server.armaprofile: Difference between revisions

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m (fixed see also)
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* [[ArmA: Server configuration|Server Configuration]]
* [[ArmA: Server configuration|Server Configuration]]
* [[Arma_3_Difficulty_Menu|Difficulty Menu]]
* [[Arma_3_Difficulty_Menu|Difficulty Menu]]
* [[Armed Assault:Dedicated Server]]
* [[Operation Flashpoint:Dedicated Server]]
[[Armed Assault:Dedicated Server]]
[[Operation Flashpoint:Dedicated Server]]

[[Category:Startup Parameters]]
[[Category:Startup Parameters]]

Revision as of 15:28, 16 September 2019



This article deals with the server.armaprofile, describing all the visual and difficulty settings in ArmA, like friendly and enemy AI quality, HUD, crosshair, 3rd person view, clock indicator and so on.


Game Extension
Arma .ArmAProfile
Arma 2 .ArmA2Profile
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead .ArmA2OAProfile
Arma 3 .Arma3Profile


The file's location is different on each operating system:


The default profile named after the system user can be found at:

  • XP EN: C:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\My Files\ArmA
  • XP DE: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\%UserName%\Eigene Dateien\ArmA
  • Vista/Win7/8/10: C:\Users\%UserName%\Documents\ArmA

User created profiles with a different naming are found at:

  • XP EN: C:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\My Files\ArmA Other Profiles
  • XP DE: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\%UserName%\Eigene Dateien\ArmA Other Profiles
  • Vista/Win7/8/10: C:\Users\%UserName%\Documents\Arma - Other Profiles

Profile name

In there is a folder and within filename based on your profile name:


You can define the profile to be loaded with the -name parameter.

Define a different location

You can specify the location by using the -profiles parameter.

For example start the server with

arma_server.exe -profiles=D:\ArmA\Users\ -name=server

You can find your file in



The name depends upon the -name parameter when starting the Arma server. Having started the server with "./server -name=server" (-profiles seems to be useless on Linux) you'll find it as a subfolder of your arma-server directory, for example "/usr/home/arma-server/server/server.armaprofile".

If you're not using the -name parameter, the default name "player" will be used and you'll find the Arma profile in player/player.armaprofile.

Example Configuration File

The server has less values compared to a client version.



Arma 2

This is how the default difficulty settings part of the server's .arma2profile file would look:

Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

Arma 3

Since 1.58:
One of the main changes that came with 1.58 is that the difficulty levels were transformed to true presets (Recruit, Regular, Veteran).
Each preset has exactly defined value for each difficulty option. If any of the options doesn't match the preset, the preset is changed to Custom. The particular flags stored in profile are only for the Custom preset, since Recruit, Regular and Veteran are fixed ones and predefined in game's data in CfgDifficultyPresets config class.

Server difficulty profile example:

See Also