Functions Library


Report bugs on the Feedback Tracker and/or discuss them on the Arma Discord or on the Forums.
Only post proven facts here! Add Note

Command Template



















































Function Template

















































