Hendo/Sandbox – User

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== Example Scripts ==
== Example Scripts ==
=== Tail Camera (with Bank) ===
Note the reciprocal math:
#include "\vbs2\headers\function_library.hpp"
If (local rex) then {
fgh2050 animate ["Trunk",1];
//fgh2050 action ["OpenTrunk", fgh2050];
_forever = true;
_locationPosition = GetPos fgh2050;
_cam = "seagull" camCreate (position  fgh2050);
_cam cameraEffect["internal","FRONT"];
_grp = group _cam;
selectPlayer _cam;
while {(_forever)} do {
_locationPosition = fgh2050 modelToWorld [0,-4.5,1.5];
//_locationPosition = fgh2050 modelToWorld [0,5.9,2.5]; //CPG EYES
_targetPosition = fgh2050 modelToWorld [0,100,0];
_cam SetPos _locationPosition;
_fgh2050PB = fgh2050 call fn_vbs_getPitchBank;
_fgh2050Dir = getDir fgh2050;
_cam setDir _fgh2050Dir+180;
myPitch = _fgh2050PB select 0;
myBank = _fgh2050PB select 1;
myPitch = -1 * myPitch-5;
myBank = -1 * myBank;
//hint "my pitch and bank ";
//hint format["pitch %1, bank %2",myPitch, myBank];
[_cam, myPitch, myBank] call fn_vbs_setPitchBank;
_cam CamCommit 0;
sleep 0.005;
showCinemaBorder false

=== Nose Camera (with Bank) ===
=== Nose Camera (with Bank) ===
Line 131: Line 185:

=== Nose Camera (No Bank) ===
=== Nose Camera (No Bank) ===

Revision as of 08:25, 23 April 2013


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Example Scripts

Tail Camera (with Bank)

Note the reciprocal math:

#include "\vbs2\headers\function_library.hpp" 

If (local rex) then {

	fgh2050 animate ["Trunk",1];
	//fgh2050 action ["OpenTrunk", fgh2050];
	_forever = true;

	_locationPosition = GetPos fgh2050;

	_cam = "seagull" camCreate (position  fgh2050);
	_cam cameraEffect["internal","FRONT"];

	_grp = group _cam;

	selectPlayer _cam;

	while {(_forever)} do {
		_locationPosition = fgh2050 modelToWorld [0,-4.5,1.5];	
		//_locationPosition = fgh2050 modelToWorld [0,5.9,2.5];	//CPG EYES
		_targetPosition = fgh2050 modelToWorld [0,100,0];	
		_cam SetPos _locationPosition;		
		_fgh2050PB = fgh2050 call fn_vbs_getPitchBank;
		_fgh2050Dir = getDir fgh2050;
		_cam setDir _fgh2050Dir+180;
		myPitch = _fgh2050PB select 0;
		myBank = _fgh2050PB select 1;
		myPitch = -1 * myPitch-5;
		myBank = -1 * myBank;
		//hint "my pitch and bank ";
		//hint format["pitch %1, bank %2",myPitch, myBank];
		[_cam, myPitch, myBank] call fn_vbs_setPitchBank;
		_cam CamCommit 0;
		sleep 0.005;
		showCinemaBorder false


Nose Camera (with Bank)

Here's a script that will put the player on the nose of the apache.

To use:

1. Make a mission with a token player on the ground, an an apache w/ AI crew

2. Save the mission

3. Find the mission folder in My Documents/VBS2/mpmission/the_new_mission

4. Create a new sqf filed (text) named player.sqf

5. Save the file

6. In the initialization text box for the player, place:

call {apache execVM "player.sqf";}

Tested: VBS2 v1.23

Note: this script uses VBS2 functions (see header below). You may be able to modify use of the fn_vbs_setPitchBankcommand with something that works in ARMA (camSetBank).

#include "\vbs2\headers\function_library.hpp" 

_forever = true;

_locationPosition = GetPos apache;

_cam = "seagull" camCreate (position  apache);
_cam cameraEffect["internal","back"];

_grp = group _cam;

selectPlayer _cam;

while {(_forever)} do {
	//_locationPosition = apache modelToWorld [0,3.8,2.0];	//CPG EYES
	_locationPosition = apache modelToWorld [0,5.9,2.0];	//CPG EYES
	_targetPosition = apache modelToWorld [0,100,0];	
	_cam SetPos _locationPosition;		
	_apachePB = apache call fn_vbs_getPitchBank;
	_apacheDir = getDir apache;
	_cam setDir _apacheDir;
	[_cam, _apachePB select 0, _apachePB select 1] call fn_vbs_setPitchBank;
	_cam CamCommit 0;
	sleep 0.005;


Nose Camera (No Bank)

This script place a camera on the nose of an apache.

To use:

1. Make a mission with a token player on the ground, an an apache w/ AI crew

2. Save the mission

3. Find the mission folder in My Documents/VBS2/mpmission/the_new_mission

4. Create a new sqf filed (text) named apache.txt

5. Save the file

6. In the initialization text box for the apache, place:

call {apache execVM "apache.sqf";}

Tested w/ VBS2 1.23

#include "\vbs2\headers\function_library.hpp" 

_forever = true;

_locationPosition = GetPos apache;

_camera = "camera" camcreate _locationPosition;
_camera cameraEffect["internal","back"];
//_camera CamSetDir 0;
_camera CamSetFOV 1;

_camera camSetTarget _locationPosition;
//_camera CamSetPos [_locationPosition Select 0,(_locationPosition Select 1) + 2, 5];
_camera CamSetPos _locationPosition;
_camera CamSetFOV 0.7;
_camera CamCommit 0;

while {(_forever)} do {
	_locationPosition = GetPos apache;
	_locationPosition = apache modelToWorld [0,6,2];
	_targetPosition = apache modelToWorld [0,100,0];	
	_camera camsettarget _targetPosition;
	_camera CamSetPos _locationPosition;
	_camera CamCommit 0;
	sleep 0.005;



 * For the life of me I could not control the bank angle of the camera.  Tried to use CamSetBank but no dice!

UAV Shadow

_forever = true;
while {(_forever)} do {
	_pos = position player;
	_x = 100+(_pos select 0);
	_y = (_pos select 1);
	_z = 1000+(_pos select 2);
	_dest = [_x,_y,_z];
	uav_1 flyInHeight 33;	
	uav_1 setDestination [_dest, "LeaderPlanned", true];
	_wPosArray = waypoints uav_1;
	hint format ["uav has %1 waypoint..%2",(count _wPosArray), _wPosArray];
	sleep 1;



Purpose: Trigger demo


- Create a T72 platoon 
- Create an A10 team
- Create a playable USMC marine
- Create a Trigger where you want the ambush

Activator:  trigger

Author:  Henderson


//Feedback on script start
hint "Fly Started!";

_grp = group player;

//Create a tank
_myTank1 = "M1Abrams" createVehicle (position player);

//Create a driver
//See: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/VBS2:_CfgVehicles
"SquadLeaderW" createUnit [position player, _grp, "pilot = this ;"];

//Place them in the tank
pilot action ["getInDriver", _myTank1];
player action ["getInGunner", _myTank1];

//Create a tank
_myTank2 = "M1Abrams" createVehicle (position player);

//Create a driver
//See: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/VBS2:_CfgVehicles
"SquadLeaderW" createUnit [position player, _grp, "pilot2 = this ;"];
"SquadLeaderW" createUnit [position player, _grp, "gunner2 = this ;"];

//Place them in the tank
pilot2 action ["getInDriver", _myTank2];
gunner2 action ["getInGunner", _myTank2];

//Cue the A10s
hog commandMove (position player); 

Killer AH1Z


Purpose: Have A1Z engage player

Preconditions:  A1Z (snake) spawn

Activator:  snake

Author:  Henderson


Save this file in C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\VBS2\mpmissions\missionname\
Make an M1A1 and name it player
Make an AH1Z and name it snake
	- use the following initialization script for snake
	 call {player execVM "snake.sqf";}

Run like the dickens!


//Feedback on script start
hint "Snake Started!";
this flyInHeight 200; 

while {alive player} do 
	snake doMove getPos player;
	snake doTarget player;
	//hsnake selectWeapon "HellfireLauncher";
	snake doFire player;	
	sleep 1;
hint "Snake killed player!";

