Weapon Components – Arma Reforger

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== SCR_WeaponStatsManagerComponent ==
The SCR_WeaponStatsManagerComponent is a base component applied to weapons, allowing them to be modified by attachments like bayonets and silencers, which change both global and muzzle-specific stats. This component can be extended by mods to introduce additional moddable weapon attributes.
More info can be found on [[Arma Reforger:Weapon Stats-Modifing Attachments|Weapon Stats-Modifing Attachments]] page
{| class="wikitable"
! Param
! Type
! Unit
! Description
===== Enabled =====
| ''bool''
|Determines if components is active or not
== SCR_WeaponAttachmentsStorageComponent ==
== SCR_WeaponAttachmentsStorageComponent ==

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''Inherits from BaseItemAnimationComponent''
''Inherits from BaseItemAnimationComponent''
Exposes following variables to be used in animation
* TriggerPulled (bool) - Indicates if weapon's trigger is pulled
* Firing (bool) - Indicates if weapon is currently firing
* State (int) - Represents the firemode state
* SightElevation (float) - Controls weapon sight elevation/zeroing
* Cocked (bool) - Indicates if weapon's hammer is cocked
* Empty (bool) - Indicates if weapon barrel is empty
* LastBullet (bool) - Indicates if last bullet is in the weapon
* Bipod (bool) - Indicates if bipod is deployed
* BipodPitch (float) - Bipod pitch angle
* BipodYaw (float) - Bipod yaw angle
* BipodRoll (float) - Bipod roll angle
* OpenBoltState (bool) - Indicates bolt position state
Additionally, following commands are exposed
# [[Arma Reforger:Animation Editor: Character Action Commands|CMD_Weapon_Reload]] - Controls reload animations
# CMD_Weapon_MagRelease - Controls magazine release animations (not used anywhere)
# CMD_Weapon_OpenCover - Controls weapon cover opening animations (was used on MG, currently not functional)
# CMD_Weapon_Unfold - Controls weapon folding/unfolding animations (used on LAW)
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Param
! Param
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| ''array of classes''
| ''array of classes''
| Only visible when Auto Variables Bind is set to false
| Variables which should be additionally bind to weapon animation graph. Only visible when Auto Variables Bind is set to false
Line 1,078: Line 1,119:
| ''class''
| ''class''
| MeshesVisibilitySwitchConfig
| MeshesVisibilitySwitchConfig
| Animation commands to be synchronized with character graph
| Animation commands to be synchronised with character graph
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=== Weapon Obstruction ===
=== Weapon Obstruction ===

This section contains various parameter related to procedural animations played when weapon is obstructed by some obstacle.
This category contains properties that control how the weapon handles obstruction when the character is in close proximity to objects in the environment. These settings affect how the weapon and character respond to obstructions to prevent clipping and enhance authenticity .
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Param
! Type
! Unit
! Description
!Default value
===== Should Handle Obstruction =====
===== Should Handle Obstruction =====  
| ''bool''
| Should weapon obstruction be handled with current weapon in hands?
|Determines whether the weapon should handle obstruction when equipped. If set to '''''true,''''' obstruction handling is enabled for this weapon.
===== Ik Obstruction Enabled =====
===== Obstruction Test Character Offset =====  
| ''bool''
|<code>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)</code>
|Specifies an offset from the character's reference point (usually the neck) to the weapon handling point. This offset is used during obstruction tests to accurately represent the weapon's position relative to the character.
| Should weapon obstruction be handled by applying IK offset to obstruction pose from SwayModifier?
===== Obstruction Test Added Length =====
|Defines additional length added to the end of the obstruction test ray (which extends from the character's reference point plus any offsets). This accounts for extra distance beyond the weapon's length that should be considered during obstruction tests.
===== Obstruction Test Character Offset =====
===== Obstruction Max Torso Z Offset =====  
| ''vector''
|Specifies the maximum distance along the Z-axis (forward/backward direction) that the character's torso can move back when in significant or full obstruction. During slight obstruction, the torso position is smoothly interpolated up to this maximum value. This prevents the weapon from clipping through objects by adjusting the character's posture.
| Offset from character obstruction reference point (neck), to weapon handling point
===== Sign Obstr Weapon Constant Offset =====
|<code>(0.1, -0.25, -0.1)</code>
|'''''Significant Obstruction Weapon Constant Offset'''''
Sets a base offset for the weapon's position when in significant obstruction. This constant offset is applied via Inverse Kinematics (IK) to reposition the weapon appropriately when obstructions are detected.
|'''Slight Obstr Weapon Max Z Offset'''
===== Obstruction Test Added Length =====
| ''float''
| Offset from trace endpoint (character reference point + character offset + weapon length) that will be include in obstruction test.
|'''''Slight Obstruction Weapon Max Z Offset'''''
Specifies the maximum distance along the Z-axis that the weapon can be moved back via IK during maximum slight obstruction. The weapon's position is smoothly interpolated up to this maximum value based on the level of obstruction.
===== Obstruction Test Breaking Threshold =====
===== Sign Obstr Max Weapon Z Offset =====  
| ''float''
| Maximum distance of weapon translation from obstacle before applying obstruction
|'''''Significant Obstruction Max Weapon Z Offset'''''
Specifies the maximum distance along the Z-axis that the weapon can be moved back via IK during maximum significant obstruction. This provides additional repositioning for more severe obstructions.
===== Obstruction Alpha Threshold =====
===== Can Go to Full Obstruction =====  
| ''float''
| Obstruction alpha after which weapon will be considered fully obstructed, which will prevent it from firing for example
|Determines whether the weapon can enter a full obstruction state. If set to <code>false</code>, the weapon will not go into full obstruction regardless of how much it clips into objects, potentially allowing firing but causing visual clipping.
===== Obstruction Test BB Scale =====
===== Obstruction Test BB Scale =====  
| ''vector''
|<code>(0.05, 0.05, 0.025)</code>
| Scale to apply to weapon bounding box when performing obstruction
|Determines the scale applied to the weapon's bounding box during obstruction tests. Adjusting this scale changes the sensitivity of obstruction detection by effectively altering the size of the weapon's collision volume used in tests.
Only bounding box of model defined in Mesh Object component is used, meaning if you have modular weapon where stock is attachment that is extending the size of the weapon, then you should consider adjusting this bounding box parameter.

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{{GameCategory|armaR|Modding|Assets|Weapon Creation|Tutorials}}

Latest revision as of 13:32, 26 February 2025

Slot Classes


Param Type Unit Description

Pivot ID

string Name of Pivot ID. This list is populated by bones and empty object from the mesh. Please note that sometimes that list might be empty, even though mesh has bones. In such situation it is enough to go to another component and then get back to it again.


vector meters Offset from the origin


vector degrees Orientation around axes


Inherits from PointInfo

Requires name

Param Type Unit Description

Auto Transform

bool If this option is set to true, then attached prefab will move with parent object

Child Pivot ID

string Offset defined by child node



resource .et Name of the resource which should be attached to parent object

Disable Physics Interaction

bool Should attached object not collide with any parent

Inherit Parent Skeleton

bool Should attached object inherit parent skeleton

Activate Physics On Detaching

bool Should physics be activated when entity is detached from slot?

Deactivate Physics On Attaching

bool Should physics be deactivated when entity is atached to slot?


Inherits from EntitySlotInfo

Param Type Unit Description


string editor only human readable name of the slot. Has no effect on the functionality whatsoever


Inherits from InventoryStorageSlot

Param Type Unit Description

Allowed Item Types

array of strings Item types that are allowed to be attached to current slot (see ECommonItemType enum for possible values)

Affected By Occluders

array of strings Loadout ocluder types that disable item in this slot

Animated Mesh Reference

resource xob In case of entity owner have changeable mesh at runtime, setting animated mesh reference allows you to configure alternative state of slot transformation


Inherits from EquipmentStorageSlot


Inherits from InventoryStorageSlot

Param Type Unit Description


integer Area this item is assigned to. Available options:
  • None
  • HeadCover
  • FaceCover
  • Jacket
  • Vest
  • Pants
  • Boots
  • Cover
  • Backpack
  • Attachment1
  • Attachment2
  • Attachment3
  • Attachment4
  • Attachment5
  • Attachment6
  • Attachment7
  • Attachment8

Meshes To Hide

array of strings Array of meshes which should be hidden when this item is equipped. List of meshes can be obtained by looking at the base body Meshes section under LOD settings


Inherits from EntitySlotInfo

Param Type Unit Description

Register Actions

bool register actions (defined in ActionsManagerComponent) to parent entity

Register Damage

bool register damage to parent entity

Register Controllers

bool register controllers to parent entity

Register Weapons

bool register weapons to parent entity

Register Compartments

bool register compartments (defined in SCR_BaseCompartmentManagerComponent) to parent entity

Register Lights

bool register lights (defined in BaseLightManagerComponent) to parent entity


Inherits from PointInfo


Inherits from PointInfo

Param Type Unit Description

Projection Offset

float Projection offset from PointInfo target transform

Projection Rotation

vector Projection rotation around PointInfo target transform

Far Plane

float Far plane - maximum distance for decal projection box


float Stretch of decal


float Scale


float Decal lifetime, value <= 0 is indeffinite

Create On Init

bool Create this decal on entity init

Debug Draw

bool Enable debug


resource emat Decal material


Inherits fromEntitySlotInfo


Inherits fromEntitySlotInfo

Param Type Unit Description

Light Type

Light Side

Emissive On Multiplier

Emissive Off Multiplier

Configurations Override

UI Info Classes


Param Type Unit Description


string Name to be displayed in player UI


string Description text to be displayed in player UI


resource Resource for icon to be displayed in player UI


Inherits parameters from WeaponUIInfo & UIInfo

Param Type Unit Description

Icon Ammo Type


Ammo Type

Magazine type (AP, Tracer, Ball, ...). Used for Weapon Info UI.

Show Ammo Type Text

Show ammo type extra text next to ammo type icon(s) in Weapon Info UI.

Ammo Type Flags

Set magazine ammo type flags


Inherits parameters from UIInfo

Show Caliber


Ammo Caliber

string Magazine ammunition caliber

Ammo Type

string Magazine type (AP, Tracer, Ball, ...). Used for Weapon Info UI.

Show Ammo Type Text

bool Show ammo type extra text next to ammo type icon(s) in Weapon Info UI.

Ammo Type Flags

Set magazine ammo type flags

Mag Indicator



Inherits parameters from UIInfo

Param Type Unit Description

Show Caliber

bool Show caliber indicator in weapon UI.


string Caliber identification, e.g. 7.62×39mm

Firemode Icon Imageset

resource imageset Imageset with most of weapon info textures

Firemode Glow Imageset

resource Imageset with most of weapon info textures

Firemode Single

string Name of the icon representing single fire mode in Firemode Icon Imageset

Firemode Burst

string Name of the icon representing burst fire mode in Firemode Icon Imageset

Firemode Auto

string Name of the icon representing full auto fire mode in Firemode Icon Imageset

Firemode Safty

string Name of the icon representing safe mode in Firemode Icon Imageset

Mag Indicator


Inherits parameters from UIInfo

Param Type Unit Description
Name Upper string Name of the faction in upper case


Inherits parameters from UIInfo

Param Type Unit Description

Show Weapon Name

string Show weapon name indicator in weapon UI

Mag Indicator


General components


This component is responsible for various interactions like picking up the weapon or some special interactions (custom action for i.e. folding iron sights)


Ideally, weapon should have some kind of mesh

  • Object - path to weapon model


Component responsible for physic simulation (including interactions) of the weapon. Requires MeshObject with at least one collider. Weapon should ideally have collision

  • Layer Preset - should be empty
  • Model Geometry - should be checked - to use colliders in weapon model


Enables entity hierarchy (required by RplComponent)


Can be used for controlling values by animations, sounds, UI, particles and so on.

  • Doesn't require any extra configuration for weapon


Enables proper replication of this entity over network

Weapon related components


Component responsible for muzzle flash effects. On weapons, scripted version (SCR_MuzzleEffectComponent) should be used

Param Type Unit Description
Auto Update
bool Should be updated independently of the component?
Attach To Parent
bool Should be attached to parent entity
Emitter Entity Class
resource (.et) Entity class to be spawned, it will have particle effect as visual object
Particle Effect
resource (.ptc) Particle effect
Effect Orient Up
bool Should effect be oriented Y up (true) or using parent entity normal (false)?
Enabled On Dedicated Server
bool Should the effect works on a dedicated server?
Effect Position
EntitySlotInfo Position from which particle effect will originate
Reset On Fire
bool Resets emitter when muzzle is fired


Defines muzzle flash particle effects (.ptc) and its effects

Should be child of of MuzzleComponent

Inherits from MuzzleEffectComponent

Muzzle Flash

Param Type Unit Description
vector color Color of muzzle flash effect
Radius Of Flash
float Radius of muzzle flash effect
float LV of muzzle flash effect
EV Clip
float EVClip of muzzle flash effect
bool Should muzzle effect cast shadows
Max Time Of Flash
float seconds Maximumum time of muzzle flash effect
vector Offset of light from muzzle flash origin


Component responsible for simpler (compared to SCR_MuzzleEffectComponent) particle effects when muzzle is being fired. Used for spent case effects and gun barrel smoke.

Should be child of of MuzzleComponent

Inherits from MuzzleEffectComponent

Param Type Unit Description
Water Surface
float Surface value for water
Has Sound
bool Should the effect trigger sound?


Defines melee attack properties of the weapon


Param Type Unit Description
float Size of damage dealt by the weapon
float meters Range of the weapon
Execution Time
float seconds How long it takes to execute the attack

Hit detection

Param Type Unit Description
Num Of Measurements
integer Number of measurements in frame
Collision Probes Pos
array of vectors List of coords where the collision probes will be placed (related to model)
Num Of Failed Probes Tolerance
integer Number of failed probes check that cause the attack will be canceled immediately


The SCR_WeaponStatsManagerComponent is a base component applied to weapons, allowing them to be modified by attachments like bayonets and silencers, which change both global and muzzle-specific stats. This component can be extended by mods to introduce additional moddable weapon attributes.

More info can be found on Weapon Stats-Modifing Attachments page

Param Type Unit Description
bool Determines if components is active or not


Defines inventory properties of the weapon like display name, size, preview image and also weapon IK pose

Param Type Unit Description
class SCR_ItemAttributeCollection Class containing various item attributes
Wb Placement From Attributes
When placing item in world editor, respect properties specified in ItemAttributeCollection (listed in Attributes class)
integer Storage priority
Storage Purpose
array of bools Storage usage purpose
Use Capacity Coefficient
bool Use item volume coefficient for capacity
Capacity Coefficient
flooat Ammount of item volume to be considered as allowed cumulative capacity. Only visible when Use Capacity Coefficient is set to true
Max Cumulative Volume
float cm^3 Maximum cumulative volume capacity in cm^3. Only visible when Use Capacity Coefficient is set to false
Max Item Size
float cm^3 Maximum allowed item size (item can be rotated) cm^3 Only visible when Use Capacity Coefficient is set to false


Param Type Unit Description
Item Display Name
class MagazineUIInfo UI related attributes
Item Phys Attributes
class ItemPhysicalAttributes Physical attributes
Item Animation Attributes
class ItemAnimationAttributes Animation attributes
Custom Attributes
array of classes Item specific attributes can be set here
Common Item Type
enum Common item type identifier. Available options:
  • NONE
  • AMMO
  • FOOD
enum Slot size. Available options:
  • SLOT_1x1
  • SLOT_2x1
  • SLOT_2x2
  • SLOT_3x3
Slot Type
enum Slot type. Available options:
bool Sets item movable by drag'n'drop


Provides (signals) connection to sound engine

Param Type Unit Description
bool Should this component be muted by default?
array of resources List of audio projects which are assigned to this asset
On Frame Update
bool Enable/disable on-frame updating of the component
Script Callbacks
bool Callbacks for scripted methods
Distance Management
bool Updating sounds and ability to play them automatically enabled or disabled based on their distance from camera
Include Inactive
bool Distance management for inactive component
Sound Points
array of classes SountPointInfo Array of custom of sound position. With this parameter it is possible to specify place from which the sound will be played


General weapon animation components (includes weapon related animations for characters)

Should be child of of WeaponComponent

Inherits from BaseItemAnimationComponent

Exposes following variables to be used in animation

  • TriggerPulled (bool) - Indicates if weapon's trigger is pulled
  • Firing (bool) - Indicates if weapon is currently firing
  • State (int) - Represents the firemode state
  • SightElevation (float) - Controls weapon sight elevation/zeroing
  • Cocked (bool) - Indicates if weapon's hammer is cocked
  • Empty (bool) - Indicates if weapon barrel is empty
  • LastBullet (bool) - Indicates if last bullet is in the weapon
  • Bipod (bool) - Indicates if bipod is deployed
  • BipodPitch (float) - Bipod pitch angle
  • BipodYaw (float) - Bipod yaw angle
  • BipodRoll (float) - Bipod roll angle
  • OpenBoltState (bool) - Indicates bolt position state

Additionally, following commands are exposed

  1. CMD_Weapon_Reload - Controls reload animations
  2. CMD_Weapon_MagRelease - Controls magazine release animations (not used anywhere)
  3. CMD_Weapon_OpenCover - Controls weapon cover opening animations (was used on MG, currently not functional)
  4. CMD_Weapon_Unfold - Controls weapon folding/unfolding animations (used on LAW)
Param Type Unit Description
Anim Graph
resource Animation graph resource
Anim Instance
resource Animation graph instance
Start Node
string Node where to start from
Always Active
bool Should component be always active? Otherwise will be active only when synced with Character.
Anim Injection
class AnimationAttachmentInfo Character animation injection to be set to character's anim graph attachment node
Bind With Injection
bool Bind commands only when character injection is setup
Auto Command Bind
bool Automatically Bind all commands from template
Anim Commands To Bind
array of classes Only visible when Auto Command Bind is set to false
Auto Variables Bind
bool Automatically Bind all variables from template
Anim Variables To Bind
array of classes Variables which should be additionally bind to weapon animation graph. Only visible when Auto Variables Bind is set to false
Mesh Visibility Configuration
class MeshesVisibilitySwitchConfig Animation commands to be synchronised with character graph
Rest On Deactivation
bool On component deactivation, should the internal animation state be reset and the base pose applied?
Simulate On Headless
bool Should we simulate current animations on headless builds?
Deactivation Delay
float Delay before animations go to sleep when inactive state was requested


Param Type Unit Description
Anim Graph
resource Animation graph name
Anim Instance
resource Animation graph instance
Start Node
string Node where to start from
Binding Name
string Binding name in root graph


GameComponet responsible for sights mechanics (like weapon ironsights)

Should be child of of MuzzleComponent

Has two special actions in context menu available after clicking on Component name with Right Mouse Button:

  • Process zeroing data
  • Toggle sight point diag


Param Type Unit Description
Sights Positions
class PointInfo Position of the aiming down sight camera. Usually "eye" Pivot ID is used
Sights Ranges
array SightRangeInfo Zeroing Range, Rotation and Translation
Sights Ranges Default Index
Sights FOV Info
class SCR_FixedFOVInfo Field of View defining info object
Sights Point Front
class PointInfo The sight point further from the character's eye
Sights Point Rear
class PointInfo The sight point closer to the character's eye
ADS Time
float seconds Time to ADS in seconds
ADS Update Owner Activate State
bool Activate/Deactivate owner on ADS
Camera Recoil Amount
float Percentage of recoil applied to camera (0-300%)


Param Type Unit Description
Sound Int
integer Value of corresponding sound signal when sight is used.


Param Type Unit Description
Field Of View
float degrees Fixed field of view in degrees


Param Type Unit Description
integer Range information (x = animation value, y = range in meters)
Weapon Position
class PointInfo ADS camera position adjustments for this Range


For attaching various attachment on weapon (scopes, flashlights, etc.).

Should be child component of WeaponComponent (for weapon related accessories like scopes, flashlights, etc) or MuzzleComponent (for muzzle related attachments like suppressors)

Param Type Unit Description
Attachment Slot
class Defines position of the attachment
Attachment Type
class Object which specifies compatibility.


General weapon components.

Has two special actions in context menu available after clicking on Component name with Right Mouse Button:

  • Process zeroing data
  • Toggle sight point diag

Weapon Obstruction

This category contains properties that control how the weapon handles obstruction when the character is in close proximity to objects in the environment. These settings affect how the weapon and character respond to obstructions to prevent clipping and enhance authenticity .

Param Type Default value Unit Description
Should Handle Obstruction
bool true Determines whether the weapon should handle obstruction when equipped. If set to true, obstruction handling is enabled for this weapon.
Obstruction Test Character Offset
vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) m Specifies an offset from the character's reference point (usually the neck) to the weapon handling point. This offset is used during obstruction tests to accurately represent the weapon's position relative to the character.
Obstruction Test Added Length
float 0.0 m Defines additional length added to the end of the obstruction test ray (which extends from the character's reference point plus any offsets). This accounts for extra distance beyond the weapon's length that should be considered during obstruction tests.
Obstruction Max Torso Z Offset
float 0.15 m Specifies the maximum distance along the Z-axis (forward/backward direction) that the character's torso can move back when in significant or full obstruction. During slight obstruction, the torso position is smoothly interpolated up to this maximum value. This prevents the weapon from clipping through objects by adjusting the character's posture.
Sign Obstr Weapon Constant Offset
vector (0.1, -0.25, -0.1) m Significant Obstruction Weapon Constant Offset

Sets a base offset for the weapon's position when in significant obstruction. This constant offset is applied via Inverse Kinematics (IK) to reposition the weapon appropriately when obstructions are detected.

Slight Obstr Weapon Max Z Offset float 0.05 m Slight Obstruction Weapon Max Z Offset

Specifies the maximum distance along the Z-axis that the weapon can be moved back via IK during maximum slight obstruction. The weapon's position is smoothly interpolated up to this maximum value based on the level of obstruction.

Sign Obstr Max Weapon Z Offset
float 0.2 m Significant Obstruction Max Weapon Z Offset

Specifies the maximum distance along the Z-axis that the weapon can be moved back via IK during maximum significant obstruction. This provides additional repositioning for more severe obstructions.

Can Go to Full Obstruction
bool true Determines whether the weapon can enter a full obstruction state. If set to false, the weapon will not go into full obstruction regardless of how much it clips into objects, potentially allowing firing but causing visual clipping.
Obstruction Test BB Scale
vector (0.05, 0.05, 0.025) % Determines the scale applied to the weapon's bounding box during obstruction tests. Adjusting this scale changes the sensitivity of obstruction detection by effectively altering the size of the weapon's collision volume used in tests.

Only bounding box of model defined in Mesh Object component is used, meaning if you have modular weapon where stock is attachment that is extending the size of the weapon, then you should consider adjusting this bounding box parameter.

Camera Impact

Param Type Unit Description
Sights Camera Roll Scaler
float Recoil Roll (angular Z rotation) camera scaler, 0 allowed


Param Type Unit Description
Sound Int
integer Value of corresponding sound signal when weapon is hold


Param Type Unit Description
Signals Source Access
Use Aiming Type
string Defines which aiming component will be used

Available options:

  • None
  • Weapon
  • MainTurret
  • TargetingPod
Is Throwable
bool Is this weapon a throwable item (like grenade)?
Weapon Type
string Defines how AI will recognize this weapon.

Available options:

  • None
  • Rifle
  • GrenadeLauncher
  • SniperRifle
  • RocketLauncher
  • MachineGun
  • Handgun
  • FragGrenade
  • SmokeGrenade
UI Info
class WeaponUIInfo
Weapon Slot Type
string Weapon slot type
Weapon Offset
vector Linear offset of weapon when held
Weapon Offset ADS
vector Linear offset of weapon when aiming
Can Be On Sling
bool Should current weapon be allowed to be placed on sling?


Responsible for "firing" part of weapon, has definition of muzzle, fire modes, magazine compatibility (magwells), magazine position, recoil, spread and sway

Should be child component of one of the WeaponComponent


Param Type Unit Description
Magazine Well
class This parameter defines Magazine Well class of muzzle. All magazines which are also using same Magazine Well class (or one parented to it) will be usable in this muzzle
Magazine Template
resource This parameter defines which magazine prefab is pre-attached to weapon. If you want to have no magazine attached to weapon by default, leave this parameter empty
Magazine Position
class InventoryStorageSlot Defines where magazines are attached. Usually Pivot ID "slot_magazine" is used and Child Pivot ID "snap_weapon"

Weapon moddifiers

Param Type Unit Description
Weapon Aim Modifiers
array of classes ...AimModifier classes
Bullet Init Speed Coef
float coefficient How much this muzzle changes initial speed of bullet. F.e. longer barrels achieve higher velocity.
Dispersion Diameter
float meters Diameter of dispersion cone at Dispersion Range.
Dispersion Range
float meters Distance from target where Dispersion Diameter is being measured

Fire Modes

Param Type Unit Description
Fire Modes

array of classes


Array of weapon fire modes


Param Type Unit Description
Max Burst
float rounds Max amount of bullets that will be fired one after another when trigger is pressed. Behavior is further defined by Burst Type parameter
Burst Type
string Only visible when Max Burst is above 0

Available options

  • Uninterruptable - Burst cannot be interrupted - after pressing the fire button, weapon will fire exactly as many bullets as it is specified by Max Burst parameter (unless magazine will run out of ammo
  • Interruptable - Weapon will file as many rounds as defined in Max Burst as long as trigger is pressed. Weapon will have burst memory
  • InterruptableAndReseting - As above but without burst memory
Max Salvo
float rounds Amount of bullets fired at once after pressing trigger once
Rounds Per Minute
float rounds per minute Cyclic rate of fire of weapon in rounds per minute
UI Name
string UI Name - unused