Alef/Difficulties – User

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precisionEnemy    0.80  0.90 1.00 1.00
precisionEnemy    0.80  0.90 1.00 1.00

Revision as of 15:11, 15 April 2010

Extended armor			1 1 - -	Armor		Gives you improved body armor, tank armor etc
Friendly TAG			1 1 - -	FriendlyTag	Displays information on friendly units. ONLY WORKS WITH 'Weaponcursor=0', eg crosshair on.
Enemy TAG			0 0 - -	EnemyTag        Displays information on enemy units	
Extended HUD info		1 1 1 -	HUD             Shows you leaders location and your position in formation
Permanent extended HUD info	1 1 - -	HUDPerm         Shows HUD permanently
HUD waypoints info		1 1 - -	HUDWp           Shows Waypoints right after they're ordered to you
HUD waypoints info permanently	1 1 - -	HUDWpPerm       Shows Waypoints permanently
??                              1 1 0 - HUDGroupInfo    ??
Auto report			1 1 - -	AutoSpot        If you're close enough to an enemy, you'll report it without right-clicking
Extended map info		1 1 - -	Map             Shows symbols for all objects known to your gruop on the map. This will NOT disable the map itself !
Weapond crosshair		1 1 1 -	WeaponCursor    Shows the crosshair for your weapon
Auto guide AT			1 1 - -	AutoGuideAT     AT missiles will be automatically guided to their target. If 0, player has to lock onto the target
Clock indicator			1 1 - -	ClockIndicator  Displays the clock indicator on the left of your screen when giving/receiving orders like "At 11 o'clock, eemy man at 200 meters"
3rd person view			1 1 1 -	3rdPersonView   This turns 3rd(third) person view and group leader view on or off
Rifle bullet tracers		1 1 - -	Tracers         Displays tracers even of small arms that in real life would not have tracers
Super AI			0 0 0 0	UltraAI         Enables some kind of super AI that hears and sses more and has better tactics
Auto Aim			0 0 - -	AutoAim         ??
Unlimited saves			1 1 - -	UnlimitedSaves  Enables saing permanently. For single player missions. But you then can only load the last save state
KILL MSG			1 1 1 0	DeathMessages   Displays "XXX was killed by YYY" messages in multiplayer
MP SCORE			1 1 1 0	NetStats        Enables the scoreboard functionality in MP
VON ID				1 1 0 0	VonID           When using VoN, display the name of the player speaking

skillFriendly      1.00  1.00 1.00 1.00
skillEnemy         0.80  0.90 1.00 1.00
precisionFriendly  1.00  1.00 1.00 1.00
precisionEnemy     0.80  0.90 1.00 1.00