GameIntro – Template

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mNo edit summary
m (Fix line returns)
(81 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
-->{{#if: {{{isDLC|}}} | {{#if: {{{game|}}} | Introduced with: {{GVI|{{{game}}}|{{{version|?}}}}}{{TemplateCase||[[Category:Introduced with {{Name|{{{game|}}}}} version {{{version|}}}]]}}<br> }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{EAdate|}}} | Early Access: {{#time: M d, Y|{{{EAdate}}}}}<br> }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{releasedate|}}} | Released: {{#time: M d, Y|{{{releasedate}}}}}<br> }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{enddate|}}} | Ended: {{#time: M d, Y|{{{enddate}}}}}<br> }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{latestversion|}}} | Latest version: {{{latestversion}}}<br> }}
=== Introduction ===
=== Introduction ===
{{#if: {{{EAdate|}}} | {{#if: {{{releasedate|}}} | <!-- released --> | {{Messagebox/BI||This product is in '''Early Access'''.}}}}}}
{{{intro|Please add some introductory text!}}}
{{{intro|Please add some introductory text!}}}
{{#if: {{{feature1|}}} |
=== Features ===
=== Features ===
{{#if: {{{feature1|}}} | * {{{feature1}}} | }}
* {{{feature1}}} }}
{{#if: {{{feature2|}}} | * {{{feature2}}} | }}
{{#if: {{{feature2|}}} | * {{{feature2}}}}}<!--
{{#if: {{{feature3|}}} | * {{{feature3}}} | }}
-->{{#if: {{{feature3|}}} | * {{{feature3}}} }}<!--
{{#if: {{{feature4|}}} | * {{{feature4}}} | }}
-->{{#if: {{{feature4|}}} | * {{{feature4}}} }}<!--
{{#if: {{{feature5|}}} | * {{{feature5}}} | }}
-->{{#if: {{{feature5|}}} | * {{{feature5}}} }}<!--
{{#if: {{{feature6|}}} | * {{{feature6}}} | }}
-->{{#if: {{{feature6|}}} | * {{{feature6}}} }}<!--
{{#if: {{{feature7|}}} | * {{{feature7}}} | }}
-->{{#if: {{{feature7|}}} | * {{{feature7}}} }}<!--
{{#if: {{{feature8|}}} | * {{{feature8}}} | }}
-->{{#if: {{{feature8|}}} | * {{{feature8}}} }}<!--
{{#if: {{{feature9|}}} | * {{{feature9}}} | }}
-->{{#if: {{{feature9|}}} | * {{{feature9}}} }}<!--
{{#if: {{{feature10|}}} | * {{{feature10}}} | }}
-->{{#if: {{{feature10|}}} | * {{{feature10}}} }}<!--
{{#if: {{{feature11|}}} | * {{{feature11}}} | }}
-->{{#if: {{{premfeature1|}}} |
{{#if: {{{feature12|}}} | * {{{feature12}}} | }}
=== Premium Content ===
{{#if: {{{feature13|}}} | * {{{feature13}}} | }}
* {{{premfeature1}}} }}
{{#if: {{{feature14|}}} | * {{{feature14}}} | }}
{{#if: {{{premfeature2|}}} | * {{{premfeature2}}}}}<!--
{{#if: {{{feature15|}}} | * {{{feature15}}} | }}
-->{{#if: {{{premfeature3|}}} | * {{{premfeature3}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{premfeature4|}}} | * {{{premfeature4}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{premfeature5|}}} | * {{{premfeature5}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{premfeature6|}}} | * {{{premfeature6}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{premfeature7|}}} | * {{{premfeature7}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{premfeature8|}}} | * {{{premfeature8}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{premfeature9|}}} | * {{{premfeature9}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{premfeature10|}}} | * {{{premfeature10}}} }}
{{#if: {{{freefeature1|}}} |
=== Free Content ===
* {{{freefeature1}}} }}
{{#if: {{{freefeature2|}}} | * {{{freefeature2}}}}}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{freefeature3|}}} | * {{{freefeature3}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{freefeature4|}}} | * {{{freefeature4}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{freefeature5|}}} | * {{{freefeature5}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{freefeature6|}}} | * {{{freefeature6}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{freefeature7|}}} | * {{{freefeature7}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{freefeature8|}}} | * {{{freefeature8}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{freefeature9|}}} | * {{{freefeature9}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{freefeature10|}}} | * {{{freefeature10}}} }}
{{#if: {{{supportfeature1|}}} |
=== Supporting Content ===
* {{{supportfeature1}}} }}
{{#if: {{{supportfeature2|}}} | * {{{supportfeature2}}}}}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{supportfeature3|}}} | * {{{supportfeature3}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{supportfeature4|}}} | * {{{supportfeature4}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{supportfeature5|}}} | * {{{supportfeature5}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{supportfeature6|}}} | * {{{supportfeature6}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{supportefeature7|}}} | * {{{supportfeature7}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{supportfeature8|}}} | * {{{supportfeature8}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{supportfeature9|}}} | * {{{supportfeature9}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{supportfeature10|}}} | * {{{supportfeature10}}} }}
{{#if: {{{gallery1|}}}|
{{#if: {{{gallery1|}}}|
=== Gallery ===
{{#if: {{{dlcs|}}} |
=== DLCs ===
{{{dlcs}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{trailer|}}} | {{Youtube|{{{trailer}}}|Trailer|center|500}}}}
{{#if: {{{start1|}}} |
=== Getting Started ===
* {{{start1}}} }}
{{#if: {{{start2|}}} | * {{{start2}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{start3|}}} | * {{{start3}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{start4|}}} | * {{{start4}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{start5|}}} | * {{{start5}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{start6|}}} | * {{{start6}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{start7|}}} | * {{{start7}}} }}
{{#if: {{{social1|}}} |
=== Social Media ===
* {{{social1}}} }}
{{#if: {{{social2|}}} | * {{{social2}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{social3|}}} | * {{{social3}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{social4|}}} | * {{{social4}}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{social5|}}} | * {{{social5}}} }}
{{#ifeq: {{{isDLC|n}}} | n | {{TemplateCase||[[Category:Projects]]}}}}</includeonly><noinclude>
== Usage ==
== Usage ==
* '''image''' - Image displayed on the top right
* '''intro''' - A short summary of what the game is about
* image: image displayed on the top right
* '''feature#''' - Features displayed in a list (feature1-feature10)
* game: (Optional, default empty) DLC introduction - see [[Template:GVI]]
* '''gallery''' - Images displayed at the bottom of the page in a gallery
* version: (Optional, default "?") DLC introduction - see [[Template:GVI]]
* EAdate: (Optional, default empty) Early Access date, format yyyymmdd
* releasedate: (Optional, default empty) release date, format yyyymmdd
* enddate: (Optional, default empty) end date, format yyyymmdd
* latestversion: (Optional, default empty) latest version, displayed as is (no "v" prefix)
* size: (Optional, default 250) size of ''image'' in px
* intro: a short summary of what the game is about
* feature'''#''': (Optional) a list of features (# in range 1..10)
* premfeature'''#''': (Optional) a list of premium content (# in range 1..10)
* freefeature'''#''': (Optional) a list of free content (# in range 1..10)
* supportfeature'''#''': (Optional) a list of supporting content (# in range 1..10)
* gallery'''#''': (Optional) images displayed at the bottom of the page (# in range 1..10)
* trailer: (Optional) id of the YouTube video to be displayed - see [[Template:Youtube]]
* dlcs: (Optional) available DLCs
* start'''#''': (Optional) a list with "getting started" pages (# in range 1..7)
* social'''#''': (Optional) links to social media (# in range 1..5)
* isDLC: (Optional, default n) enter ''y'' if it is a DLC. This will prevent {{hl|[[:Category: Projects]]}} from being added to the page

* The template will automatically remove TOC and section edit links
* The page is automatically added to the [[:Category:Projects|Projects]] category (if not a DLC)
* The page is automatically added to ''Introduced with version xxx'' pages (if a DLC)}}
== Example ==
{| class="wikitable valign-top"
|+ Examples
! Code
! style="min-width: 500px" | Result
| <syntaxhighlight lang="html+handlebars">{{GameIntro}}</syntaxhighlight>
| {{GameIntro}}
| <syntaxhighlight lang="handlebars">
|image= arma3 zeus logo.png
|game= arma3
|version= 1.16
|releasedate= 2014-02-13
|intro= Zeus is a Free DLC for {{arma3}} that was announced on 13th February 2014 and is available since 10th April 2014. [...]
|feature1= '''Basic Features''' - Some basic features. (Leave empty if Premium Content, Free Content and Supporting Content are used)
|premfeature1= '''Premium Features''' - Features that are only available if one owns the DLC
|freefeature1= '''Free Features''' - Features that are available to everyone
|supportfeature1= '''Supporting Features''' - Features that expand the platform
|gallery1= arma3 dlc zeus screenshot 1.jpg
|gallery2= arma3 dlc zeus screenshot 2.jpg
|gallery3= arma3 dlc zeus screenshot 3.jpg
|gallery4= arma3 dlc zeus screenshot 4.jpg
|trailer= 5JiXznUyldM
|dlcs= [[File:arma3 zeus logo.png|200px|link= Arma 3 Zeus]] [[File:arma3 karts logo.png|200px|link= Arma 3 Karts]]
|start1= [[Arma 3 Field Manual - Zeus|Field Manual]]
|start2= [[Curator|Zeus Editing]]
|start3= [ Bohemia Interactive Forums - Zeus]
|start4= [ Bohemia Interactive Forums - Zeus Editing]
|start5= [ Official Site]
|social1= [ {{arma3}} on YouTube]
|isDLC= y
| {{GameIntro
|image= arma3 zeus logo.png
|game= arma3
|version= 1.16
|releasedate= 2014-02-13
|intro= Zeus is a Free DLC for {{arma3}} that was announced on 13th February 2014 and is available since 10th April 2014. [...]
|feature1= '''Basic Features''' - Some basic features. (Leave empty if Premium Content, Free Content and Supporting Content are used)
|premfeature1= '''Premium Features''' - Features that are only available if one owns the DLC
|freefeature1= '''Free Features''' - Features that are available to everyone
|supportfeature1= '''Supporting Features''' - Features that expand the platform
|gallery1= arma3 dlc zeus screenshot 1.jpg
|gallery2= arma3 dlc zeus screenshot 2.jpg
|gallery3= arma3 dlc zeus screenshot 3.jpg
|gallery4= arma3 dlc zeus screenshot 4.jpg
|trailer= 5JiXznUyldM
|dlcs= [[File:arma3 zeus logo.png|200px|link= Arma 3 Zeus]] [[File:arma3 karts logo.png|200px|link= Arma 3 Karts]]
|start1= [[Arma 3 Field Manual - Zeus|Field Manual]]
|start2= [[Curator|Zeus Editing]]
|start3= [ Bohemia Interactive Forums - Zeus]
|start4= [ Bohemia Interactive Forums - Zeus Editing]
|start5= [ Official Site]
|social1= [ {{arma3}} on YouTube]
|isDLC= y

== Template ==
|image = dayz_store_logo.jpg
<spoiler text="Show template">
|intro = The post-soviet country of Chernarus is struck by an unknown virus, turning the majority population into frenzied infected. Fighting over resources has bred a hostile mentality among survivors, driving what’s left of humanity to collapse. You are one of the few immune to the virus - how far will you go to survive?
<syntaxhighlight lang="handlebars">

===This is DayZ, this is your story===
== Example ==
DayZ is an unforgiving, authentic, open-world sandbox online game where each one of 60 players on a server follows a single goal - to survive as long as they can, by all means necessary. There are no superficial tips, waypoints, built-in tutorials or help given to you. Every decision matters - with no save games, and no extra lives, every mistake can be lethal. If you fail, you lose everything and start over.
See [[Special:WhatLinksHere/{{FULLPAGENAME}} | pages using this template]].
Scavenging for supplies and roaming the open world never feels safe in DayZ, as you never know what's behind the next corner. Hostile player interactions, or simply just struggling through severe weather can easily turn into intense, nerve-racking moments where you experience very real emotions. On the other hand, meeting with another friendly survivor in DayZ can lead to a true friendship that lasts a lifetime...
Your choices and your decisions create a gameplay experience that's completely unique and unequivocally personal - unmatched by any other multiplayer game out there. This is DayZ, this is your story.
|feature1 = Detailed, authentic backdrop of Chernarus, an open world terrain featuring '''230 square kilometers''' of hand-crafted environment based on real-life locations.
|feature2 = Real emotional experience driven by the emergent interactions of '''60 players on the server''', all fighting for survival by any means necessary.
|feature3 = Wide variety of '''complex survival mechanics''' - from hunting and crafting, through sophisticated injury simulation, to transferable diseases.
|feature4 = Persistent servers with complex loot economy, and the '''ability to build improvised bases'''.
|feature5 = Environmental dangers including the infected, dynamic weather, and animal predators
|feature6 = Visceral, authentic gunplay, and melee combat systems.
|feature7 = Smooth and reactive character controller utilizing a detailed animation system.
|feature8 = Rewarding and authentic experience of driving vehicles for travel and material transport.
|feature9 = Robust technology platform featuring '''modules of Bohemia's new Enfusion Engine'''.
|feature10 = Seamless network synchronization and '''significantly improved game performance'''.
|feature11 = A platform fully open to user-created content, offering the same toolset that we use for actual game development.
|gallery1 = dayz_1.jpg
|gallery2 = dayz_2.jpg
|gallery3 = dayz_3.jpg
|gallery4 = dayz_4.jpg
|gallery5 = dayz_5.jpg


Revision as of 17:18, 7 December 2023



  • image: image displayed on the top right
  • game: (Optional, default empty) DLC introduction - see Template:GVI
  • version: (Optional, default "?") DLC introduction - see Template:GVI
  • EAdate: (Optional, default empty) Early Access date, format yyyymmdd
  • releasedate: (Optional, default empty) release date, format yyyymmdd
  • enddate: (Optional, default empty) end date, format yyyymmdd
  • latestversion: (Optional, default empty) latest version, displayed as is (no "v" prefix)
  • size: (Optional, default 250) size of image in px
  • intro: a short summary of what the game is about
  • feature#: (Optional) a list of features (# in range 1..10)
  • premfeature#: (Optional) a list of premium content (# in range 1..10)
  • freefeature#: (Optional) a list of free content (# in range 1..10)
  • supportfeature#: (Optional) a list of supporting content (# in range 1..10)
  • gallery#: (Optional) images displayed at the bottom of the page (# in range 1..10)
  • trailer: (Optional) id of the YouTube video to be displayed - see Template:Youtube
  • dlcs: (Optional) available DLCs
  • start#: (Optional) a list with "getting started" pages (# in range 1..7)
  • social#: (Optional) links to social media (# in range 1..5)
  • isDLC: (Optional, default n) enter y if it is a DLC. This will prevent Category: Projects from being added to the page
  • The template will automatically remove TOC and section edit links
  • The page is automatically added to the Projects category (if not a DLC)
  • The page is automatically added to Introduced with version xxx pages (if a DLC)


Code Result


Please add some introductory text!

|image= arma3 zeus logo.png
|game= arma3
|version= 1.16
|releasedate= 2014-02-13
|intro= Zeus is a Free DLC for {{arma3}} that was announced on 13th February 2014 and is available since 10th April 2014. [...]
|feature1= '''Basic Features''' - Some basic features. (Leave empty if Premium Content, Free Content and Supporting Content are used)
|premfeature1= '''Premium Features''' - Features that are only available if one owns the DLC
|freefeature1= '''Free Features''' - Features that are available to everyone
|supportfeature1= '''Supporting Features''' - Features that expand the platform
|gallery1= arma3 dlc zeus screenshot 1.jpg
|gallery2= arma3 dlc zeus screenshot 2.jpg
|gallery3= arma3 dlc zeus screenshot 3.jpg
|gallery4= arma3 dlc zeus screenshot 4.jpg
|trailer= 5JiXznUyldM
|dlcs= [[File:arma3 zeus logo.png|200px|link= Arma 3 Zeus]] [[File:arma3 karts logo.png|200px|link= Arma 3 Karts]]
|start1= [[Arma 3 Field Manual - Zeus|Field Manual]]
|start2= [[Curator|Zeus Editing]]
|start3= [ Bohemia Interactive Forums - Zeus]
|start4= [ Bohemia Interactive Forums - Zeus Editing]
|start5= [ Official Site]
|social1= [ {{arma3}} on YouTube]
|isDLC= y
arma3 zeus logo.png
Introduced with: Arma 3 logo black.png1.16
Released: Feb 13, 2014


Zeus is a Free DLC for Arma 3 that was announced on 13th February 2014 and is available since 10th April 2014. [...]


  • Basic Features - Some basic features. (Leave empty if Premium Content, Free Content and Supporting Content are used)

Premium Content

  • Premium Features - Features that are only available if one owns the DLC

Free Content

  • Free Features - Features that are available to everyone

Supporting Content

  • Supporting Features - Features that expand the platform



arma3 zeus logo.png arma3 karts logo.png

Getting Started

Social Media


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See pages using this template.