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{{Command|= Comments
#REDIRECT [[createUnit]]
| arma |= Game name
|1.00|= Game version
| Creates a unit (person) of the given type (type is a name of a subclass of [[CfgVehicles]]) and makes it a member of the given group. If the markers array contains several marker names, the position of a random one is used. Otherwise, the given position is used. The unit is placed inside a circle with this position as its center and placement as its radius.
Special properties can be: "NONE" and "FORM".  |= Description
| [[Object]]<nowiki>=</nowiki> group '''createUnit''' ["type", position, markers, placement, "special"] |= Syntax
|p1= group: [[Group]] |= Parameter 1
|p2= type: [[String]] "classname" |= Parameter 2
|p3= position: [[Array]] in [[position]] format |= Parameter 3
|p4= markers: [[Array]] | Paramater 4
|p5= placement: [[Number]]. Radius
special: [[String]] |= Parameter 5
| [[Object]] |= Return value
|x1 = <code> unit <nowiki>=</nowiki> group [[player]] createUnit ["SoldierWB", [[position]] [[player]], [], 0, "FORM"]  </code>
|  |= See also
<h3 style="display:none">Notes</h3>
<dl class="command_description">
<!-- Note Section BEGIN -->
Although this command takes a group as an argument, you need to use the [[join]] command if you want the created units to perform actions such as [[move]].  For example:-
<code> [[comment]] "Create a new soldier within 100m of the player and cause them to run towards the player" ;
_grp = [[createGroup]] [[west]];
unit = _grp [[createUnit]] ["SoldierWB", [[position]] [[player]], [], 100, "FORM"] ; 
[unit] [[join]] _grp ;
unit [[move]] [[position]] [[player]] ;
However, some commands such as [[setUnitPos]] only work if run before the [[join]].
<!-- Note Section END -->
<h3 style="display:none">Bottom Section</h3>
[[Category:Scripting Commands|CREATEUNITGROUP]]
[[Category:Scripting Commands ArmA|CREATEUNITGROUP]]

Latest revision as of 10:39, 30 August 2016

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