Alef/Difficulties – User

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Cadet/Veteran (- is red)
Cadet/Veteran (- is red)   class Difficulties/regular or veteran/Flags
Extended armor 1 -
Extended armor 1 - Armor Gives you improved body armor, tank armor etc
Friendly TAG 1 -
Friendly TAG 1 - FriendlyTag Displays information on friendly units. ONLY WORKS WITH 'Weaponcursor=0', eg crosshair on.
Enemy TAG 0 -
Enemy TAG 0 - EnemyTag
Extended HUD info 1 1
Extended HUD info 1 1 HUD
Permanent extended HUD info 1 -
Permanent extended HUD info 1 - HUDPerm
HUD waypoints info 1 1
HUD waypoints info 1 1 HUDWp
HUD waypoints info permanently 1 1
HUD waypoints info permanently 1 1 HUDWpPerm
Auto report 1 -
Auto report 1 - AutoSpot
Extended map info 1 -
Extended map info 1 - Map
Weapond crosshair 1 1
Weapond crosshair 1 1 WeaponCursor
Auto guide AT 1 -
Auto guide AT 1 - AutoGuideAT
Clock indicator 1 1
Clock indicator 1 1 ClockIndicator
3rd person view 1 1
3rd person view 1 1 3rdPersonView
Rifle bullet tracers 1 1
Rifle bullet tracers 1 1 Tracers
Super AI 0 0
Super AI 0 0 UltraAI
Auto Aim 0 -
Auto Aim 0 - AutoAim
Unlimited saves 1 -
Unlimited saves 1 - UnlimitedSaves
KILL MSG 1 1 DeathMessages
MP SCORE 1 1 NetStats
VON ID 1 0
VON ID 1 0 VonID

Enemy units:
Enemy units:

Revision as of 13:32, 12 December 2008

Cadet/Veteran (- is red)    class Difficulties/regular or veteran/Flags
Extended armor			1 -	Armor		Gives you improved body armor, tank armor etc
Friendly TAG			1 -	FriendlyTag	Displays information on friendly units. ONLY WORKS WITH 'Weaponcursor=0', eg crosshair on.
Enemy TAG			0 -	EnemyTag	
Extended HUD info		1 1	HUD
Permanent extended HUD info	1 -	HUDPerm
HUD waypoints info		1 1	HUDWp
HUD waypoints info permanently	1 1	HUDWpPerm
Auto report			1 -	AutoSpot
Extended map info		1 -	Map
Weapond crosshair		1 1	WeaponCursor
Auto guide AT			1 -	AutoGuideAT
Clock indicator			1 1	ClockIndicator
3rd person view			1 1	3rdPersonView
Rifle bullet tracers		1 1	Tracers
Super AI			0 0	UltraAI
Auto Aim			0 -	AutoAim
Unlimited saves			1 -	UnlimitedSaves
KILL MSG			1 1	DeathMessages
MP SCORE			1 1	NetStats
VON ID				1 0	VonID

Enemy units:
Novice	0.60	-	
Normal	0.75	0.75
Expert	0.85	0.85

Friendly units:
Novice	0.60	0.60
Normal	0.75	0.75	
Expert	0.85	0.85

Subtitles enabled
Radio subtitles enabled

			Armor=1;		// Gives you improved body armor, tank armor etc
			FriendlyTag=1;		// Displays information on friendly units. ONLY WORKS WITH 'Weaponcursor=0', eg crosshair on.
			EnemyTag=1;		// Displays information on enemy units
			HUD=1;			// Shows you leaders location and your position in formation
			HUDPerm=1;		// Shows HUD permanently
			HUDWp=1;		// Shows Waypoints right after they're ordered to you
			HUDWpPerm=1;		// Shows Waypoints permanently
			WeaponCursor=1;		// Shows the crosshair for your weapon
			AutoAim=1;		// Enables auto aim when you're not looking through your weapon's scope. Also works with crosshair off
			AutoGuideAT=1;		// AT missiles will be automatically guided to their target. If 0, player has to lock onto the target.
			3rdPersonView=1;	// This turns 3rd(third) person view and group leader view on or off. Please never talk of this as "3D view" - ArmA is not an arcade game !
			ClockIndicator=1;	// Displays the clock indicator on the left of your screen when giving/receiving orders like "At 11 o'clock, eemy man at 200 meters"
			Map=1;			// Shows symbols for all objects known to your gruop on the map. This will NOT disable the map itself !
			Tracers=1;		// Displays tracers even of small arms that in real life would not have tracers
			AutoSpot=1;		// If you're close enough to an enemy, you'll report it without right-clicking
			UltraAI=0;		// Enables some kind of super AI that hears and sses more and has better tactics. This is for both friendly and enemy sides.
			UnlimitedSaves=1;	// Enables saing permanently. For single player missions. But you then can only load the last save state.
			DeathMessages=1;	// (1.09 and later) Displays "XXX was killed by YYY" messages in multiplayer
			NetStats=1;		// (1.09 and later) Enables the scoreboard functionality in MP
			VonID=1;		// (1.09 and later) When using VoN, display the name of the player speaking.
		// These are the skills. Value may range from 0.000000 to 1.000000
		skillFriendly=0.350000;		// Friendly tactics skill
		skillEnemy=0.350000;		// Enemy tactics skill
		precisionFriendly=0.350000;	// Friendly shooting precisio